After dinner, Xie Yang stopped Qiu Xing, who was going upstairs, and said, "I'm going to H city for a few days. I have a job. I'll fly tomorrow morning."

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Qiu Xing stopped and turned. When he turned around, his expression was still very ugly, but when he turned around completely, he was calm as usual and said, "let Wu Shui follow you."

Xie Yang nodded and asked, "there are many interesting specialties in H city. Do you want any?"

"No Qiu Xing turns and goes upstairs.

Xie Yang looks at Qiu Xing leaving, thinks about it and turns to the kitchen.

On the breakfast table the next day, the fried eggs in front of Qiu Xing became two, and there were two vegetarian sandwiches in the dish next to him.

This time, Qiu Xing didn't feel pity at all. He went up with a fork and stabbed the yolk of the fried egg directly, and then ate the fried egg and sandwich without any expression.

After breakfast, Qiu Xing didn't go out to Rongding immediately. Instead, he took out the flatbed and sat down on the sofa in the living room and bowed his head to deal with the mail.

Xie Yang went upstairs with a small suitcase and stopped in front of Qiu Xing, saying, "I'm going to the airport."

Qiu Xing didn't raise his head when he said "um".

Xie Yang went out, and when he got to the porch, he took a look at the direction of the living room. Seeing that Qiu Xing was still sitting on the sofa with his head down and brushing flat, he suddenly felt that Qiu Xing was a little lonely.

Maybe the living room is too big for space.

He stopped, put down the box and went back, and asked, "Qiu Xing, if you are not busy, can you take me to the airport? Wu Shui wants to follow me on the plane. If he drives there, he will have to park at the airport for a few days. Please. "

"It's about you." Qiu Xing collected the tablet for a second, got up with his coat and said, "let's go."

Xie Yang smiles.

Qiu Xing looked at the past coldly: "very happy on business trip?"

Jieyang shook his head and nodded: "it's really happy. The scenery in H city is good."

Qiu Xing blackened his face and looked at Xie Yang for a few seconds. He snorted coldly and strode out of the gate.

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On the way to the airport, Qiu Xing did not know where it was not comfortable, and suddenly began to be picky.

"Are you going out with that little luggage? That kind of small box can hold several clothes. Are you ready to go to H city without taking a bath or changing clothes? Dirty or not? "

Xie Yang wrote and drew with a palm sized notebook, without raising his head: "it's winter now, so I don't need to change my coat frequently. I brought a pair of underpants, which is enough to change."

Inside, inside

Qiu Xing was so angry: "what a big man, what words are on the lips, is it appropriate?"

"Yes, we are all living under the same roof, and we care about the details."

Qiu Xing put out the fire inexplicably and was quiet for a while. His tone suddenly became noble and cold: "don't make it so strange. You are just a tenant."

Xie Yang: good landlord


Qiu Xing was suddenly dissatisfied and said, "what have you been writing since you got on the bus? Do you know that writing hurts your eyes when you ride?"

Xie Yang just finished writing things. He covered the notepad and handed it to Qiu Xing. He said, "what is left for you can be turned over when you are bored."

Qiu Xing's discontent and restlessness disappeared in an instant. He looked down at his Notepad. He did not pick it up. He raised his legs and looked out of the car window and said, "I have no time to be bored."

"Then you can turn over this in the busy interval, condescending." Jieyang put the notebook into Qiu Xing's coat pocket and told him, "don't go to see your nephew alone when I'm away. He's poisoned. I'm afraid he'll pass it on to you."


After a long time, Qiu Xing snorted and said, "you are not so smart."

"A liar has a nose."

Qiu Xing doesn't understand Yang.

The car stopped outside the airport. Xie Yang looked at Qiu Xing and said, "don't go down. There are so many people in the airport. I'm afraid I'll meet some fans. If someone bumps into you, it's not good."

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Qiu Xing didn't get angry. He frowned and didn't speak.

"Then I'm going?"

"What's the rush?" Qiu Xing took out a card and put it into Jieyang's coat and hat. "When I arrived, I called back. I remember to take Wu Shui with me wherever I went. Work well when you go to work. Don't wander around if you have nothing to do Get out of the car. "

Xie Yang Yu Guang glanced at his hat, opened the car door, and suddenly closed it in the middle of the fight. He turned back and said, "I promise not to wander around blind. I will go and return early." Then he closed the door and waved to Qiu Xing through the window. Then he took the suitcase that Wu Shui helped to take out and turned to the airport.

Qiu Xing took back his sight and said to Zhou Miao, "go to Rongding."

When the car started, Xie Yang's figure in the rearview mirror became smaller and smaller until it was completely submerged in the crowd. Qiu Xing lowered his head and took out his notebook from his pocket. Seeing that there was a Q version of Jieyang cartoon character on the cover of the notebook, he played it and opened it up.

I forgot to tell you that this job is to write songs for the film. The female owner of the film is mu Zhouyi. ]Qiu Xing was stunned, and then his anger value exploded in an instant. He covered the notepad with force: "Jieyang!"

Zhou Miao was so frightened that he almost drove out of the "s" shape.


After Xie Yang entered the airport, he found that there were a group of young girls with AIDS. They were fans who came to pick up or send off a certain star.

Wu Shui immediately protected to understand the position in front of the lifting side.

"Don't panic. It's not my fan." Xie Yang is very self-conscious. He has just become popular, and the base of fans is not reliable. It is estimated that there are few fans who will specially come to deliver the plane. Moreover, his trip is confidential, so fans can't possibly know.

Wu Shui relaxed a little and looked over there with her height advantage and said, "their sign says" Xian Xian. "


Xie Yang had a little premonition, pressed the brim of his hat, and took Wu Shui around the group of girls and walked deep into the airport.

After about ten minutes, the entrance of the hall became lively. The girls with the aid suddenly ran in one direction, screaming and calling their names. Then a young man in a black mask, a grandmother's gray hair and a trendy costume entered the airport hall under the escort of a bodyguard and an assistant.

"Envy him?"

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Xie Yang followed the voice and turned to look behind him. Unexpectedly, he raised his eyebrows: "long Shu you?"

Long Shuyou stood three steps away from Xie Yang. When Xie Yang came to see him, he walked forward two steps and looked at the bustle nearby. He said, "don't be envious. When you make your own album, your fans will be many times more than him."

"I hope that I can earn many, many times more than his fans."

Long Shuyou withdrew his sight and said, "yes."

He took long Shuyou to the corner. He asked Wu Shui about the luggage and asked him, "how are you here?"

"The same as your purpose, I'll make music for Xu Heng." Long Shuyou indicated the direction of Xue Xian, "he is the same."

Give young a break.

In the story of the original book, long Shu you did not take over the job of Xu Heng, and Xue Xian

"Did Xu Heng make an episode

"It seems you don't know anything." Long Shuyou explained, "Xu Heng gave you the job invitation first, but you didn't respond. Later, you had an affair with Mu Zhouyi, so Xu Heng retreated and asked for the second place to invite Xue Xian. As a result, you wrote back to Xu Heng the next day. Xu Heng wanted to try your music so much that he invited you. That is to say, you and Xue Xian took the same job. In the end, Xu Heng will use your songs, depending on your ability. "

These Xie Yang really don't know. However, he doesn't care. It's normal that there is competition in work. He cares more about another thing than Xue Xian.

He looked up and down at long Shu you and asked, "how do you know so clearly? And you take the job... "

"Xu Heng is my cousin's brother-in-law. I took this job because I didn't want to miss the opportunity to participate in your creation." Long Shuyou looked at Xie Yang with burning eyes, "so when do you officially start to make albums? After this job? "


As expected, he was the butterfly who advanced the meeting between long Shuyou and the female owner.

Xie Yang asked seriously, "if I start making a new album immediately after this work, will you focus on my work and not be attracted by other voices you like?"

Long Shuyou frowned: "good sounds can be met but not sought. It's even more difficult to create a good voice with good voice. I don't think I will encounter another voice that I am interested in in in the near future."

Xie Yang looked at long Shuyou deeply: "please remember your words."

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After more than half an hour, Xie Yang, long Shuyou and Wu Shui enter the waiting hall after security check. They bought first-class tickets and airport staff wanted to direct them to the VIP waiting room.

Xie Yang didn't want to meet Xue Xian and declined. Long Shuyou then refused, and the three found the corresponding gate and sat down in a corner.

By the time they boarded the plane, the first class cabin was almost full. Xie Yang soon found his own and Wu Shui's positions, and soon saw Xue Xian sitting in the two rows in front of him, and the one next to Xue Xian The book of changes of wood.

“……” Good. We're all together.

He looked at long Shuyou and asked, "where is your position?"

Dragon tree, especially refers to the location separated from the wooden Zhouyi and Xue Xian.

Xie Yang resolutely pushes long Shuyou to his position in this row and asks Wu Shui to sit in his position.

Long Shuyou was very satisfied with the arrangement and sat down obediently.

As the plane took off, the cabin became quiet. Xie Yang opens the new songs prepared for the new album in the mobile phone, plugs in the earphone and hands it to long Shuyou. Long Shuyou can't wait to take over and start listening.

Xie Yang leans back to his chair.

For the time being, the new song helps long Shuyou block the voice of the female host, but this is not a long-term solution.

When the crew, no, even when the plane lands, people will notice each other. All of them have received the work of the same crew. Without saying hello, long Shuyou will inevitably hear her voice moistened by golden fingers. Then long Shuyou will take the initiative to find the female host, saying that she wants to make an album for her, and then Qiu XingXie Yang suddenly found that he was a little impatient.

He closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing.

There's no need to fret.

The voice of the female master has been transformed. Even if long Shuyou doesn't make an album for her, she will surely find someone else to do it. And the reason why Qiu Xing pays attention to the female host thoroughly is not because of the album that long Shuyou helps her make.

He couldn't stop the woman from turning her voice into a song and selling it all over the country. It can't stop Qiu Xing from finally hearing the female master's song.

Not all plots can be influenced by butterfly wings.

Xie Yang opened his eyes and looked straight at the back of the seat in front of the meeting, then closed his eyes and leaned back deeply into the back of the chair.

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