The hall gradually quieted down, and several media specially invited by V society have steadily focused their lens on the small stage.

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Ji Zehui said very clearly: "after a few years, the half shadow suddenly sang, accompanied by the flow Prince piano. They want to make a big news."

"More than that." Qin Cheng approached Xie Yang and said in a low voice, "what director Zhou Huairen asked you to audition for is the piano. If Fang Chengnan is really allowed to earn a lot of heat from piano accompaniment today, the producers will definitely like Cheng Nan in Italy during the audition. "

Ji Zehui's ear tip heard and unexpectedly looked at Xie Yang: "audition? Are you going to play? "

Xie Yang did not answer. He looked at Fang Chengnan on the stage, thought about it, and took out his mobile phone to make a call.

He said, "did you attend the dinner party of V club? Can the elder play the piano? I want to ask the elder to do me a favor I'm in outer C

Ji Zehui and Qincheng both look at Xie Yang.

Xie Yang put away his mobile phone and explained, "it's Shen Yan. He agreed to come and do piano accompaniment for us. Mr. Ji, how about "flowers in a dream" for a while? "

"Flowers in a dream", the representative work of the late composer Han Yu, has been sung since decades ago with inspirational lyrics and beautiful melody. It has been recorded into the music textbooks of primary and secondary schools, and is a song with high national standard.

But it's easy to be mocked if you don't sing well, and it's ridiculed by the whole nation.

Ji Zehui's voice is more powerful, "flowers in a dream" is a very soft song. Looking at Xie Yang, he didn't know for a moment whether he should be surprised that he could invite Shen Yan, or blame him for choosing music in disorder.

"Believe in yourself." Jieyang met Ji Zehui's eyes and patted him on the shoulder. "You can. Think about the feeling of breaking through yourself when you record" raging waves. "

Ji Zehui only remembered the fear of being tortured by Xie Yang at that time. The words of refusal had already flowed into his mouth and was swallowed by him. Ji Zehui wisely said: "that will you sing big head, I will give you harmony."

"No, you go up and sing. I'm the new person you brought to the stage. You're the elder. Only I trust you. You can't praise me in turn. Otherwise, the manuscript of black I love to be in the limelight, thoughtful and disrespectful to the elder will fly all over the net tomorrow. " Xie Yang smiles, "I will accompany you with Shen Yan. Shen Yan plays and I play. The three golden film emperors play the piano for you. It's glorious. "

Ji Zehui: No, he didn't want it.

Qin Cheng understood what Xie Yang wanted to do, and said with a smile: "you are really bad. Shen Yan's performance on the piano plus Ji Zehui is cute. This topic is definitely not inferior to that of Cheng Nan and the movie queen. Besides, they all play the piano. Fang Chengnan can't compare with Shen Yan. He doesn't dare to send his manuscripts randomly."

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Xie Yang smile, way: "he card my performance, I card his manuscript, very fair."

Shen Yan, who is just wearing a white suit, looks for him from the position of area a in the inner circle. Xie Yang stops talking and gets up to meet him. Qincheng gets up consciously and gives his position to Shen Yan.

"I didn't expect you to come too." Shen Yan greets Ji Zehui as he greets his whereabouts. He notices Ji Zehui and politely greets Ji Zehui.

Ji Zehui quickly returned a greeting and was very polite.

After everyone exchanged greetings, Xie Yang asked, "how was your time with the crew?"

Shen Yanmei frowned and said, "director Xu and I just want to finish the game as soon as possible. By the way, I heard a little bit about you in front of me. What's the matter? You offended people

Even Shen Yan heard it?

"What's the rumor?" Xie Yang asked

Qincheng also looked at Shen Yan.

"It's rumored. It is said that Jiejia is not as beautiful as it looks on the surface. It has already fallen into the bankruptcy crisis. Jiejia really sold you. The living conditions you have now are far from what Jiejia can provide. The annual rent of the office building where Yang Xing is located is skyrocketing. In addition, you have to support a company and two artists. Now you are being stripped out and dressed in customized clothes... "

Shen Yanyu reminds him: "Xie Yang, you should know that even the Shen family will not be extravagant to dress children all over the body. And even if the Shen family is willing, they may not be able to hire a royal designer with H brand. It's not money that makes people believe. It's your consumption that's already cross class. "

Hearing Shen Yan's warning, Xie Yang replied: "don't worry, I'm not being taken care of, and Xie's family is not on the verge of bankruptcy. My father just tightened the money in the hotel and invested in a resort project. As for my consumption I can only say that my family don't want me to be wronged when I'm out fighting. "

Shen Yan nodded and chose to believe Xie Yang.

Ji learned his lesson early and didn't care about rumors from the beginning. No matter whether Xie Yang has been taken care of or not, it does not prevent Xie Yang from cleaning him up at any time.

He followed closely: "I heard almost the same story. I feel there are many people who believe in it. However, the news was only passed on among the people in the circle as gossip, and did not flow out. The people who spread the news should just want to discredit you in the circle. As soon as this news comes out, those who originally wanted to make friends with you and fear you against your background may change their minds. Who do you mean, youngXie Yang already had a guess in his mind, but he didn't give a positive answer. He just shook his head to show everyone's attention.

The movie queen on the stage is singing an old song with a relaxed tune. Fang Chengnan smiles and plays the piano. The picture is very eye-catching.

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A few minutes later, the performance was over and everyone applauded.

Qincheng took the opportunity to get up, approached Jieyang and said, "I'll go and find out where the rumor came from."

Xie Yang nods.


Half an hour later, Ji Zehui was invited to the stage by the director on stage.

Ji Zehui went up with a smile, took the microphone and said, "at the end of the year, let's sing a song for you to make it lively. Before we start singing, let me have the honor to invite my accompanist Shen Yan to the stage! Applause

Shen Yan is a low-key person. In the past, when attending such dinners, he always came in a low-key manner, gathered with his friends in a low-key manner, and then left with a low-key attitude. He never took the initiative to take the stage to show off.

The stars under the stage immediately became agitated, and Ji Zehui's familiar singer called out: "Xiao Ji, you're a liar!"

Ji Zehui pretended to be angry: "sister Huang Wen, you said that I am not happy."

Just as Shen Yan came to the stage with a smile, Ji Zehui immediately said: "sister Huang Wen, have a look, did I cheat you?"

Everyone laughed.

Shen Yan took the microphone to say hello to everyone, and then sat down in front of the piano.

Fang Chengnan's expression was stiff and soon returned to normal. With the laughter of the crowd, he clapped his hands.

"It's still too lonely to play alone. Let me catch another one It's just you, pee you up! Accompany Shen Yingdi

Fang Chengnan clapped his hands and frowned quickly.

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Xie Yang took the violin to the stage. For most people in the entertainment industry, he is just a stranger and a pure newcomer who has only heard the rumors. They clapped politely and looked at Xie Yang with his eyes.

Xie Yang calmly accepted the survey, politely said hello to everyone, then walked to the corner of the piano, bent down to put down the box, and took out the violin. Ji Zehui on the

stage has announced the singing performance. Before making fun of Ji Zehui's song, he shouted, "don't ruin your old song, change it for another."

"For what, just sing this. Is it easy for me to ask Shen Yan to accompany me once? Everyone can play this song and sing it. That's it!"

The atmosphere was thoroughly fried.

Shen Yanxian raised his hand and pressed the first note.

It's getting quiet under the stage.

Shen Yan's posture when playing the piano is very elegant and eye-catching. Today, he is just wearing a white suit and sitting in front of the white piano. He is like a prince coming out of a fairy tale. Everyone's eyes fall on him unconsciously.

"Flowers in a dream" beautiful Prelude sounded, a smooth piano solo, the sound of the violin timely cut in, the atmosphere of the song better set off.

Everyone unconsciously looked at Xie Yang, who was playing the piano next to him.

The handsome young man stood in the light in a black dress, with a quiet expression and half drooping eyes. His eyelashes swept out a layer of shallow shadow at the moment. His eyes were slightly warped, and his side face was almost perfect. His white skin was lined with a simple violin, and his slender fingers made him look noble and gorgeous, which attracted people's attention unconsciously.

The stage is completely quiet, and the beautiful and soothing music flows slowly.

Beauty, beautiful music, everything is the best enjoyment.

After the prelude, Ji Zehui began to sing.

The audience, who had been immersed in the atmosphere of songs, appeared in succession and looked at Ji Zehui, who was speechless and wanted to laugh. This guy It was like a wild animal coming out of two princes.

Many of the singers who are familiar with Ji Zehui can't help but make noise and praise Ji Zehui's singing well.

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The dinner party was originally meant to be a relaxing and lively one. The director of V society was very satisfied with the current atmosphere. He started to yell under the stage and called the media to let them shoot Ji Zehui hard, so that Ji Zehui would be "ruined"!

A beautiful accompaniment, singing the play "flowers in a dream" reverberated in the hall. At the end of the first part of the chorus, Ji Zehui, who can't stand the noise, walks up to Xie Yang and sends the microphone to his lips.

This is not discussed before. Xie Yang takes a surprise look at Ji Zehui, then smiles. He finds a suitable time to release his violin and close to the microphone to open his mouth.

The smooth and deep male voice perfectly cuts into the soothing and beautiful melody. It's like a misplaced mechanism has finally returned to its original position. The people who have been tormented by Ji Zehui for a while just feel refreshed. Qi Qi looks at Xie Yang and is slightly surprised.

Huang Wen under the stage was even more exaggerated "wow". Sitting opposite her, Zeng Min said with a smile, "I said Xiaojie is a voice killer. He is really great."

After singing a, Ji Zehui takes the microphone back and starts singing by himself.

There was a howl under the stage. Xie Yang started playing again.

After Ji Zehui sang two sentences, he was angry and everyone was shouting. He glared at several old friends who were making noises when he stepped down from the stage. He suddenly went to the piano and sent the microphone to Shen Yan, who was playing the piano.The cheers and cheers from the audience suddenly exploded.

Shen Yan smiles and goes on with the chorus.

Shen Yan's voice is gentle, which is also suitable for the style of flowers in a dream. After singing, Ji Zehui took back the microphone and went back to the center of the stage. After enjoying the last interlude, he sang the last chorus of flowers in a dream.

From the perspective of stir fried atmosphere, Ji Zehui's singing must be given full marks.

After the song, the director of V society called Ji Zehui and others who were ready to leave to chat. In the point to Jieyang, the director of the meaning of a deep tunnel sentence: "handsome boy, today dressed very good-looking oh."

Xie Yang politely thanks for the compliment.

The director laughed and was afraid to pat Xie Yang on the shoulder.

Xie Yang stands on the stage with the modesty that a new comer should have. Occasionally, he looks at Cheng Nan's complicated line of sight. He raises his eyebrow slightly and smiles politely at the other party.

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