Xie Yang put down the teacup and picked up the teapot to refill Qiu Xing with tea, which was a euphemistic consolation.

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Qiu Xing forced down his breath and said, "what's the rumor? Do you need me to help you..."

"No, I've clarified the rumor with the help of an entertainment veteran."

Xie Yang put down the teapot and looked at Qiu Xing: "I tell you this is not to make you angry, but to remind you that you trust fengqinglin, but fengqinglin certainly does not trust you. Even if Feng Qinglin trusts you, he also trusts Mu Zhouyi, so I hope you can be a little bit defensive against Feng Qinglin in the future. All the information you tell him is not entirely safe. "

In the plot of the original book, Feng Qinglin has repeatedly used Qiu Xing's undefended relatives to extract information from him. Regardless of whether Qiu Xing in the original book knew about it or not and deliberately told Feng Qinglin the information, he would never allow Qiu Xing to be totally defenseless against Feng Qinglin as in the original book.

Qiu Xing's expression turned clear a little and said, "I'm not unguarded to him."

"Then you just want to spoil him."


Qiu Xing suddenly leaned back and raised his legs. With an attitude of "I don't care, I just ask casually", he asked lightly, "are you eating Qinglin's vinegar?"

Xie Yang gives a meal and looks Qiu Xing up and down.

Qiu Xing picked up the cup to drink tea, as steady as Mount Tai.

There seems to be something strange about it. But Xie Yang, on this kind of thing, does not like to eat temptation.

Xie Yang also raised his legs and said, "I'm a healthy person. Why should I eat a brain damaged vinegar? Or do you want me to eat fengqinglin vinegar

Qiu Xing put down his teacup and chuckled: "how can it be."

Jieyang nodded and his firepower was full: "in fact, it's not impossible to eat fengqinglin's vinegar. If you are willing to divorce and let me recognize you as your uncle, even if it's just for Rongding, I'll be very willing to eat vinegar with fengqinglin."

Qiu Xing took a deep breath and put down his tea cup. He got up and glared at Xie Yang and said, "don't move your mind. Go to bath and sleep." With that, take a step.

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Xie Yang followed up.

When Qiu Xing stepped on the second floor of the stairs, Xie Yang habitually reached forward, trying to catch Qiu Xing and finish his daily power infusion before going to bed. As a result, as soon as his hand was raised, Qiu Xing in front of him suddenly stopped and turned around.

Qiu Xing looked at Xie Yang's raised hand with burning eyes, but he pretended to be indifferent and asked, "what are you doing with your hand?"


Xie Yang turned his hand and helped up the stair railing. He said, "my aunt made the floor too slippery. I almost fell down and wanted to help the railing."

Qiu Xing's expression held back and said, "don't mistreat your aunt."

"That can only blame you, you walk in front of me block my sight, I can't see the road, easy to fall."

Qiu Xing said: "I didn't let you go behind me."

"You've been waiting for me so late. I'm sorry to walk in front of you."

"Me? Waiting for you? It's ridiculous. "

"When you don't work, you secretly cut off electricity?"


Qiu Xing was so angry that he turned around and left.

Xie Yang stands in place and looks at Qiu Xing.

One step, two steps, three steps Qiu Xing stopped and strode back. He kneaded Xie Yang's head with his hand and made a mess of Xie Yang's hair. He said, "a child still combs this kind of hair. Go to sleep!" Then he turned and walked again.

Xie Yang grabs Qiu Xing's hand.

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Qiu Xing stopped abruptly, the corners of his mouth rose and flattened quickly. Slowly, slowly, he turned to see Xie Yang. His eyebrows and eyes were faintly proud, but his face was noble and cold. He said, "Xie Yang, you are indeed -"

"Qiu Xing, man's head can't touch, I have endured you for a long time." Xie Yang seconds to take back the hand of Qiu Xing, and then also raised his hand to mess up Qiu Xing's hair. After that, he staggered over Qiu Xing and went to the third floor with a good mood.

After living for so many years, in addition to the hairdresser, no one has ever dared to do so. He stayed there for three seconds. Then he looked at the stairs on the third floor in disbelief. For a while, he said, "lawlessness What a lawlessness


The next day, Qiu Xing slept in again.

Xie Yang guesses that Qiu Xing's sleep time has become longer, partly because of the influence of the power, and partly because the body still needs to recover after cardiac surgery.

He went upstairs again into Qiu Xing's room. Qiu Xing sleeps with his back to the door. Xie Yang goes over and reaches out to Qiu Xing's eyebrows.

Qiu Xing suddenly opened his eyes and stared at Xie Yang. He asked in a hoarse voice when he got up in the morning: "Xie Yang, do you want to hold the railing this time?"


Xie Yang straightened up and took back his hand. He asked, "do you pretend to sleep?"

Qiu Xing closed his eyes and let out a low hum from his throat. He turned over and lay flat. He could see that he was still very sleepy. He said, "I was woken up by a mouse full of lies. Jieyang, it's useless to cover it up. You're just -- ""The nanny asked me to come up and tell you to have breakfast." Xie Yang interrupted Qiu Xing. He bent down to help him pull the quilt. He took the opportunity to infuse the power into Qiu Xing's body through the quilt. Then he took back his hand and said, "but since you are still sleepy, go on sleeping." With that, he turned to leave.

Qiu Xing suddenly reached out from the quilt and grabbed Jieyang's arm.

Xie Yang looks back at Qiu Xing.

"You're the most cunning. You've done a lot of things and pretended to be stupid." The power has already played a role. The sleepiness is revived, and Qiu Xing's voice gradually becomes lower. "This time, you can't think of your luck..."

Qiu Xing's breathing became stable again, holding the hand of Jieyang arm slowly released, about to slip off.

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Jieyang grabbed Qiu Xing's slipping hand with his backhand, bent down and put Qiu Xing's hand back into the quilt. He pulled the quilt for Qiu Xing, then slapped it on Qiu Xing's eyebrows and said, "you are not going to be as good as you want." Probe half of the probe will not move, all expect others to take the initiative, want to be beautiful.


Xie Yang finally chose the invitation of the new year's Party of B city TV station, because he was close to home and didn't have to go on business. Qincheng silently looked at the opposite Rongding building and said: "in fact, the fruit table party is more worth attending. His party has a high audience rating."

Xie Yang smiles and doesn't answer.

Qincheng wisely changed the topic and said: "several performance videos of yesterday's dinner party have been posted on Weibo by V social development. The performances of you, Ji Zehui and Shen Yan are the most popular. Fang Chengnan didn't dare to publish the whole manuscript about piano accompaniment, but they found the marketing number to stir up Fang Chengnan's gentlemanly topic. I've arranged for someone to pick up your height in a passer-by's tone. Now the response is good, but I won't arrange a hot search for you. You've been exposed a lot this time, so it's time to keep a low profile for a while, otherwise it's easy for passers-by to resent your appearance. "

"You can arrange. Did I just audition and party recording my job years ago? "

Qin Cheng nodded: "that's all. By the way, I have made an appointment with master long for you. As soon as the holiday is over after the new year, the production of the new album will start immediately. Is that ok? "

Xie Yang said that there was no problem.

After the business was over, Qin Cheng was ready to leave. Xie Yang called on him and said, "by the way, you can keep an eye on Fang Chengnan and Mu Zhouyi to see if they will cooperate recently."

Qincheng had to ask: "do you care about the wooden Zhouyi?"

Xie Yang turned out the love story of powerful women and mentally handicapped relatives that Hu Biao heard at the beginning and told it to Qincheng.

Qincheng: "it is

"You should tell me something like this earlier," he said seriously. "The entertainment industry is complicated. Any information that is not good for you needs to pay special attention to."

"This time I was negligent."

"Do you have any other artists who are at odds?"

Xie Yang recalled, reported Xue Xian's name and explained: "he wanted to pit me at the beginning, and then I robbed his job."

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"You and he belong to normal resource competition, which is different from Mu Zhouyi's personal enmity. OK, I see. I'll keep an eye on it for you


Qincheng is very efficient. In the morning, he took the task from Xie yang to find out whether Fang Chengnan and Mu Zhouyi had cooperation. In the afternoon, he handed in the answer paper.

"Fang Chengnan actually cooperated with Mu Zhouyi. Fang Chengnan's popular reality show "extreme battle" is said to have invited Mu Zhouyi to be the guest of the new year's special to shoot overseas for two consecutive issues. Mu Zhouyi's popularity has plummeted and her image has been worn down after her last hot search for touching people. She has lost several endorsements and cooperation in succession. Her status is not as good as before. I can't think why the program group of "extreme battle" invited her. "

Actually, there is cooperation.

Xie Yang was thoughtful.

"Well, I found out something else. Mu Zhouyi received the invitation of the new year's Party of Z City satellite TV. The content of the performance was solo, and the singing program was the difficult old song "missing hometown". It is said that Z City satellite TV is planning to use the topic of "Mu Zhouyi's first performance" as a gimmick to preheat the new year's Eve party. "


Xie Yang sat up straight and asked, "are you sure?"

"It's basically certain that all the new year's galas recorded and broadcast by the major satellite TV stations have basically finalized the program list, which is very good to inquire about. What's the matter? "

No, it's just that there's a troublesome virus source that's going to start spreading the virus again.

Xie Yang leaned back to his chair, and the idea of finding a way to get rid of Mu Zhouyi's party program flashed through his mind, but he quickly denied it.

Let's not say whether he has the capital to get rid of Mu Zhouyi's performance. Let's just assume that even if he tried his best to get rid of Mu Zhouyi's show this time, what about the next time? As long as Mu Zhouyi still has golden fingers and is not banned, he will never block the possibility of his head rising.

There is no one who can guard against thieves for a thousand days. It's no use staring at Mu Zhouyi. What he wants to do is to do a good job in anti-virus work for his belongings.


Jieyang and Qiu Xing are not busy on this day. They go home on time after work and have dinner together. Xie Yang took advantage of the dinnerware for Qiu Xing when he was eating. He poured the power to Qiu Xing in advance.After dinner, they went upstairs one after another, and this time it was Qiu Xing who walked in front. To the second floor of the stairs, Qiu Xing stopped a little, but also deliberately turned his hand to Jieyang's direction. Jieyang pretends not to see it, and goes up the stairs directly over Qiu Xing.


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