Xie Yang stands up according to Qiu Xing's movements. If he doesn't receive Qiu Xing, he only looks at Qiu Xing. The expression on his face is absolutely not surprising or kind.

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Qiu Xing noticed Xie Yang's expression and stopped. He suddenly blocked Jieyang's face with a scarf and asked, "angry?"

The head was wrapped like a potato, Jieyang still did not move and did not speak. He looked at Qiu Xing's pale face from the gap between his scarf and his lips, which were strangely lighter. Suddenly, he put his hand on his heart.

Qiu Xing's body is stiff, then he pulls down Xie Yang's hand and gently tightens it.

"Why are your hands so cold?" He rubbed Jieyang's hand, then pressed Jieyang's head with the other hand, and then compared with himself, "it seems that he has grown a little higher."

Xie Yang still doesn't speak, but he doesn't take his hand back.

"I brought you a gift Go ahead. "

Xie Yang finally moved. He grabbed Qiu Xing, who wanted to pull him into the house. He raised another hand that was not held by him and put it on Qiu Xing's chest again. He patted him gently and said, "if you confess, you will be lenient, if you resist, if you lie, you will get divorced."


Qiu Xing looked back at Xie Yang and asked, "can't you just pretend to be gentle?"

Xie Yang made a sarcastic voice from his throat.


Qiu Xing looked at Xie Yang and suddenly laughed. He raised his hand to play Jieyang's forehead and led Jieyang to the villa.

Xie Yang followed Qiu Xing's strength and looked down at his hand held by Qiu Xing. He noticed that the color of Qiu Xing's nails had also become lighter. He also looked up at Qiu Xing's back. His guess became more and more certain.

It is mentioned in the original book that Qiu Xing's diseases affect each other.

One brain cancer, one heart disease.

Brain cancer on those several treatment methods, one of the most effective is to do craniotomy. The tumor in Qiu Xing's brain is malignant, and the growth position is troublesome. The success rate of craniotomy is very low, and even if the operation is successful, it will leave sequelae. In addition, Qiu Xing has heart disease, and he has more concerns about craniotomy. Therefore, Qiu Xing gave up craniotomy treatment from the beginning, and only used conservative means to prolong his life.

In fact, Qiu Xing's heart disease didn't need special attention at all, but after he was diagnosed with brain cancer, his heart disease suddenly began to worsen. Heart disease to be cured must also be operated on, but Qiu Xing has brain cancer, and the condition has been not optimistic, always does not meet the conditions for heart surgery, so the treatment of heart disease has been delayed.

In this way, the two kinds of diseases are mutually restrained, forcing Qiu Xing to take no effective and rapid treatment, and forcing him to delay his life conservatively and wait for his death.

But now, Qiu Xing seems to have done heart surgery.

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Just now, he sent the power into Qiu Xing's body by touching the heart of Qiu Xing. He found that the stagnant feeling that would be fed back to Qiu Xing when he was given treatment to Qiu Xing had disappeared.

Disappearing means that it has returned to health.

Is it because he used his power to relieve Qiu Xing's condition some time ago, so that his body finally reached the condition for heart surgery? Or did his powers slightly alleviate the heart disease of Qiu Xing, making the heart treatment less demanding than before?

"I went to have a physical examination."

Xie Yang returns to his senses and finds that Qiu Xing has already pulled him into the room, and is picking a scarf for him at this time. He looked at Qiu Xing and asked, "then?"

Qiu Xing put the scarf aside and replied in a light tone: "then I had a heart operation, a small operation."

So it is.

Xie Yang raised his hand again and pressed Qiu Xing's heart and asked, "what's the result of the operation? Are you ready? "

Qiu Xing looked down at Xie Yang's hand in his heart. His brows and eyes were rarely stained with soft colors, and he said, "OK I don't have to worry about being angry with you in the future. "

Jieyang always don't forget to put eye medicine: "it's not me who will put you into the hospital. It's your excellent relatives and your white eyed wolf nephew."

Qiu Xing looked at Xie Yang: "how can you be so jealous and mean?"

Xie Yang didn't deny his revenge and stinginess. He took back his hand and asked, "well, what about another place?"

The smile on Qiu Xing's face was lighter.

"Another place..." He leaned over, covering his expression by taking off his coat. Come in and show you the presents. "


Qiu Xing's gift to Xie yangdai is a share contract.

"This company is independent of Rongding and is managed by special personnel. In the future, if you need to, you can come and take over at any time. This is the business card of the person in charge there. He will report the company's income to you regularly. "

Xie Yang didn't ask anything. He didn't even look through the documents. He just bent down and took up his pen to sign the document.

"Not afraid I'll sell you?"

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Xie Yang signed the paper and pushed it away, saying, "I'm not stupid."

The company, which is located abroad, is obviously the back road arranged by Qiu Xing. If Qiu Xing had an accident later, he could immigrate abroad with the help of this company and fly far away from the domestic chaos.It seems that the doctor still failed to give an appropriate treatment plan for the tumor in Qiu Xing's brain, but Qiu Xing finally stopped avoiding the disease and waited for death passively.

Jieyang's mood was a little scattered. He put down his pen and looked at Qiu Xing. He said, "the next time I go out for treatment, I hope you can inform me in advance. If you can, you'd better take me with you."

Qiu Xing was silent again and said, "Xie Yang, if there is an accident in my treatment --"

"then I will fly away with the property you gave me, and I won't even attend your funeral."

With some people, really can't talk about a few warm and personal words.

Qiu Xing blackened his face and didn't have a good airway: "you won't feel sad when I die?"

"Then I'll bury you?"

“…… Nonsense Qiu Xing picked up the document and got up, "what are you doing sitting here, going to dinner, how thin are you after half a month's absence?"

Xie Yang corrected: "it's not half a month, it's nearly 20 days."

Qiu Xing stopped and turned back, saying, "wash your hands first."


At dinner, Qiu Xing took the initiative to give Jieyang a bowl of soup for the first time, but his mouth was full of yin and Yang: "your fans are really conscientious. When you lose weight, they just praise you for being handsome and superficial."

Xie Yang asked, "how do you know my fans praise me for being handsome?"

“……” Qiu Xing also filled himself with half a bowl of soup, not to see Jieyang, "eat which so many words, concentrate on eating."

Xie Yang smiles and picks up the spoon to drink the soup.

This time, Qiu Xing didn't leave immediately after eating. Instead, he sat at the table and waited for Xie yang to finish. He said, "Rongding is going to hold the annual meeting soon. I should work overtime these days. You don't have to wait for me to have dinner."

Xie Yang nodded to show that he understood.

"Rongding's annual meeting Do you want to go? "

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Xie Yang raised his eyes to see Qiu Xing.

Qiu Xing seemed to mention it casually, saying: "there will be a lottery at the annual meeting, and there will be performances. If you want to go, I can take you around."

All employees of Rongding will attend the annual meeting of Rongding. It's self-evident what it means to be taken on such an occasion.

Xie Yang shook his head: "No

Qiu Xing's face turned black.

"I was full of work before the new year, so I didn't have time to go. Moreover, Yangxing also had to hold an annual meeting. Do you want to come around the annual meeting of Yangxing

Qiu Xing's expression looked better. He picked up the water cup and lifted it to his lips to drink. He also refused: "no time."

Xie Yang smiles.

"What are you laughing at?"

"I'll leave you a gift. This time, the company has given me a new neighborhood."

Qiu Xing got up and said, "who cares about your children's stuff?" Then he strode upstairs.


Xie Yang was in a very good mood that night. Even when he was brushing his microblog, he saw that he was wearing fake clothes everywhere, and he was still cocking his mouth.

Wechat from Qincheng: the lawyer's letter has been sent. I've managed to get you an invitation for the year-end dinner party of V club. You'll wear a new dress tomorrow. I've arranged a press interview for you. The press will ask you questions related to cosmetic surgery. You are free to play.

Xie Yang said "OK".

Qincheng: who are you wearing the Shanzhai? I guess I can guess. Fang Chengnan is the image ambassador of brand h. soon after the topic of "wearing a mountain stronghold" comes out, a series of marketing numbers begin to issue Fang Chengnan's gags of advertising for h-brand new series, and for Fang Chengnan to fry high-level faces and people favored by big brands. Although these manuscripts don't directly step on you, they obviously want to guide the public to draw you to compare with him, so as to lower your image.

Qincheng: This is what kaxu always likes to do. Fang Chengnan is popular, but has been in the TV circle. He has always wanted to get into the big screen, and this opportunity of director Zhou Huairen is very important to him.

Qin Cheng: he's preparing for the role. Next Monday is the audition. If you keep carrying negative news, the producers will probably pass you directly. People fight for breath, how much effort do you make during the audition.

Qincheng: now the topic is hot enough to be reversed. Wearing Shanzhai is very clear. Do you have the credentials to customize clothes?

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Xie Yang instead poked open Qiu Xing's wechat and typed.

Xie Yang: do you have any credentials for me when you make clothes for me? Some people black my clothes are fake. I need to clarify.

Qiu Xing came back after a while: it has been solved for you.


Xie Yang is about to ask in detail, Qincheng over there suddenly sent a new message.

Qincheng: there is no need for credentials. Even rumors about cosmetic surgery don't need to be controlled.

Qincheng: look at this.

Followed by an Internet video link.

Click on the link.

The page jumps, and an interview video uploaded an hour and a half ago pops up. In the interview screen, a gray haired foreign old man is sitting behind the table with a pamphlet to introduce his recent design works.After about ten seconds, the old man turned over the design book and happily pointed to a set of dark blue dress on it and said, "this is my most satisfied set of works recently. Because I like it so much, I modified it twice and launched the new series of H brand this time. Oh, I'm sorry, this suit was custom-made by an old customer of mine for his family. I only made one, and it has been sent out. I can't show you the real thing. "

Speaking of this, the old man suddenly turned back a few pages, pointed to another suit and said, "I designed this one for the guest. During this period, he suddenly began to grow tall again, and his eyebrows and eyes opened a little. His temperament changed a lot, which inspired my creative inspiration, so I immediately created this set. "

Xie Yang looked at the old man's exaggerated expression, raised his eyebrows, cut back to wechat, and found that Qincheng had sent new news.

Qincheng: this video has been moved to Weibo by the marketing number. I will put it on the top. With this, the rumors about your cosmetic surgery and mountain crossing will be defeated. But I still suggest you go to the dinner party tomorrow. It is said that Ji Zehui will also attend. You can find a way to share the same frame with him. I'll find someone to take a picture of him. Then I'll issue a draft of your height according to him to deepen my impression of white washing.

Xie Yang said "OK" again.

Qin Cheng suddenly asked: are you and Mr. Qiu reconciled?

Xie Yang thought and typed.

Xie Yang: No.

Xie Yang: but he went home.

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