After stepping down, Ji Zehui did not let Xie Yang leave, but took Xie yang to meet Zeng min and his old friends. Xie Yang knows that this is Ji Zehui who is taking him to spread his contacts and goes with Ji Zehui.

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Ji Zehui took the lead before, and Zeng min praised him later. Even Huang Wen praised Xie Yang's timbre. No matter how they thought about Xie Yang's arrival, all the singers at least gave Xie Yang face on the face. They spoke to Xie Yang warmly and warmly. They praised Xie Yang's performance just now.

After a round of greetings, Xie Yang said goodbye and did not disturb the gathering of these people.

Just to go out no two steps, Xie Yang was called out by Shen Yan. Xie Yang went over and asked, "what's up, master Shen?"

"Take you to my table and meet some people." Shen Yan motioned to Xie yang to keep up with himself and said in a low voice, "I'll give you a message later. You can pick what you can say, understand?"

Xie Yang thought a turn, immediately understand Shen Yan this is to help him wash white rumors, sincerely said: "thank you, Mr. Shen."

Shen Yan shook his head: "you don't have to call me my name all the time. If it wasn't for you, I might have caused a big trouble to enter Huanyu. I should thank you. "

Xie Yang immediately changed his words: "thank you, brother Shen."

Shen Yan hears speech and pats Yang's back with a smile.


The location arranged by V Society for Shen Yan is very good, which is the best and most central place in area A. Shen Yan's table is full of big men who have already reached the top of the entertainment industry, and all of them are works.

All of us are human spirits. Seeing Shen Yan bring a new person here, they all take the initiative to say hello, and their attitude is casual and kind.

Shen Yan said with a smile: "take a child to show you, this is Xie Yang, a new person I know in Xu director's crew. He is very good. He composes very well. He also runs a company. My uncle thinks he is very good. He says that we must cooperate with him when we find a chance. "

This is a lot of information. First show that Xie Yang has strength, Xu Heng invited to the crew. Point out that Xie Yang has a position. He has opened a company. Huanyu will probably cooperate with Xie Yang in the future. It is suggested that this is not a new man who can be pinched at will.

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When they understood this, they were more and more kind to Xie Yang and asked him to sit down.

Xie Yang politely thanks everyone and sits next to Shen Yan.

Shen Yan doesn't introduce Xie Yang too much. After he sits down, he only makes a vague statement that Xie Yang and long Shuyou have a good relationship. After that, he chats with everyone about other things, and then sends Xie Yang a message from time to time, quietly letting him join the chat circle.

Xie Yang is very knowledgeable and interesting. His attitude is not excessively attentive or dignified. He only takes what should be answered, and never grabs the limelight that should not be robbed. However, when a topic really comes to his head, he can definitely say something useful.

After chatting for a while, we also basically understood the depth of Xie Yang. Two film industry elders took the initiative to talk to Xie Yang.

When the atmosphere was just right, an old filmmaker, who was nearly 50 years old, suddenly said, "I know that I often stay in your hotel when I'm on business. I feel that I've stayed in your hotel a few years ago, but the management of these two years is a bit chaotic."

The table was quiet.

Xie Yang looked at the speaker and glanced at the famous brand in front of him. Hong Zhijie said, "I'm sorry to have caused bad experience to senior Hong. In the past two years, my father has taken the idea of opening a resort resort. He went to T city and approved a piece of land. Recently, he has been concentrating on it, neglecting the management of the hotel. Thank you for reminding me. I will talk to my father when I come back. "

Resort Resort, T City, approved a piece of land The land in T city is not cheap and easy to get.

A actress who has a good relationship with Shen Yan said: "look at Lao Hong, I think it's very comfortable to live in Jieyang's hotel. I've done a great job in preventing paparazzi. I stayed there eight times out of ten business trips."

The atmosphere returned.

Shen Yan started another talk at the right time, leading Xie yang to talk about the establishment of Yang Xing. Xie Yang also said that he established Yang bank only to cope with the family, because if he started a business, his father would give more capital.

Hong Zhijie opened his mouth again and said in a jest like way: "that must have given a lot. The rent of the place where Yang Hang office is located is not cheap."

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Xie Yang didn't blush when he told a lie. He replied, "there are many. It starts with nine figures and five, but it's gone. I have to earn all by myself. I'm not afraid to be laughed at. In fact, Yangxing has been in a loss state for the past few months. It's all my investment in other places to make up the hole. "

Starting with nine figures and five, there are other investments in making money. Many stars in the entertainment industry who have been around for many years do not have this wealth.

Everyone's line of sight turns between Shen Yan and Xie Yang. There is a kind of strange feeling. How can Shen Yan introduce a new person so hard? It turns out that the golden spoon master brought another master to play.

The atmosphere on the table was more friendly. Some actress couldn't help asking about Xie Yang's custom-made clothes. She wanted to rub Xie Yang's contacts to make clothes. Xie Yang said that in fact, his clothes were arranged by his family, and he was not sure who he was looking for. He suggested that if the elder wanted to, he could help him ask.

Hong Zhijie actually opened his mouth again and asked, "which family member, your father?"This is a very targeted question.

Xie Yang looked at Hong Zhijie and was not used to him. He said, "it's not my father. It's another family member who stays in the same household register with me. Elder, you are so interested. Would you like me to show you the account book? Or would you like to see my bank account more? "

The table is quiet again, and the eyes of everyone looking at Xie Yang are more cautious.

With such a tough attitude, it seems that Xie Yang really has his own capital, and the sentence "in the same account book" that he specially emphasized has a deep meaning.

There is a smooth busy mouth, warm the end, switch the topic.

Hong Zhijie, shut up. Xie Yang is no longer chasing, so as not to appear aggressive.


"Hong Zhijie is one of the shareholders of kaxu," Shen warned as he left

Ka Xu, the company of Fang Chengnan. i see.

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He went back to Xiecheng.

Seeing Xie Yang come back, the artists in area C are eager to talk to Xie Yang. Xie Yang avoids all of them and takes Qincheng to the interview area. They do the interview arranged by Qincheng first.

After the interview, the dinner is almost over. Xie Yang, Ji Zehui, Shen Yan, and the organizer said goodbye.

As he walked out, Xie Yang Yu Guang caught a familiar figure. Looking sideways, he saw that Mu Zhouyi, dressed in a tulle skirt, actually walked out from the direction of area B with Fang Chengnan. They talked and laughed and seemed to have a good relationship.

Xie Yang steps a stop, and then take back the line of sight to continue to go out.

In the original book, Mu Zhouyi has been hanging out in the film and television circles. He has been dealing with powerful and influential big men. He has nothing to do with the flow stars like Fang Chengnan, who will be torn apart by fans once they get involved.

But what's going on now? When did Mu Zhouyi know Fang Chengnan?

After returning to the car, Qincheng immediately said: "I inquired about it. The rumor that you were fostered was first spread from the film and television investment circle. It's strange that you haven't stepped into the film and television industry at all. Who will be so insidious and defeat your reputation in the circle

Xie Yang didn't answer, only thinking about the possibility that Mu Zhouyi and Fang Chengnan were walking together by pure coincidence.


It was more than eleven o'clock in the evening when Xie Yang got home. It's not the weekend, but the light in the living room is still on. He glanced at the yard and saw no strange vehicles. He opened the door with a key and entered the house.

He came home directly from the dinner party. He was still dressed in the dinner dress, and his hair was not washed. He kept the style carefully made by the hairstylist.

A handsome young man in a black dress stepped in from the porch, and the warm lights fell on the black dress, reflecting some dark spots on the black dress, which made people think that someone stepped on the starlight to come in.

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Qiu Xing had noticed that a car was coming back. After hearing the opening of the door, he looked at it with a black face and said, "what's the matter?"

the words suddenly stopped.

Xie Yang looked at the past, saw Qiu Xing sitting alone in a single sofa facing the porch, raised eyebrows, leaned over and asked, "are you waiting for me?"

Qiu Xing turned back to God. He put aside his sight by drinking water and said, "I just sleep too long in the morning, and I'm not sleepy now. Why do you come back so late? It's just a small activity, worth your delay? "

"It's not a small event. Today, most of the entertainers in the entertainment industry get together." Xie Yang sat on the side of Qiu Xing and poured himself a cup of tea. He said, "there are more people and more gossip. Today, many artists are chatting about a rumor about me."

Qiu Xing immediately looked at the past and said, "what rumors?"

"I'm being fostered. The details are that Jiejia is facing bankruptcy crisis, and I may have been sold by Jiejia family. My Yangxing and my clothes are provided by the foster. Where do you think the rumor, which is so close to the truth, will come from? "

Qiu Xing's expression sank.

Xie Yang turns his teacup and looks at Qiu Xing.

"It's not the Liu family. They don't dare to spread my news to the outside, and they don't know the real situation of Xie's family." When Qiu Xing said a word, his tone became colder, and his disappointment and anger accumulated in his eyes were also deeper. "They are not enemies. They are busy fighting for power. Even if they know you exist, they will not deal with you so painlessly while I am still here. They're not so stupid! "

Xie Yang nodded and took a sip of tea and said, "except for the close people, there is only one person in the world who knows the situation of Jiejia and our relationship clearly."

Qiu Xing pressed his temper and said, "the wind is clear."

Xie Yang smiles: "but fengqinglin will not be bored to go to the entertainment circle to spread this kind of rumor. So it's more likely that someone in the entertainment industry knows the relationship between you and me in detail from Feng Qinglin, and then speaks it out with a big mouth. And the only people your nephew knows from the entertainment industry are... "

"The book of changes of wood." Qiu Xing was so angry that he gave a sneer, "it's really good. I can tell a woman who has just met me about my family affairs. I'm still in a shopping mall like this. Sooner or later, I'll be gnawed to the bone."

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