For Xie Yang's obvious nonsense, Qiu Xinghui sneers.

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"Not yet released?"

Xie Yang takes back the hand on the back of Qiu Xing's hand.

"Go back to bed, lie down and close your eyes."

Xie Yang does it. Lie down and close your eyes.


Xie Yang opened his eyes, pulled the quilt and closed his eyes again.

"Put your hands in it."

Lift the handle into the bed.

About ten minutes later, Xie Yang tries to open his eyes.

"Xie Yang, you want to die, don't you?"


Xie Yang gave up the plan of secretly trying the power, closed his eyes again, slowed down his breathing, and his consciousness fell into a deep sleep. The power had just awakened, and he really needed a rest.

After confirming that Xie Yang is really asleep, Qiu Xing's tight body is slightly relaxed. He raises his hand which has just been held by Xie Yang and looks for a long time. He sits up and touches his shoulder which has been covered by Xie Yang during the day.

Looks like it's a little bit taller?

Also a little bit thinner

Don't touch my people, get out! 】

Qiu Xing straightened his back unconsciously, frowned and looked at Xie Yang in the next bed. He simply got out of bed and sat down on the chair beside the sick bed, staring at Xie Yang.

What does that mean?

Why do you say that?

Qiu Xing's finger quickly points to the armrest of the chair. When he reaches half of the chair, he leans over and puts the hand held by Xie Yang into the quilt and moves forward.

The skin touched another piece of warm skin, and could not help rubbing it gently. Qiu Xing suddenly regained his consciousness and took back his hand. His left hand held his right hand and leaned against the back of his chair to watch Xie Yang.

I don't know how long after that.

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"Hiss." Qiu Xing got up and pinched up a corner of the quilt on Yang's body and gently lifted it up, "something that doesn't worry about."


A wake-up, Jieyang full blood resurrection, even looking more healthy than before admission, more energetic. Qiu Xing frowned and looked at Xie Yang for a long time. He called for a doctor and insisted on giving Jieyang a general examination.

After a round of inspection, Jieyang, which is good, is a little calcium deficiency.

"Usually drink more milk, regular work and rest, adhere to exercise, no major problems, can be discharged."

Qiu Xing took the examination list and looked at the doctor with dissatisfaction and said, "he really has no other problems at all? Then why did you have a sudden fever this time? "

The doctor was so annoyed by Qiu Xing that he said for the 10000 times, "this may be --"

"it may be that I kicked the quilt the first day I went to bed, or I was acclimatized." Xie Yang helped the doctor answer, patted Qiu Xing on the shoulder, "do discharge, I don't like the smell of disinfection water in the hospital."

Qiu Xing's body was stiff without any trace. He glared at Xie Yang with a black face: "don't move your hands. Are you a child? You still kick the quilt when you sleep."

Jieyang to see the doctor: "doctor, he has a strong liver fire recently. Please give him some medicine to lower the fire and clear away the poison."

The doctor's uncle was very embarrassed: "you can't take medicine blindly, especially if the gentleman is ill at first sight. In fact, I suggest that this gentleman also go for a general examination."

Qiu Xing suddenly gets up, grabs the hat of Xie Yang's down jacket and pulls Xie Yang out of the doctor's office.

Doctor: "check."

Well, doctors are hard to do.


When they were discharged from hospital, Qiu Xing stopped suddenly when they were about to leave the hospital hall. He turned his head down in the luggage bag and turned out a scarf. First he raised his hand to pull up Xie Yang's down jacket hat. Then he wrapped the scarf around Jieyang and wrapped it in circles. He was only satisfied that Xie Yang only showed a pair of eyes outside.

After that, he took out a pair of gloves from his luggage bag and pulled Xie Yang's hand. He stopped when he reached half of his hand. Instead, he put the gloves directly into Xie Yang's arms and said, "wear them. H city is cooling down these days. Don't get frozen again once you go out."

Xie Yang put on gloves and found that the size of gloves was just right. He took a look at Qiu Xing without a scarf and gloves and asked, "don't you wear them?"

"I'm not cold."

Zhou Miao, who has just finished the discharge procedures for Xie Yang, came to hear this sentence and instinctively replied, "no, the boss is in a hurry to go out and only has time to get you. The boss doesn't bring his own. In fact, the boss is afraid of the cold."

Qiu Xing looks at Zhou Miao coldly. Zhou Miao reacts that he is talkative and shrinks his neck.

Jieyang accident, looking at Qiu Xing, the only exposed eyes with a smile: "are you afraid of the cold?"


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Qiu Xing frowned and pulled up the bag: "what are you laughing at? I'm gone."

The party got out of the hospital and got on the bus. The car was rented by Wu Shui from a car rental agency nearby. He didn't feel comfortable sitting at home. After getting on the bus, Qiu Xing always seemed a little tense.

Xie Yang said, "go to the mall first."

"What do you do in the mall?"

"I forgot to bring more pairs of socks before I bought them."

“……” Qiu Xing forbeared, but he didn't hold back. He said, "just say that your suitcase can't hold many things Wu Shui, go to the mallAfter arriving at the shopping mall, Xie Yang doesn't let Qiu Xing get off the bus, only takes Zhou Miao into the mall. He went straight to the fourth floor for men's clothes, chose a pleasant shop and went in. He estimated his size and picked out a pair of cashmere gloves and a cashmere scarf.

Zhou Miao suddenly realized: "you are going to give it to the boss..."

"H city is wet and cold, different from B city, he should not be used to it." Xie Yang explained that he took the gloves and scarves to check out. When he passed the clothing area, he swept a black down jacket on the shelf. As soon as he stopped, he called to the shopping guide and took one according to the size of Qiu Xing.

After shopping, Xie Yang hurried back to the car and put the bag on Qiu Xing's leg.

"I'm not buying socks. Why is it such a big bag?"

Xie Yang smiles. First he takes out the scarf and puts the gloves on Qiu Xing's hands. Finally, he takes out the down jacket and compares it with Qiu Xing's body. He says, "I think you're wearing a coat. It may be cold. This style is good. It should look good on you. "


Qiu Xingqiang held up his face and pressed down his down jacket and said, "spending money in disorder."

"I swiped the card you gave me." Xie Yang pointed to his new down jacket. "You give me clothes with my money, and I give you clothes with your money. It's fair."

Qiu Xing pinched the soft glove in his hand and said nothing more.

The car finally stopped at the door of a strange hotel.

Xie Yang looks at Qiu Xing.

Qiu Xingyu threatened: "either you live here while working in H City, or you can go back with me today, you can choose by yourself."

Xie Yang grasped the key point: "are you going back to city B today?"

"There's a meeting." Qiu Xing pushed open the door, "get out of the car and help you settle down first."

Qiu Xing's arrangement for Xie Yang is the hotel's top-level suite, three meals with butler, and a doctor on call. Qiu Xing helped Xie Yang hang up his clothes, turned to Xie Yang, and finally stopped looking at him. He said, "take good care of yourself. I'll sleep with the air conditioner on at night, and the temperature will be higher. I won't come here again for regenerative diseases."

Jieyang looked at Qiu Xing's exhaustion and the shadow of sleep shortage. He asked, "don't you stay for another day?"

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“…… Eat well and drink milk every day. Don't stay up late Qiu Xing avoided answering, and then checked the small refrigerator in the master bedroom. He made sure that there was something to eat and drink in it. He stood up straight and said, "if you go to the production group, try not to eat the box lunch of the crew. Let Wu Shui deliver the meal to you from the hotel."

"Do you have any headaches lately?"

Qiu Xing looked at Xie Yang, covered Xie Yang's head, stepped out and said, "I'm going to the airport. You can have a good rest."

Jieyang immediately picked up the jacket that had not been taken off for a long time to catch up with him and said, "I'll give you a ride."

Qiu Xing looked back at Xie Yang, but he didn't refuse this time.


On the way to the airport, Qiu Xing has been keeping his eyes closed. Maybe it is a psychological effect. Xie Yang always thinks that Qiu Xing's looks are worse than before, and his lips are even faintly purple.

Xie Yang's line of sight falls on Qiu Xing's overlapping hands on his abdomen. He moves a little over there and puts up his hands.

His powers are in the early awakening stage and cannot be used in the space. After the failure of the last attack in the middle of the night, he wanted to wait until he upgraded the ability a little before trying to help Qiu Xing. He tried to see if the purification power was useful for relieving physical diseases, but

Xie Yang leans back to the chair, points out the power to the fingertip, and probes into Qiu Xing's body.

Even if it can only make Qiu Xing comfortable.

Qiu Xing's eyelashes trembled and went back to quiet again.

The power, like a breeze, blows into the valley and drifts quietly into the valley.

A few minutes later, Qiu Xing's frown was loosened, his body was relaxed, and he leaned on Xie Yang's body. He really fell asleep.

Solution Yang receives the hand, the eyebrow heart actually shallow frowns.

A good discovery, a bad one.

A good finding is that powers work on diseases. Disease is like a virus to the body and can be eliminated. The bad discovery is that maybe it's because his power level is still very low. The effect of power on disease is not great, and Qiu Xing's physical condition is far worse than he thought.

According to the plot timeline of the original book, Qiu Xing will die in three years.

Three years, too short.


After arriving at the airport, Xie Yang wakes up Qiu Xing.

Qiu Xing frowned and opened his eyes. Looking at Jieyang's face, he woke up in an instant, sat up straight and held the hand on his abdomen.

The back of the hand is cold, there is no other person holding the temperature.

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Qiu Xing let go of his hand and said, "send it here. You don't have to enter the airport."

Xie Yang pushes the door to get off the car.

Qiu Xing:

About to enter the security checkpoint, Qiu Xing, who had been silent since getting off the bus, suddenly turned to Jieyang and said, "we are just trading relationship, understand?"

Xie Yang raised his eyes to see Qiu Xing.

Qiu Xing stopped for a moment and continued: "Jieyang, I'm the landlord..."

"I'm a tenant," Xie Yang saidQiu Xing shut up and looked at the calm Jieyang. He didn't understand whether he understood or didn't understand. His expression was faint and anxious.

Xie Yang suddenly smiles at Qiu Xing and says, "Qiu Xing, my father sold me the rest of my life to you, which is where."

Qiu Xing, looking straight at Xie Yang.

Xie Yang raised his eyebrows and asked, "divorce?"

Qiu Xing was stunned and carefully looked at Xie Yang for a long time. Suddenly he gave a low hiss and said, "Xie Yang, don't even think about it."


When Xie Yang arrives on the set, muzhou Yigang and Shen Yan finish filming an opposite scene. Seeing Xie Yang come back, they greet him with concern. Xie Yang responded one by one, raised his eyes to the eyes of Shangmu Zhouyi, ignored them directly, and took the initiative to reach out to Xu Heng and said, "Xu, I'm sorry for the delay."

Xu Heng held Jieyang's hand back and said, "it doesn't matter. The body is important. In fact, it doesn't delay anything."

The power comes out, enters Xu Heng's body and goes straight to his brain. Xie Yang obviously feels that something has been swallowed up by the power, and Xu Heng's eyes are confused for a moment.

It worked.

Xie Yang took back his hand with satisfaction, exchanged greetings with Xu Heng, and then sat down next to long Shuyou before shooting the next scene, holding long Shuyou's wrist.

Long Shuyou is looking at the music carefully. Only then does he notice that Xie Yang is back. He just wants to talk. His head suddenly sinks for a moment. He can't help but raise his hand to cover his mouth and yawn.

Xie Yang took long Shuyou's pen and music, turned over the score, and asked, "do you want me to sing with Mu Zhouyi?"

Long Shuyou's face wrinkled up, put down his hand to see Xie Yang: "let you cooperate with Mu Zhouyi, am I crazy?"


Xie Yang returned the music to long Shuyou, and happily patted him on the shoulder: "Congratulations, success in detoxification."

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