A few hours later, the plane landed.

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Xie Yang got out of the state of keeping his eyes closed and asked long Shuyou, "how is my new song?"

Long Shuyou was excited and eager to try. He replied, "it's very good, but it's a pity that your mobile phone ran out of power on the way. I didn't hear the last few semi finished products."

"No hurry. I'll send you the song when the phone is charged."

After two words, they got up and prepared to leave. After two steps, the woman master's voice that she would never admit wrong after hearing it once suddenly came from behind her.

"Xie Yang?"

Here it is.

Xie Yang stops and looks at long Shuyou in front of him.

Long Shuyou also stopped, and then slowly turned around. His eyes crossed Xie Yang and looked behind him, with a green light familiar to Xie Yang in his eyes.

This rotten golden finger.

Xie Yang turned to look at Mu Zhouyi who was approaching behind him and Xue Xian who looked stiff and strange behind him. He nodded politely: "hello."

Muzhou Yi's flawless face is covered with a touch of unwelcome surprise and surprise, as well as a bit of indistinct discomfort. She politely stopped two steps away from Xie Yang and said, "what a coincidence. I didn't expect to meet you on the plane."

Xie Yang politely replied, "it's quite a coincidence." After that, he took the initiative to say hello to Xue Xian behind her.

Xue Xian also raised his hand back to Jieyang to greet him. His manner was polite, but not warm.

Mu Zhouyi didn't notice long Shuyou who was blocked by Xie Yang. Seeing Xie Yang and Xue Xian say hello, he suggested, "are you going to the crew, together?"

This invitation is too reasonable, but it seems abrupt to refuse. Xie Yang nods.

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It's not good to block the aisle all the time. The party got off the plane first. When he got to the open place, Mu Zhouyi finally noticed long Shuyou beside Xie Yang. With a more surprised look, she took the initiative to approach long Shuyou, reached out and introduced herself: "Hello, master long. I'm Mu Zhouyi, the actor of Ye Bing in" crazy musician. ". I didn't expect you were on this flight. Nice to meet you. "

Xie Yang watched long Shuyou stretch out his hand and politely shook Mu Zhouyi.

He raised his hand and pressed his brow.


Xie Yang collected God and looked at Xue Xian who did not know when he came to him.

Xue Xian's facial features are a bit chubby and handsome. His hair is carefully shaped and his face is made up. Because of his beautiful pupil, his eyes are particularly divine. At this time, this pair of God's eyes are looking at Xie Yang with a kind of false friendship. Xue Xiandao: "IUD is very good."

According to the principle of reciprocity, Xie Yang should also praise Xue Xian's works. But it's a pity that Xie Yang has never heard any of Xue Xian's songs. He could only reply politely, "thank you for the compliment."

Xue Xian seems to understand Xie Yang's response as disdain and provocation. His false friendship turns into a look at him. Then he smiles at Xie Yang perfunctorily. He takes two steps to get to Mu Zhouyi and talks to him.

Xie Yang successfully dropped the single, and walked alone behind three people. He took a look at long Shuyou, who was walking on the other side of the book of changes. He looked back and asked Wu Shui the time.

Wu Shui raised his wrist to look at his watch and said, "it's two twenty-eight in the afternoon."

Xie Yang takes back his sight.

Two twenty-eight is about two thirty. Suppose that just now the book of changes has used the skill of liking to long Shuyou, then under the condition that the system of the book of changes is still primary, long Shuyou's liking for the book of changes will last until three points.

Three o'clock I don't know how much affection long Shuyou can leave for the book of changes.

The party went out from the VIP passage to meet the director of life sent by the production team to meet. After another polite exchange, the assistants were responsible for picking up the luggage, while the others, led by the life director, walked towards the car sent by the crew to pick up the people.

To Xie Yang's delight, the cars sent by the crew to pick up people are not buses, but several SUVs. He picked a car to sit in. To his surprise, long Shuyou, who should have been influenced by his skills, politely refused the invitation of the hostess and boarded the same car with him.

Xie Yang looks at the past.

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Did the female owner just not use the favor skill to long Shu you?

Long Shuyou closed the door, and his calm face disappeared for a second. His tone was a little suspicious of life, a little inconceivable, and a lot of excitement: "Xie Yang, I actually met an interesting voice again!"

“……” In this tone, the female master really used the skill to long Shuyou.

Xie Yang looked at the driver sent by the crew on the driver's seat, lowered his voice and asked, "do you mean Mu Zhouyi?"

Long Shuyou nodded and his eyes brightened: "are you interested in cooperating with her? The effect of your chorus must be great. "

Xie Yang didn't speak. He asked Wu Shui, the co pilot, to call for his mobile phone. He found out that Mu Zhouyi was forced to sing in a variety show last year. He plugged in his earphone to signal long Shuyou to listen.

Long Shuyou doubts, take the headset and put it on.Two minutes later, the excitement on long Shuyou's face faded completely, his eyes were not bright, and his eyebrows were frowning. He repeatedly listened to the clips of Mu Zhouyi's singing many times, especially not enough. He searched some interview videos of Mu Zhouyi and listened to them.

Long Shuyou took off the headphones, frowning and puzzled.

Xie Yang asked, "do you want me to cooperate with her?"

Long Shuyou did not speak. He returned his mobile phone to Jie Yang, took out his mobile phone to search all the past videos of Mu Zhouyi, plugged in his headphones and listened to them one by one.


From the airport to the crew for more than two hours' drive, long Shuyou has been holding his mobile phone to watch the past video of Mu Zhouyi. The more he looks at his expression, the more strange he looks. Finally, when the outline of the hotel where the crew lives appears, long Shuyou takes off the earphone.

"What do you think?" Xie Yang asked

"It's strange." Without the influence of her skills, long Shuyou's tone calmed down a lot, "her voice It's like having a facelift all of a sudden. In a media interview half a month ago, her voice was still very ordinary, but a few days ago, when she participated in an activity, her voice changed

"What has changed?"

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Long Shuyou shook his head, saying that he could not speak.

Xie Yang also guessed that long Shuyou couldn't tell. The gold finger of the female owner is very strong. The transformation of the female owner is based on the original conditions to enlarge the advantages and disadvantages. It will only make people feel vaguely that something has changed, but it is impossible to say where it has changed.

Otherwise, depending on the frequency of beautifying her appearance, it is suspected that her plastic surgery manuscripts have been flying all over the world.

In the original book, long Shuyou noticed the change of the female host's voice soon after he noticed it. However, he had already been used several times by the female owner, and he had a high degree of liking for the female leader. In addition, he could not recognize the change of the female leader's voice, so he quickly left the matter behind.

Now, long Shuyou is not so fond of her.

The car stopped at the door of the hotel.

Xie Yang asked long Shuyou to get off the bus, and he followed him down. After he was sure that he was out of the driver's hearing range, he said to long Shuyou: "I won't cooperate with people whose voice conditions are unstable. What's more, Mu Zhouyi is having an affair with a mentally disabled relative in my family. I have to avoid suspicion. "

Suddenly heard eight trigrams, long Shuyou a face uncomfortable, repeated: "ambiguous?"

"Well. Last time my relative was ill, Mu Zhouyi rushed to take care of him and cook soup for my relative. I think they will soon become. I'd like to remind you that you don't want to say anything when there are outsiders. Fortunately, you didn't mention the name of muzhouyi when you were in the car. I also deliberately lowered my voice. Otherwise, tomorrow you will enjoy the news of muzhouyi and fly all over the network. "

Long Shuyou frowned at his words and looked back at the driver who stepped out of the car. He didn't know what he thought of. His brow suddenly became tighter.

Director Xu Heng is shooting the main actor and several supporting roles on the set. He won't be back until dinner. So after arriving at the hotel, the life director arranges everyone to go back to their rooms and have a rest.

After arriving at the room, Xie Yang washed his face first, then took out his mobile phone to charge the mobile phone, and then called Qiu Xing.

Over there, Qiu Xing's gloomy voice came out: "Xie Yang, Wu Shui knows that after getting off the plane, Wu Shui will report peace to me. Do you still have no sense of Wu Shui?"

"My mobile phone is out of power. I asked Wu Shui to report safety to you. Didn't he say that? "

There was silence across the phone.

"Don't deduct Wu Shui's salary. He didn't make it clear that it was because he was too busy with my luggage and careless."

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“…… Who said he would be deducted from his salary! "

Qiu hang up.

A minute later, Qiu Xing called again.

Jieyang is connected.

"What's wrong with Mu Zhouyi? How did you take on the job related to her

Xie Yang explained: "it's not about Mu Zhouyi, it's about Xue Xian. I'm here to rob Xue Xian's job. Mu Zhouyi just happens to be the female star of this crew."

Qiu Xing stopped talking again.

"I promise to stay away from her."

Qiu hang up again.


In the evening, Xu Heng took the deputy director, screenwriter and several main actors to Jieyang and his party.

Xie Yang finally meets Shen Yan, the film emperor's mate, who has a clear relationship with Mu Zhouyi in the original book.

Shen Yan, 35 years old, is already the three golden film emperor. Among his peers, Shen Yan's achievements can be said to be superior to others, and his spirit was established early.

Originally, Mu Zhouyi can only be regarded as a hot little flower with no heavyweight award in her hand. She can't enter the crew of Xu Heng as the female leader and play with Shen Yan.

But the woman is a woman after all. She has golden fingers. It has been mentioned in detail in the original book that, in order to get this opportunity, the female host first got an audition opportunity for "crazy musician" from a high-level in the imperial sky by virtue of her popularity skills. Then, she used her golden finger to suppress qufang in the audition, attracting Xu Heng's attention. Then she gave Xu Heng and the producer a good impression by shaking hands. Such a meal of operation, finally let her squeeze out several other heavyweight movie queen flowers, got this opportunity.Xie Yang has to admit that in terms of resources, the female owner is really hard-working and inspirational.

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