When it comes to Qiu's father who has been dead for many years, Qiu Xing's expression has finally changed. His eyebrows and eyes were slightly heavy. Just as he was about to speak, a familiar voice came from the door.

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"What are you going to do after you stay here? Do you want to make a small chip so that you can rob Rongding with your enemy's collateral relatives in the future?"

As soon as the words came out, the atmosphere in the room froze.

The old man's expression was stiff, then he sank and looked up at the sound. Young people who have been playing with mobile phones have finally put down their phones and looked up.

Xie Yang threw up the door, strode to the living room and took off his scarf and gloves. Then he directly sat down on the armrest of the sofa beside Qiu Xing's hand, threw the scarf and gloves to Qiu Xing, took the tea in Qiu Xing's hand and drank it. He glanced at the two people in the opposite side and laughed politely, but he was speaking to Qiu Xing, "Qiu Xing, you usually have a big temper. How come some relatives who are looking forward to your quick death come to your door to stop you, but you become a Buddha."

Qiu Xing looked directly at Xie Yang for a while, then suddenly laughed. He took the teacup in Jieyang's hand and said, "what do you do with cold tea?" Then he called for the nanny and asked the nanny to give Jieyang a cup of milk.

They ignored the two people in the opposite direction.

"Ah hang, who is this? Don't you introduce it to my uncle?"

Qiu Xing looked at the old man on the opposite side and gently rubbed the teacup and introduced: "uncle, this is Jieyang. My mother picked the other half for me. Xie Yang, these two are my uncle Liu Jiang and my cousin Liu Shixuan

The other half of this introduction, Liu Jiang's expression changed instantly, frowned at Xie Yang and said, "your mother is really confused! Why did you choose such - "

" so what? " Jieyang met Liu Jiang's line of sight, eyebrow tail slightly pick, "no matter how, I also want to let Qiu Xinghuo, always better than your uncle who is looking forward to the death of his nephew. Don't calculate. Qiu Xing will not die. Rongding is now Qiu Xing's and will only be Qiu Xing's. When Qiu Xing is old and dead, I will immediately donate Rongding to the society, and others will not take advantage of Rongding. "

Liu Jiang's face darkened as he listened to it. Finally, he patted the sofa, glared at Qiu Xing and said angrily, "ah hang, are you going to let such a person arrange me? Listen to what he said, you -- "

" uncle. " Qiu Xing interrupted Liu Jiang, "don't scold my people in my place. As you can see, my mother has helped me worry about my marriage, so I don't want you to worry about it. I don't want surrogacy. I won't have children in my life. It's late. Come back. "

Speaking of this, it's no different from tearing your face. Liu Jiang's expression was so ugly that he got up and said, "it's really kind of you. Ah hang, how can an outsider really treat you? Don't believe villain's words. Uncle said that these are for you. Think about it yourself! Shixuan, let's go

Liu Shixuan hears speech to get up and support Liu Jiang. Before he walks, his sight turns around secretly on Xie Yang's body.

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Silence returned to the living room, and the nurse brought up the milk.

Jieyang took the milk, got up and sat down on the side of Qiu Xing.

Qiu Xing put down his teacup, folded his scarf and gloves on his legs and asked in a rare mild tone: "does it not mean that genius returns?"

"I wanted to come back early to surprise you." Jieyang took a sip of milk and looked up at the beautiful crystal chandelier on top of his head, "but I didn't expect you gave me a surprise first. Don't you turn off the power on weekdays

“……” Qiu Xing explained, "today is a special situation, the family came to relatives."

"Do you call those who plan you relatives?" Xie Yang picks eyebrow, "Qiu Xing, is it that you can tolerate unconditionally as long as it is a person who has a little blood relationship with you?"

Qiu Xing leaned over to Jieyang and said, "angry?"



Qiu Yang sat down beside him.

The distance between the two people was narrowed, almost leg to leg.

Xie Yang looks at Qiu Xing.

"Not all my blood related people will tolerate unconditionally. The length of my patience with the Liu family depends on how long my mother can stay with me."

Xie Yang drank up the milk and leaned over to put the cup on the tea table, holding Qiu Xing's hand.

Qiu Xing's fingers were stiff, but he didn't break away. He looked at Xie Yang with deep eyes.

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Xie Yang quickly took back his hand and said, "Qiu Xing, you have just told Liu Jiang of my existence. I believe that before long, all the people who pay attention to you will know my existence. After I just said that, do you think that when you die, those people who covet Rongding will unite to dismember me, or will they put me to death

Qiu Xing immediately sat up straight and said in a deep voice, "don't talk nonsense!"

"How can this be nonsense?" Xie Yang gently patted Qiu Xing's arm, "even if there are no those people, when you are gone, just a solution that is no longer obedient is enough to make me headache. Qiu Xing, do you want me to bury you? " Then he got up and went straight upstairs.


It turns out that falling asleep with a temper can greatly delay sleep quality. Xie Yang wakes up from the nightmare and looks at the ceiling. Suddenly he gets out of bed and quickly walks out of the room. He turns around the corner and rushes to the door of Qiu Xing's room and opens the door to enter.In the dim light, Qiu Xing was sleeping on the big bed with his back to the door, breathing long and steady.

Xie Yang stops abruptly, stands in place for a long time, or steps to the bedside, squats to see Qiu Xing's face after sleeping.

At the end of his life, Xie Yang had been with a psychologist for some time. The psychiatrist said that after experiencing extreme danger, it is easy to cling to the first kindness after danger.

The first goodwill.

Xie Yang thought of the little girl who gave him a sugar after wearing it and laughed.

No, he doesn't cling to the first kindness.

He reached out to Qiu Xing and gently touched his eyebrows.

He is persistent, is a big sugar jar.

"A freshman is still a little boring." Although it's nice to touch the tip of one's shoulder, it's like touching my heart. Come on and live. "

The door closed and the room was quiet again.

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Qiu Xing's hand in the quilt slowly loosened and turned over for a long time.


Xie Yang finished breakfast in advance and arrived at the company. He also took two boxes of clothes with him.

Qincheng early with modeling team and shooting team in Yangxing. As soon as Xie Yang arrived, he immediately pushed Xie Yang into the make-up chair, then flipped over the schedule beside him and said, "I have communicated with Xu, who is very satisfied with the first draft of the episode you submitted. In addition, master long asked director Xu to work with you on the production of movie soundtrack. I agreed to help you

"In addition to this, I got you a magazine cover shot. Besides, at the end of the year, all kinds of ceremonies will be held one after another. Many invitation cards have been handed to you, and some occasions must be attended. Do you take care of the dress by yourself, or do I help you contact the brand to borrow it? "

Xie Yang remembered that he had two more sets of clothes every other time in his closet. He said, "no, Qiu My family made me a lot of dresses. "

Qin Cheng glanced at the busy stylists and others around him, but he didn't mention Qiu Xing's name. He said, "after you go home, take some photos of the dress for me, so that the stylist can design the shape for you according to the clothes in advance. There are watches, cufflinks, tie clips, brooches with dresses... "

"My family seems to be ready."

Qincheng decisively crossed out all the arrangements related to clothing, picked up the schedule and continued: "so far, the contact with your spokesmen is not very good, I have all pushed out. Nearly three months have passed since the release of IUD. I suggest that you make a new song at the end of the year and keep the popularity of the work exposed. And a new album... "

"The new album will be arranged after director Xu's soundtrack is busy. Remember to contact long Shu you. I promised him that I would let him participate in the production of the new album."

Qincheng is silent.


"It's really easy to take you." Qin Cheng sighed, put down the schedule, and said, "there is also good news. Last night, director Zhou Huairen contacted me and handed you an audition invitation for a new film. Zhou's new movie is a Republic of China drama. The role you are invited to audition for is male 2, a young gentleman of a family who studies music. Do you want to take this audition? "

Zhou Huairen, the director of Mu Zhouyi's last film "June Huai'an", has won many awards. His family is a film and television investment, and has a wide range of contacts in this field.

Yang Xing is the most lack of contacts, this opportunity is just right.

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Xie Yang replied, "yes. But you'd better prepare for the failure of my audition. I'm not very good at acting. This time, I wanted to know director Huairen next week By the way, give Zhou Huairen detoxification. In the plot of the original book, Zhou Huairen has helped Mu Zhouyi a lot.

Qin Cheng sincerely asked: "what is your acting skill so bad?"

"Almost all my professional courses are just flying low, and the teacher doubts how I got into the film school every year."


Qin Cheng did not give up and asked, "do you need a performance teacher?"

Xie Yang waved his hand: "no, let's make a new album first."

Qin Cheng regretted and painfully drew a bar on the audition itinerary, and said: "that's first like this. Give me your microblog account. In the future, I will use your account to send you photos regularly. Fans need to be spoiled. You have been closed. Do you want fans to pay for you? "

Solve Yang's loss and hand in the account number honestly.

"Besides, I'll also consider connecting you to variety shows and reality shows. You haven't been exposed to any other work except on who's the king of songs once since your debut. I'm..."

Qin Cheng swallowed what he wanted to criticize Hu Biao and said, "I know it's you who didn't want to take over the job before, but it's absolutely impossible. You are the signboard of Yangxing. If you don't get up, how can others look up to Yang Xing's artists? You have made your way out of the world in such a good way, but you are still. Now, a Xue Xian can step on you to grab resources. If you go on like this, do you believe anyone dares to step on you? "

Xie Yangxin, so he wisely did not speak against his new agent.……

At 5:00 p.m. that day, Xie Yang had been deserted for nearly two months, and his microblog suddenly updated the dynamic. Nine photos in a row, three different sets of clothes, a daily, a formal, a set of youth, each set is so handsome that people can't move their eyes.

After starving for several months, Xie Yang's fans were stunned, and then immediately exploded into fireworks.

Oh, my God! Nearly two months! Their idol who can't see the end is willing to come out for business at last! New year's Day!!!

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