When Xie Yang observes Shen Yanjia's memories of the plot, the topic on the table has turned to business.

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Director Xu Heng sighs: "crazy musician" tells the story of musicians, so it needs a lot of original music to fill the musicians' set-up and plot. We used to find an outsourcing company to do this, but the soundtrack and episode they made were good or bad, but they always felt that it was not so interesting. "

Xie Yang Lian Shen looks at Xu Heng.

Xu Heng is more than 30 years old, his height and appearance are just ordinary, but his temperament is good. He speaks slowly and has a little southern accent. At first glance, he gives the illusion that he must be very soft tempered.

Xu Heng said and patted Shen Yan on the shoulder next to him and said, "I took this guy from other directors. I just wanted him to sing and act. It's a pity that the voice of this guy is OK, but the sound line is too warm, and it can't match the theme of" crazy "in the movie. One is the interlude he sang, the other is the soundtrack. Now it's stuck here. The main parts of the film that rely on music to set off the atmosphere are all pressed and can't be shot. "

Shen Yan's facial features belong to the type of handsome noble spirit. When he doesn't speak, he gives people a sense of distance, but when he smiles, he looks very friendly. He directly shot back at Xu Heng and said, "it's clear that you are too picky."

"Will you come if you are not picky?" Xu Heng clapped Shen Yan's hand.

I can see that they have a good personal relationship.

After Xu Heng finished the general situation, he asked the screenwriter to hand the script prepared in advance to Xue Xian, Xie Yang and long Shuyou, saying, "this is the script. I hope you can read the script before you start to exchange ideas. If you can, you'd better come to the studio to feel the shooting atmosphere. Xie Yang

Xie Yang was suddenly named, and everyone on the table looked at Xie Yang. Xie Yang looked at Xu Heng.

"I've heard all the songs you wrote and adapted," Xu said. Your style is changeable. The songs for Tong Jian are very suitable for the timbre of Tongjian. The songs for yourself are very foil to yourself. The songs adapted for Ji Zehui are another flavor. Shen Yan is here. Although you observe him, what I want is the music that best suits him but can best express the character's heart. Understand? "

As soon as the words came out, Xue Xian, sitting next to Xie Yang, looked ugly.

Asked two people to do the interlude, but only asked one person to observe the actors more, whose face is this hitting.

The deputy director gave Xu Heng a hand.

Xu Heng found that it was a bit inappropriate for Xu Heng to tell Xie Yang's behavior just now. He looked at Xue Xian and said, "of course, Xue Xian is the same. Let's work together, and Shuyou. The music of the movie's interlude will come from you."

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The deputy director and screenwriter quickly raised a toast to Xue Xian, Xie Yang and long Shuyou, trying to revive the embarrassment created by Xu Heng. Other people also raised their glasses.

Xue Xian forced out a smile and raised his glass to touch everyone.

At the end of the meal, Xu Heng, who has poor liquor capacity, is drunk directly. He didn't stop when he was drunk. He had to drag everyone to talk about business. In the end, he was confused and somehow put Xie Yang, Shen Yan and Mu Zhouyi into a car.

Xie Yang was also forced to sit between Shen Yan and Mu Zhouyi.

Xie Yang glanced aside at Mu Zhouyi, who finally got on the bus, and at Xu Heng, who was drunk to death in the front passenger's seat, for a moment, he didn't know how to thank him, or should he say: is it the will of God?

wood Zhouyi obviously did not expect Jie Yang to be in this car, after getting on the train, he was stunned, and then quipped, "sitting with two handsome brother, it seems that my lucky value today is full."

Shen Yan said with a smile: "then my lucky value is not good. Although there are handsome men and beautiful women sitting together, there is a drunkard in the front seat, which is very damaging to the atmosphere."

Mu Zhouyi was amused by Shen Yan's words and laughed.

Jieyang, sandwiched in the middle:

He pretended to be uncomfortable. He sat up and asked for a bottle of water from the driver, then raised his hand and rubbed his forehead.

"What's the matter?" asked Mu Zhouyi

"I'm a light drinker and a little dizzy." Xie Yang sets himself a drunk buff, then looks at Mu Zhouyi and asks, "master mu, are you and Qinglin already together?"

As soon as this word comes out, the car is quiet for a moment. Xie Yang realizes that Shen Yan's body beside him is obviously stunned.

Mu Zhouyi's expression froze, then he put his hand on Xie Yang's arm to help him. He said, "Xie Yang, you misunderstood me. Mr. Feng and I are just friends. Why don't you close your eyes for a while if you feel bad

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There was a strange wave coming from the place where the arm was held. Xie Yang's brain suddenly fell into a coma for a moment, and then a feeling of nausea rushed down his brain, almost making him vomit.

He clenched his fist to keep sober. He broke off Mu Zhouyi's hand by drinking water. He leaned on Shen Yan's side without a trace, and said, "it's so. Qinglin's nanny said that you had been taking care of Qinglin after he was ill. The next day, when the nanny was already on duty, he was cooking porridge for Qinglin and buying vegetables and cooking for Qinglin himself. And when you and I had an affair before, Qinglin actually sent me a short message to help you explain to me. You care for each other so much that I think you are already together, but not yet? "Mu Zhouyi helped him over again and explained, "that time, Mr. Feng fell ill at home alone. I can't leave immediately. Xie Yang, don't press brother Shen. Are you drunk? I can't sit still. "

"Hiss." Xie Yang avoided Mu Zhouyi's hand, sat upright, relied on close his eyes, "good one is not good to leave immediately. Mr. mu, standing in the position of Qinglin's family, I hope that if you have no intention of Qinglin, you will not do this kind of thing which is easy to be misunderstood. The best way to find a friend sick is to call an ambulance and contact his family, rather than treating yourself and waiting all night. And the next time, I don't want to have a strange woman eavesdropping on the stairs while our family is talking in the living room, which makes me feel uncomfortable. Besides, I hope it won't happen again if you accidentally hit me in the parking lot. "

Xie Yang insisted on saying these words and then calmed down, concentrating on suppressing the residual nausea in the body.

The car was as quiet as death.

I don't know how long it has been. The car slowly stops.

The driver said in an embarrassed voice, "that Here we are. I'll take Xu to his room. Mr. Xie... "

"I'll do it." Shen Yan opened his mouth, and his voice lost the smile he always had when he spoke. He seemed a little cold.

"Brother Shen, I'll help you."

"No, go back to your room and have a rest."

The sound of the door opening, and then the body is lifted out of the car to hold. Before long, Wu Shui's voice sounded nearby, and then Xie Yang found that he was carried by others.

He opened his eyes slightly. He saw the back of Wu Shui's head and calmed down. Yu Guang glanced at Shen Yan, who was not far behind, and Mu Zhouyi, who was still standing by the car, and laughed silently.


After being carried back to the room, Xie Yang immediately straightened up and motioned Wu Shui to put himself down.

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Wu Shui was startled. He quickly put Xie Yang down and asked, "boss, are you not drunk?"

"Then who got drunk with a few beers? I just pretended that I didn't want to talk to those people." Xie Yang took off his coat, pressed his temple, and ordered, "I pretend to be drunk. You are not allowed to tell Qiu Xing about my pretending to be drunk, so as not to make him angry again."

Wu Shui nodded obediently and then thought of something. He took out his mobile phone and said, "boss, before your agent called you, no one answered, he called me here. He asked me to tell you that you were secretly photographed in the airport this morning, and some media reported news that was not conducive to you. This is the first report. "

Xie Yang's eyes move to Wu Shui's mobile phone screen, and you can see on the small screen, "Jieyang airport is lonely, and I envy Xue Xian's fans to deliver the plane." this line occupies a small part of the position, and the rest is dominated by a photo. In the photo, he is standing in the corner of the airport hall, looking at Xue Xian passing through fans under the protection of his bodyguard.


He sent Wu Shui away. He took out his mobile phone, which was turned into silence when eating, and dialed the missed call of Hu Biao.

Telephone seconds, Hu Biao voice out: "you hot search."

"What's hot?"

"Xie Yang envied Xue Xian. The fever is so disgusting that it is obviously pulling and trampling on you and giving others a hint that you are not as good as Xue Xian. Don't worry. I'm working with the public relations department to check the heat. I won't let Xue Xian step on you like this. "

"Don't press the heat. Let him step on it."

“…… Ah? "

"At that time, I was standing with long Shuyou. Long Shuyou also took a look over there. There are many people in the airport. Some people have photographed me, and there must be some people who have taken pictures of me standing with long Shuyou and long Shuyou looking at Xue Xian. Go and find out if there are any such photos posted on Weibo, and help spread and clarify if there are some. "

Hu Biao was quiet for a few seconds and then said, "I know."

Xie Yang is ready to hang up.

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"Xie Yang."

Xie Yang moved his mobile phone back to his ear: "anything else?"

"Is it tiring to have an agent like me?"

Xie Yang comforted: "brother Biao, people have their own strengths. Don't think about it."

Hu Biao was silent for a while, and then adjusted his mood. He told him, "you should pay more attention when you are alone there. You and Xue Xian are both creative singers. Their positioning is a bit bumpy, and they are similar in age. He must be very afraid of you. You should guard against him more. "

"I will. Thank you, brother Biao."

After chatting with Hu Biao, Xie Yang went to take a bath, then leaned onto the bed with the script and recalled what had just happened in the car.

According to the time line of the plot, Shen Yan's affection for mu Zhouyi has not yet completely changed into liking, just a little hazy. Now his feelings for mu Zhouyi are more about the appreciation of the predecessors for the outstanding younger generations.

The reason why Shen Yan appreciates Mu Zhouyi is that she is excellent, and because she does not give in to the "noble" character of the emperor's hidden rules. Now Shen Yan has come into contact with the other side of the book of changes from the nearby population, and he does not know whether he will reduce his favor for the book of changes.

I hope it can be reduced. At least, Shen Yan is willing to take the initiative to lead Mu Zhouyi and help him sign a contract with Huanyu, an old entertainment company opened by Uncle Shen Yan.In the original book, Mu Zhouyi started making albums shortly after entering Huanyu. And if Mu Zhouyi has been staying in the emperor, then under the suppression of the emperor's high-level, she is absolutely impossible to make an album.

And the nausea in the car.

Xie Yang looks at the arm held by Mu Zhouyi before.

This time he was also aware of that strange wave, but the core of the power did not reappear. There is such a difference because muzhouyi just used the skill of brush good feeling? Or is it because the body is not so sensitive when it first touches the golden finger of the book of changes? Or is it because the clothes you wear this time are thicker than the last time, which insulates too many golden fingers?

Xie Yang raised his hand, five fingers tightened and relaxed, relaxed and tightened, and finally firmly clenched his fist.

To Try direct skin contact?

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