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…… And wood week!

Can not let wood Zhouyi encounter revenge!

Jieyang suddenly sober, think of the sound to call for revenge, but throat can only send out some gas. The voice of the outside was still on, and the wood week Yi was not driven away.

He stood up with his arms, pulled out the needle from his back, and went out of bed barefoot, and walked towards the door of the ward.

We can't let wood Zhouyi meet Qiu Xing.

This time, the direct contact with Mu Zhouyi made him completely sure of one thing. The golden finger of wood Zhouyi will directly affect human brain after contact. If it is classified as a kind of ability, it is absolutely a mental control type.

All mental control abilities have more or less negative effects on human brain. Healthy people may not be hurt by this negative effect, but Qiu Xing has a disease. The source of the disease is in his mind. He is not sure if the disease will aggravate when a person with malignant tumor in his brain is used to control mental abilities.

In the original book, Qiu Xing did begin to contact the female Lord frequently, and the illness suddenly increased.

Can't let revenge go

"Sorry This is the character biography that Xu Heng directed me to transfer to Jieyang. Mr. Qiu, you can see... "

"Give me it."

In the sight, Qiu Xing seems to reach out his hand towards the wood Zhouyi.

Jieyang also did not know where to burst out a force, is to support the soft body to quickly walk to the door, hard to pull back Qiu Xing to wood Zhouyi hand, turn to face to face to build Qiu Xing shoulder, with his body death to block the line of hatred, look back to wood Zhouyi, hard squeeze out the voice: "who let you come?"

Wooden Zhouyi reached out of the hand to fall, Lengleng to see Jieyang, the sight swept through the solution Yang and Qiu Xing can be called ambiguous posture, mouth open, can not speak.

"Don't you like the wind and the clear rain? Go and concentrate on his efforts, don't touch my man, get out of here! "

Jieyang pulls away the biography of the characters in the hands of Mu Zhouyi, pushes Qiu Xing and walks two steps in, slams on the ward door, frowns and looks at Qiu Xing. He wants to tell Qiu Xing not to see any mess. His mouth is open, but he is dizzy and suddenly, and he is busy tightening his hand and leaning his head on the shoulder of Qiu Xing.

Qiu Xing was held by Jieyang and held up and was stiff. This will he finally move, look down at the head on the shoulder, hesitantly, carefully, slightly not used to, put the hand on the back of Jieyang, and hold the body of Jieyang.

The temperature higher than normal people is transmitted from a layer of sick clothes, and the breath blows at the neck Qiu Xing looks at Jieyang and asks, "Jieyang, what is it?" Your people? "

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Jieyang brain is burning up quickly, and he doesn't hear the sound of Qiu Xing at all. The core of the power fluctuated in a series of waves, and his breath became rapid, and he could not help tightening his hand again with hatred.

The shoulder was caught a little painful, Qiu Xing frowned, realized that it was wrong, reached for the face of Jieyang, the temperature of the touch was abnormal, and the look changed. Originally, it was only holding the hands of Jieyang to hold them, and quickly returned the person to the bed and pressed the call bell at the head of the bed.

As soon as he went to bed, he curled up and held his head up.

The action of pressing the head stimulated Qiu Xing, his expression became very terrible, and he pulled the Jieyang hand hard and said, "what is wrong with you?"

The awareness of the awareness of the Yang is not clear.

"What the hell are you doing!" Qiu Xing voice raised, looked at Jieyang for a while, suddenly, he took a deep breath on the side, and hugged him in his arms again, and shouted at the door of the ward, "doctor!"! Why not yet! "

The world becomes illusory and gorgeous, and Jieyang opens his eyes hard. He sees Qiu Xing's gloomy and tight face in a twisted picture, reaches out to pat the body of the shooting enemy line, and then closes his eyes again and faints.

When I wake up, the heat has been completely lowered, and the core of the power that grows deep in the brain is running quietly, eager for the power to enter. The body is never relaxed, five senses clear and sharp.

The indoor light is a little dim, lifting and rotating the eyes, looking at the direction of another breath in the room.

Qiu Xing sat on the sofa in the ward, his eyebrows hidden in the shadow, his face pale, his lips dark, his eyes gloomy, like a dead evil ghost.

"Jieyang, you are very good."

Qiu Xing opened his mouth, and his voice was low and dumb, and his tone was dull with a little danger.

"I almost stayed up late and I went to the hospital the next day. Enter the hospital also does not stop, high heat repeatedly, can not find out the reason. In order not to let me pay 500 million dollars of water drift, you said I should take with the chain to tie you up? "

Jieyang sat up with his body, and looked at Qiu Xing for a while, and said, "I am hungry."

Qiu Xing face looked at Jieyang without expression, and deep emotions rolling in his eyes.

"I also want to go to the bathroom and take a bath."

Revenge is still not moving.

"I'm sorry."

Qiu Xing side closed his eyes, got up and walked to the bedside and directly lifted Jieyang out of bed, almost half a stretch into the bathroom, and put him in front of the toilet.Xie Yang looks at Qiu Xing: "do you want to see it?"

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Qiu Xing turned his back with a overcast face.

"Won't you go out?"

"Come on

Xie Yang untied his belt and flushed after finishing. He turned to Qiu Xing's back and said, "I'm going to take a bath. Do you want to continue waiting here?"

Qiu Xing turned and looked at Xie Yang and sneered: "Xie Yang, do you still have a heart? When you wake up, you have to eat and take a bath. You are - "

Xie Yang takes a virtual embrace of Qiu Xing and pats Qiu Xing on the back.

Qiu Xing silenced his voice in an instant and pressed his lips tightly.

"I'm glad to see you for the first time. Qiu Xing, this is just an accident. I will live to be 100 years old in good health, I promise. "

Qiu Xing sidetracked his head.

"Thank you."


Qiu Xing finally raised his hand and held Xie Yang's back for a second. Suddenly, he quickly lifted up and pressed Xie Yang's shoulder to push Xie Yang aside. He said, "you can only wash for five minutes. If you don't come out in five minutes, you won't be out of this ward in the future." Then he turned away from the bathroom and took the door.

Xie Yang looked at the door for a while and laughed.

"And you will live a long life."


Xie Yang took a bath with the fastest speed in his life. He didn't have time to dry his body. He just wrapped up a towel and opened the bathroom door.

A large blanket was wrapped around the head.

Qiu Xing, with a straight face, wrapped and said, "change your clothes and eat."

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Xie Yang moved his arm, can't move, toward is struggling to wrap his own Qiu Xing way: "I haven't brushed my teeth, you wrap too tight, I can't move."

Qiu Xing's action, and frown to loosen the blanket, like rubbing wood to dry Jieyang's upper body, and then put aside the blanket to take out a plush bathrobe for Xie yang to put on. He bent down to take out the hair dryer from the cabinet and said, "go and brush your teeth."

Xie Yang did it.

Qiu Xing plugged in the hair dryer and stood behind Jieyang to blow his hair when Jieyang brushed his teeth. The action was surprisingly gentle.

Xie Yang smiles at Qiu Xing through the mirror.

"What are you laughing at

Jieyang shakes his head, continues to brush his teeth, looks at himself in the mirror, pauses for a moment, and suddenly finds that his appearance has changed a little.

The body of the original Lord is similar to his original appearance, but in the end it is only similar, not exactly the same. There is always one or two points of difference from his original appearance. But now, that tiny difference seems to be blurring.

The former Lord and he both belong to the type of Qingjun, but his facial features and temperament are more moderate, and he is more aggressive. The same eye shape, his eye tail than the original owner pick, face shape also want to be more sharp, in fact, even his height, he also than the original owner of a few centimeters. He didn't like to look in the mirror and pay attention to his appearance because of this difference. But now

Jieyang felt his eye tail, and looked at Qiu Xing through the mirror. He vomited the foam of toothpaste and said, "I seem to have grown tall." The facial features are also moving towards the original appearance.

When Qiu Xing smelled the speech, he looked into the mirror and came into contact with Jieyang's sight. He immediately frowned and avoided it. He pressed Xie Yang's dishevelled head and turned off the hair dryer. He said, "don't dream. It's the hair blown up. Go out to eat after brushing."

It's not hair.

Jieyang gargle clean bubble, deliberately throw a few drops of water to Qiu Xing.

Qiu Xing looks at Xie Yang with a black face and doesn't say anything. He goes out of the bathroom first.


During the meal, Xie Yang realized that he was unconscious for nearly three days. During these three days, Qiu Xing was always in the ward.

"So you came as soon as you got a call from Wu Shui?"

Qiu Xing did not answer what he asked: "that wooden Zhouyi will call you every day. Today, he directly found it."

Xie Yang saw that Qiu Xing's expression began to be wrong again, explaining: "I told Wu Shui to tell director Xu Heng about my illness and not to let people visit him."

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Qiu Xingleng said: "everyone lives in a hotel. Who do you think you can hide from? What's the matter with Mu Zhouyi? You know her very well? "

"Not familiar."

"No, she cares about you so much?"

"Maybe it's her intention. She heard that you answered my phone. She wanted to come and seduce you."


Qiu Xing frowned at Xie Yang.

Xie Yang drank porridge calmly: "don't underestimate the charm of power and money. It seems that Mu Zhouyi likes to get close to the rich, powerful and influential people, and he can also win people's hearts. But it's just my guess. Maybe she just wants to please you and me and pave the way for her future marriage. She admitted to me that she liked the wind and the rain. Congratulations, you are about to get a troublesome niece-in-law. "

“…… I don't think anyone has any trouble with you. " Qiu Xing's frown loosened and his expression looked better. He pushed the dish to Jieyang and said, "don't worry, I will never have such a niece and daughter-in-law."

Xie Yang picks eyebrow: "do you want to beat the mandarin duck?"Qiu Xing didn't answer.


In the middle of the night, Xie Yang opened his eyes and took a look at Qiu Xing, who was sleeping on the bed beside him. He took a light action and sat up and touched the bouquet on the bedside table.

The pure smell of grass and trees spreads along the fingertips towards the body. The core of the power is stupid. The newly born powers inside flow out, entangle the smell of plants, blend, comb, remove impurities, absorb, and then feed back to the plants to form a cycle.

The fragrance of flowers in the ward suddenly became strong.

Xie Yang took back his hand in time.

The original Lord's constitution is slightly different from his. What he awakens is pure purification ability. Unlike his previous powers, besides purification, it also has strong corrosive attack.

Not bad.

He put down his hand and looked at Qiu Xing on the nursing bed. He crept out of the bed and watched the expression of Qiu Xing, who was still not relaxed even when he was sleeping. He squatted down and covered his hands on the quilt.

The ability has just awakened. The storage is too small and the level is not high. If you want to help Qiu Xing, you can only

"What do you do if you don't sleep in the middle of the night?"

Xie Yang let out a trace of power on the tip of his finger. He shrank back. He raised his eyes and opened his eyes to Shangqiu Xing. He said, "in fact, I'm sleepwalking."

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