In the afternoon, Mu Zhouyi never went to ng again. At last, she got rid of the ice in the script.

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I've been stuck all morning, and I'll go through them all over again. Xu Heng's expression finally eased, and Shen Yan's frown was also slowly released.

After the close-up, Xie Yang is ready to leave with his violin.

"Xie Yang." Wood Zhouyi catch up, block in front of Jieyang, full of embarrassment and guilt tunnel, "hard you have been cooperating with me, the morning has delayed you so much time, I'm really sorry."

Xie Yang Yu Guang glances at the staff who are looking around here. He smiles at Mu Zhouyi and says that he is OK. He is ready to leave.

"Wait a minute!" Mu Zhouyi suddenly reached for Xie Yang's violin hand.

Xie Yang didn't expect that the book of changes would suddenly approach in public. When he realized the intention of the book of changes and wanted to avoid them, the skin on his wrist had been touched by the fingertips of the book of changes.

Strong strange waves spread from the skin to the inside of the body. The brain is suddenly dizzy. The core of the power is unprecedented clear. The world in front of you begins to whirl around. The nausea is so strong that you seem to spit out when you open your mouth.

Wood Zhouyi just touched it and took back his hand. He pointed to the violin and said, "sorry, this is a prop. You can't take it away."

Xie Yang's body tilted imperceptibly for a while, and then stood still. He took a deep breath. With his strong willpower, he controlled the expression on his face. Facing Mu Zhouyi, he handed over the violin and said, "sorry, I didn't pay attention at the moment. Thank you for reminding me."

"It doesn't matter. Well, about what you said in the car yesterday, I want to explain to you. Do you have time later? "

How would a person who has been using a golden finger respond?

Xie Yang reluctantly kept sober, nodded and said, "if you have time, please come to me directly after you are busy."

"That's great. I'll come and see you as soon as possible."

Mu Zhouyi left with his violin.

Xie Yang put his hand into his pocket and clenched it tightly. He turned around and went back to long Shuyou and sat down. He took out his mobile phone and called Wu Shui.


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"Come to me."

Xie Yang Hung up the phone and pressed his brow.

Long Shuyou looked at Xie Yang and asked, "what's wrong with you? You look a little bad. "

Jieyang has no expression: "diarrhea, after all, I ate poisonous apples at noon."

Long Shuyou:

Wu Shui will come soon.

Xie Yang got up and said, "accompany me to the toilet." With that, step out.

Wu water Leng for a moment, then toward wrinkling a face of long Shu you nodded, quickly follow the pace of Xie Yang.

As soon as Xie Yang walked out of the crowd gathering center, he shook his body and held the shelf beside him. Wu Shui was startled. He helped Xie Yang and said anxiously, "what's the matter with you, boss?"

"Nothing Maybe it's hypoglycemia. You take me to the bathroom and I'll wash my face. If someone asks me where I am, you'll say that I'm not feeling well and I'm looking for a place to rest. Do you understand

Wu Shui quickly nodded, and took Xie Yang's body to the toilet.

The toilet condition of the studio is OK, with compartments. Xie Yang sent Wu Shui to buy coffee. He found a compartment and locked the door. Then he put down the toilet lid and sat on it. He held his head tightly.

Once had a sense of power awakening throughout the body, brain swelling, limb weakness, throat dry, dizziness, dyspnea.

Xie Yang is very clear about what changes his body will have next.

At most in another four hours, he will have a sudden high fever, and in serious cases he will be unconscious. If you can hold on to the past, you can have power. If you can't, you will die.

He breathed heavily. He wanted to vomit but couldn't vomit. He couldn't help picking up the piece of skin just touched by muzhouyi with his other hand and tightening it hard, trying to suppress the strange fluctuation that was still happening continuously with pain.

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You can't be found out by Mu Zhouyi. You can't hide here all the time.

Qiu Xing

He took a hard bite on the tip of his tongue, and the smell of blood filled his mouth in an instant.

The sharp pain suppressed the nausea. Xie Yang forced himself to sit up straight, stare at his swollen eyes, and roll his larynx, swallowing all the blood in his mouth. His eyes were full of ferocity.

No one wants to control his life and likes and dislikes, no one can do it.

I don't know how long it passed. Wu Shui's voice sounded outside the compartment.

Xie Yang moved his eyes, got up, opened the box door, went straight to the washstand, bent down and poured cold water on his face.

Wu Shui was startled by Xie Yang's appearance and stepped forward and said, "boss, you look very wrong. Is it really just hypoglycemia?"

"It's OK." Xie Yang straightened up and looked at himself, whose eyes were red and pale in the mirror. He turned to ask Wu Shui to come and wipe his face with a paper towel. He adjusted his breath slowly. After making sure that no one would hear anything wrong, he opened his mouth and said, "maybe it's acclimatized. Just slow down for a while. Have you bought the coffee yet? ""Yes, it's not good to take the coffee into the toilet. I put it under the flower bed outside."

Xie Yang went out to sit on the flower bed, opened Wu Shui's coffee, and took a big mouthful. Coffee's bitterness and refreshing effects slightly ease the discomfort in the brain, and the strange fluctuations in the wrist skin are weakening over time.

Xie Yang tried to focus on the pain on the tip of his tongue and ignored the discomfort of his body. He asked, "how long have I been out?"

"About twenty minutes. Boss, I'll take you to the hospital. You look terrible

In 20 minutes, the golden finger effect of wooden Zhouyi will last up to 10 minutes.

That's enough.

Xie Yang finished his last sip of coffee, got up, threw the coffee cup into the garbage can, and said, "go back to the studio."


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Xie Yang's studio is blocked by Mu Zhouyi, who is followed by Shen Yan.

"Xie Yang, what's wrong with you? Master long said you were a little uncomfortable

Xie Yang put his hand into his pocket to make sure that only his face and skin were exposed outside. He replied, "I'm worried. It's just a little upset."

Wood Zhouyi's tone became embarrassed and said, "well, do you want to take the medicine for you? Your assistant may not know where the drugstore is near the set. "

"It's all right. I'm not sick now. What can I do for you

This is exactly what Mu Zhouyi meant. She looked at Shen Yan around her and said to Xie Yang, "let's find a quiet place to talk."

Three people went to Shen Yan's dressing room, Shen Yan again let his assistant guard at the door.

Xie Yang is very suspicious that Shen Yan has just been used by Mu Zhouyi. Otherwise, how could he listen to Mu Zhouyi so much.

The three of them took their seats, probably because the duration of their skills was almost over. After sitting down, Mu Zhouyi directly began to explain: "Xie Yang, in fact In fact, I do have a little bit of affection for Qinglin, but I have been worried about his family background and dare not show my feelings for him. You said right in the car before. I shouldn't take care of him without invitation just because I like him. It's too rude and too reserved. And eavesdropping. I didn't mean to. I heard a lot of noise downstairs and worried about Qinglin's body, so I went downstairs secretly. I didn't hear two words of your conversation. I know I did something wrong. I'm really sorry. "

Xie Yang looks at Mu Zhouyi unexpectedly.

Actually admitted to the feelings of the wind Qinglin? What is this, can't clarify, simply admit, please the family of future boyfriends?

Looking at Shen Yan again, Mu Zhouyi apologized and said, "brother Shen, I'm sorry to let you hear this. In the future, I will be more cautious in handling private affairs. And the fact that I've been out of shape this morning, I'm really sorry. This time I came across some things and was always in a state of uneasiness, so I'm really sorry. "

Shen Yanmei frowned for a moment, then released, shook his head gently and said: "it doesn't matter, everyone has a bad state."

Mu Zhouyi was relieved and got up and said, "thank you for your tolerance and consideration. Then let's go out. Director Xu should come to us. "

At the end of the brief explanation meeting, at the moment of walking out of Shen Yan's dressing room, Xie Yang realizes that the strange fluctuation on his wrist has disappeared. He looked at Shen Yan, who came out one step backward, and asked, "how do you feel?"

Shen Yan looked at Xie Yang strangely: "what?"

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It seems that this one is still influenced by his skills.

Xie Yang shakes his head and says nothing. He goes back to long Shuyou and sits down next to him.

In the following time, Xie Yang behaved as usual. Except for his face which was worse than usual, he could not see any signs of discomfort.

Two hours later, the whole day's shooting finally ended. Xie Yang returned to the hotel with the crew's car. After entering the door, Xie Yang's relaxed face disappeared and leaned against the door directly.

The brain seemed to be on fire. He felt his forehead, and it was beginning to heat.

It was so fast.

He pushed himself to the bedside, threw himself up and looked at the ceiling.

We have to stay away from the book of changes for a while and find a quiet place to pass the awakening period He turned over, took his cell phone out of his pocket and watched the time go by quietly.

About an hour later, he finally moved, dialed Wu Shui's phone, and said with a final sobriety, "come to my room and take me to the hospital. Don't make a statement. After arriving at the hospital, you will inform Xu Heng of my illness separately and ask for a few days' leave for me. Remember, don't tell anyone except Xu Heng about the hospital I live in. I don't want anyone to visit. " Then he let go of his hand and let himself faint.


The body is like being put in a steamer, and I don't know how long it has been. The temperature in the steamer has finally dropped a little bit.

Xie Yang opened his eyes.

The body is still very hot, the smell of disinfectant is floating in the air, the ceiling is very strange, and there is a potion next to it.

It's a hospital.

Xie Yang moved. Yu Guang noticed that there was a familiar figure standing with his back to this side at the door of the ward. There was also a vague voice coming from there.

"Mr. Qiu, how is Xie Yang today?"Qiu Xing's cold and mocking voice rang out: "how is he related to you? Wu Shui, send Miss Mu away. "

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