Fans cheering the Chinese New Year soon put Jie Yang's Micro blog on the hot.

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Qiu Xing repeated the action of opening and closing the photo. His eyes were half drooping, as if he was looking at the computer screen or not, and there was no expression on his face.

Knock on the door, He Jun pushed the door in and said, "boss, it's been informed. The meeting will start in 15 minutes."

"He Jun."

He Jun went to his desk and said, "boss."

"Does Xie Yang look good?"

He Jun looked at Qiu Xing's face, which he couldn't see. He replied honestly: "even in the entertainment industry, the beauty of the small boss still belongs to the upstream."

"They are all praising him for his good looks." Qiu Xing looked at the photo, wearing a soft milk white sweater. He looked handsome and tender. He said, "twenty years old, what a good age What would he look like in nine years? Can the little Yang Xing on the opposite side have been unable to accommodate his ambition

"Boss, you can wait nine years to see for yourself what the little boss will look like."

See it with your own eyes.

Qiu Xing tugged at the corner of his mouth, turned off the photo, and opened the comments under the microblog.

The first hot comment said: at the thought that such Xie Yang would belong to someone, my heart was so painful that I couldn't breathe.

The second comment says: I can!! Yang Yang, come to my bed tonight! No refutation!

Qiu Xing's fingers trembled, then he covered the laptop screen with force, got up and went to the French window to look at the position of the chairman's office of Yanghang.

Twenty year olds are even tall.

He moved his eyes and looked at himself reflected on the mirror of the French window.

Full of sickness, an old man who has half stepped into the coffin.

How to see it with your own eyes.

Qiu Xing sneered and looked at Yang Xing on the opposite side and asked, "if I die, what will happen to him? Are those annoying people sitting in the meeting room bullying him? "

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"Boss, you know the answer better than I do."

Qiu Xing stopped talking.

Yes, he knows the answer better than anyone else.


Those people will go to death to bully Xie Yang, only because Xie Yang had a relationship with him.

Not only those people, but even the wind and the rain

Qiu Xing suddenly raised his hand to cover his face on the window.

Once he asked Xie Yang: do you have no one else to rely on except me?

Xie Yang replied: No, I can rely on myself.

This morning, Xie Yang secretly said: Although I can rely on myself, I feel really good holding my thigh. Come on, live on.

A liar.

But the liar now in addition to him, there is really no other people to rely on. Moreover, the lawless swindler entered the hunting range of a group of jackals because of him. If he dies

Qiu Xing closed his eyes and opened them again, saying, "He Jun."

He Jun answered.

"Book the fastest flight to m, contact Dr. Kirkman and get him ready. I'm going to do a comprehensive examination again."

He Jun suddenly looked up at Qiu Xing and forced down his joy and excitement. He said, "good! I'm going to make arrangements

Qiu Xing slowly moved his hand and looked at the reflection of himself on the mirror of the French window. After a long time, with a low hiss, he turned to his desk, picked up the documents for a meeting and strode out.


On the way home from work, Jieyang received Qiu Xing's wechat.

Qiu Xing: be honest at home after a week's business trip.

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Xie Yang made a direct phone call.

The other second, but did not speak.

"When do you leave?"

"At once."

Xie Yang sat upright and said, "what do you mean?"

"Xie Yang." Qiu Xing's voice suddenly became a little far away, with a whirring wind, "you have made a decision, don't regret When I come back. "

Hang up.

Xie Yang calls back.

Shut down.

“……” that 's ok.

Xie Yang put down his mobile phone and took a look at the cactus that he had turned to the florist to search for. He felt the power in the core of the power for an hour. He pushed the cactus aside and reopened Qiu Xing's wechat.

Xie Yang: I regret it.

It's very difficult to get rid of the environment. After thinking about it for so many days, he finally found a way to supplement and speed up the upgrade speed of power by himself.

To borrow is to use the power to help the plants to comb the veins, to retrieve a bit of vegetation breath from the plants, and then turn the vegetation breath into a power.

But because it is winter now, most of the plants have withered, and there is not much available. His ability level is low, so he can only give some weak flowers and plants to do this kind of "I give you a massage, you pay me some grass breath" trade, so after looking for a long time, he found such a kind of "massage" income is not bad.As a result, he was busy for a long time, but the patient ran away.

After a few seconds, Xie Yang calmed down again, took the cactus back to his legs, withdrew the message sent before, and typed again.

Xie Yang: come back early.


Under the arrangement of Qincheng, Xie Yang's career as an artist was soon on the right track.

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Right amount of work, right amount of exposure, microblog business from time to time, and an occasional hot search Xie Yang's popularity and popularity have been rising steadily.

The final version of the episode and soundtrack for "crazy musician" has been finalized. The shooting of the magazine cover has long been over, and a new wave of exposure can be obtained only half a month later. Xie Yang took part in several festivals and evenings held by major music platforms, won some modest New Talent Awards, and took the opportunity to save some contacts.

Xie Yang's fans are so happy and crazy that they brush his daily interview photos, red carpet photos, award winning videos and party singing, crying out for more.

But the expression on Xie Yang's face is getting worse day by day.

Let alone a week, two weeks have passed, but Qiu Xing has not come back.

On Friday, Xie Yang entered the examination room with the help of Wu Shui and completed the final examination of his last course of the semester. He handed in his paper in advance, dealt with several school fans outside the teaching building, and then quickly returned to the nanny car and took off his face mask.

Qin Cheng was waiting in the car. Seeing Xie Yang coming up, he immediately said: "the audition time is set. On next Monday, there are two confirmed role competitors: Yan Xin from Huanyu and Fang Chengnan from kaxu. One is the strength group and the other is the top class. At present, they are all more competitive than you. B city TV station and fruit station have sent an invitation to the new year's party, which is recorded and broadcast, and will not occupy your rest time for the new year. Therefore, I suggest you take one. "

After that, he put on his schedule and said, "I won't give you a new job. You have a whole new year's holiday. During the Chinese new year, I will launch your new songs, and I will also help you to do well in microblog publicity. You don't have to worry about anything and have a good rest. "

Xie Yang nodded to show that he understood. Then he took out the mobile phone which had been silent during the examination. He opened the call record first. There was no missed call from Qiu Xing. Then he opened wechat. There were a lot of new news, but there was no Qiu Xing.

He dug out the phone of Qiu Xing, called it and turned it off.

Although there is a long time difference between here and m, eight out of ten phone calls are turned off. The remaining two calls are either in a meeting or going to bed. If you can't say a word, you will hang up Good.

Xie Yang dials He Jun's phone instead.

It's still seconds.

"What about Qiu Xing?"

"The boss is having dinner with his partner." He Jun's answer is still impeccable, and even asked kindly, "do you have something I need to convey to the boss?"

Xie Yang has no expression: "yes, you let Qiu Xing call me back after dinner." Then he hung up the phone.

The car is very quiet, everyone can see that Jieyang is in a bad mood.

Qin Cheng hesitated for a moment, or asked: "do you have a conflict with Mr. Qiu?"

Xie Yang leaned back to the chair and said, "No

This is not a contradiction.

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Qincheng wanted to comfort him, but he didn't know how to say it. He simply talked about business affairs and said, "you have participated in several ceremonies and activities, and there are enough photos of your dress. I'm going to give you a topic tomorrow to help you raise your image."

"You can do as you see fit." Xie Yang finished and closed his eyes.

Qin Cheng then shut up and sighed in his heart.

Is it really necessary to insist on such an aggrieved marriage?


In the afternoon of the next day, a fashion blogger opened his microblog to get popular, which caused a lot of discussion.

Qincheng monitors the popularity of the topic in real time. After the number of comments reaches a certain number, it is preparing to arrange a hot search for Xie Yang according to the plan. It is found that there are two topics with Xie Yang's name on the tail of hot search.

#Jieyang plastic surgery ᦇ br >



When receiving the call from Qincheng, Xie Yang was sitting by the lake feeding the fish.

"Plastic surgery? Through the Shanzhai He raised his eyebrows and put the fish feed on the grass

"There's a cosmetic surgeon who made a detailed comparison of your appearance when you started your career and now, and insisted that you must have had your face adjusted. He has a lot of fans, and the popularity of the topic is rising rapidly. Wear Shanzhai is literal meaning, you have two sets of dress and H brand new style is very similar, was suspected to be wearing Shanzhai

Qincheng analysis: "judging from the climbing speed of hot search, it is possible that someone deliberately hacked you. I'm going to send a more formal clarification and send a lawyer's letter to the plastic surgeon. What do you think? "


Hang up the phone and take a picture of himself on the lake.

That last one or two points of difference has disappeared, this is his previous life's face, his own face.The sound of the car suddenly came from the direction of the second door. He took a look at it.

A familiar car drove slowly through the second door and then stopped suddenly. When the back door of the car opened, Qiu Xing stepped down from inside and strode towards this side.

Xie Yang sat still.

"What are you doing on the ground?" Qiu Xing, with a black face, bent down to pull Xie Yang up from the ground, took off his scarf and put it around Jieyang's neck. He also covered Xie Yang's ears. "His hat and scarf are not worn, and his ears are red with cold."

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