Ji Zehui startled, seconds back to the news.

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Ji Zehui: is it really the book of changes? Or do you want to dig wood Zhouyi?

Xie Yang: that's her. Just do it.

After chatting with Ji Zehui, Xie Yang looks at the time, 8:30. After dinner, Qiu Xing went to talk with He Jun about "business affairs". It is estimated that he will return to his room for a while.

He put down his cell phone and got up to wash.

At half past nine, the door was finally pushed open.

Xie Yang looked up.

Qiu Xing came in with his mobile phone and looked at Xie Yang. He didn't say anything. He went to the wardrobe, took out his pajamas, put them in the bathroom, and then came out and stopped by the bed.

Leaning against the Jieyang lying at the head of the bed, he looked up at Qiu Xing and asked, "what's the matter?"

Qiu Xing's expression was very deep. He looked at Xie Yang for a few seconds. Suddenly he reached out and touched Xie Yang's hair and said, "it doesn't matter if you become stupid."

Xie Yang eyebrow eye movement, slightly sits up.

Qiu Xing squatted down.

Xie Yang looks down at Qiu Xing again.

Qiu Xing didn't look at Xie Yang. He half lowered his eyes, reached out, drew back, and stretched again. Finally, he completely extended out and held Xie Yang's hand on the quilt.

Xie Yang did not move, let Qiu Xing hold it.

"It doesn't matter if you're stupid." Qiu Xing raised his eyes and took a look at Jieyang. His mouth opened, but he just repeated, "it doesn't matter if you become stupid."

The sugar jar is trying hard to lift the lid.

Xie Yang gently returns to hold Qiu Xing's hand, silent encouragement.

Qiu Xing suddenly shut his mouth and looked at the hands they held. After a while, he stood up and said, "Jieyang, you are not a commodity The deal between us is over. "

Xie Yang wanted to laugh, but he held back. He asked seriously, "do you want to divorce me?"

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Qiu Xing's face was broken in a second. He frowned and blackened his face. He looked at Xie Yang in disbelief. His voice was not aware of it: "what?"

"Our deal is not that I marry you, do you give me money? Now you say to end - "

" no end! " Qiu Xing quickly interrupts Jieyang's words, grabs Jieyang's hand, holds back for a long time, explodes again, stares at Jieyang, "you pretend to be stupid again!"

Xie Yang shook his head: "I don't have one."

Qiu Xing's luck: "don't interrupt."

Xie Yang shut up and motioned Qiu Xing to continue with his eyes.

Qiu Xing looked at Xie Yang in his pajamas and leaned on the head of the bed and let himself hold his hands. Suddenly he bent down and reached for Xie yang to hold him in his arms. He raised his hand and pressed the back of Jieyang's head and rubbed it vigorously. He said, "don't provoke me I know what you want, and I'll give it to you. Be obedient. " Then he released Xie Yang, turned and strode into the bathroom.


The bathroom door is closed.

Xie Yang held the posture of being pulled and held in the past for a while, then lowered his head and laughed.

Qiu Xing in the bathroom probably heard Xie Yang's laughter. After a burst of falling sound, the water suddenly made a big noise and forced Jieyang's laughter down.

After grinding haw for an hour, Qiu Xing finally came out of the bath.

Xie Yang has closed his eyes and lies down.

After the light was turned off, the mattress sank and a man lay beside him. The next second, the hand on the side of the body is held.

Xie Yang's eyelashes moved and he wanted to open his eyes.

"You're asleep." Qiu Xing clenched Jieyang's hand, then clenched his fingers. "You're asleep. You don't know anything."

Xie Yang Ying said, "well, I fell asleep."

“……” Qiu Xing tightened his hand and became angry. "Don't talk when you are asleep."

"Can't you talk in your sleep?"

“…… No way

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The room is quiet, Xie Yang tries to hold Qiu Xing's hand back.

For a long time, Qiu Xing turned over and faced Xie Yang. He pulled Xie Yang's hand to his side.


A night without a dream.

When Xie Yang woke up the next day, Qiu Xing had already got up. He looked at the quilt that he had covered up, and then he laughed and lifted the quilt out of bed.

After washing and gargling, he came to the restaurant. Sure enough, Qiu's mother and Qiu Xing were already there. He said good morning. Qiu Xing moved his sight away uneasily, and then moved back quickly. He said to Jieyang, "today's milk should be drunk well."

Jieyang looked at Qiu Xing's feigned calm face and said, "good."

Qiu's mother's eyes turned between the two, keeping quiet wisely.

Not long after breakfast, the wind and rain arrived. Xie Yang answered the phone call from Feng Qinglin and went back to the small living room. He bent over and put up Qiu Xing's shoulder. He came to me in a low voice

With warm breathing, Qiu Xing instinctively straightened his back and grasped Xie Yang's hand on his shoulder. He looked at Xie Yang and his mother, who was flipping through the album. He also whispered, "let Zhou Miao pick him up."

"No, I'll go."

Qiu Xing thought about it and nodded.

Xie Yang straightened up and went out. As soon as he stepped out, he stopped and looked back and moved his hand which was still held by Qiu Xing.Qiu Xing came back to God and quickly released Xie Yang's hand. He ordered with a straight face: "go back quickly. Don't be lazy and put on your scarf and hat

Xie Yang should a, this just left.


Fengqinglin has no sanatorium pass, so the car can only park outside the gate. Xie Yang asks Zhou Miao to drive himself out. After arriving at the door, he descends the car window and beckons to the location of the fengqinglin vehicle.

Fengqinglin gets off the bus and gets on to Jieyang. Zhou Miao turned the car and drove deep into the sanatorium.

After getting on the bus, Feng Qinglin said, "I broke up with Mu Zhouyi."

Xie Yang turned his mobile phone attentively and said, "congratulations on jumping out of the fish pond."

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The wind is clear and the rain is quiet.

The car stops in the open parking lot. Xie Yang put away his mobile phone and got off the car. After the wind and clear rain, he followed. Jieyang side with the wind Qinglin to walk to the small building, hint: "I hope you really have thought clearly."

Feng Qinglin said: "I dare not say that I think clearly, but I want to know how much I missed and missed."

Xie yang side head observation wind Qinglin, vaguely feel that he was much more calm than the last meeting, raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder.

What do you want to do

The power penetrates through the clothes, then slowly penetrates into the body. After a circle, no gold finger remains. Xie Yang took back his hand with satisfaction and asked, "does Mu Zhouyi agree to break up?"

Feng Qinglin's expression was a little dim. He took back his sight and looked at the small building in front of him and said, "I don't agree She cried hard on the phone and asked me why I wanted to break up

"How do you answer that?"

"I asked her if" crazy musician "and solo at the new year's Eve party were the resources given to her by the people. She didn't speak, just cried, asked to meet, and then I hung up Xie Yang

Xie Yang looks at the wind and the rain with his eyes.

"In your opinion, what kind of man is my father?"

Xie Yang raised his eyebrows and asked, "do you want to hear the truth?"

Wind Qinglin nods.

Xie Yang took back his sight and said: "I have never been in contact with Fengdian, but this does not prevent me from confirming that he is a scum who deceives and uses feelings. At that time, the enemy didn't have your uncle, but your mother had only one daughter. What does that mean? "

The wind and the rain slowed down and did not speak.

Xie Yang answered for Feng Qinglin: "it means that whoever marries your mother may get Rongding. Fengdian is the youngest son of the wind family. He is doomed to be unable to inherit his family property. If he does not find another way, how can he compare with his elder brother? What's more, it's a happy thing for the Feng family to turn the daughter of the enemy into his hand. "

The wind and rain stopped completely.

Xie Yang turned to look at Feng Qinglin and continued: "don't look at the feelings of gratitude and resentment, just analyze from the perspective of interests, you will soon find that everything becomes extremely clear, and everyone's behavior is reasonable and doomed. Fengdian is close to Qiu Jing in order to rob Rongding. The enemy family and Qiu Jing cut off the relationship. My aunt also tried to give birth to Qiu Xing at an advanced age, and made a will ahead of time, in order to keep Rongding and warn the Feng family, but also to force your mother to wake up. As soon as this moves out, your mother becomes an abandoned chess player, so her marriage status with Fengdian goes down sharply. "

Feng Qinglin's cheek is tight, and he is still pursing his lips.

"But Fengdian will not divorce your mother because he wants to control your mother, give birth to you, and increase the chips to fight for power with your uncle in the future. Later, your mother committed suicide. What do you think made her desperate? And why did she tell you before she died that she would take her husband to her aunt first after she found her partner in the future? "

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Wind clear Lin shallow took a breath, barely adjust good expression, way: "I want to see uncle."

Xie Yang, get out of my way.

The wind is clear and the rain is moving forward.

"After doing these things in the wind house, your uncle wants to completely press down the wind family. Is it too much?"

Wind Qinglin stopped for a moment, then strode toward the small building, and finally almost ran up. Xie Yang followed up. Instead of entering the small living room, he sat down in the big living room and took out his mobile phone to brush his micro blog.

An hour later, Qiu Xing came out and sat down beside Jieyang.

Jieyang looked at the mobile phone and said, "communication finished?"

Qiu Xing didn't answer. He looked at the void for a long time, then stretched out his arms to hold Xie Yang in his arms, lifted his chin and rubbed Xie Yang's hair. He closed his eyes and slowed down his breathing.

Stop and continue.

They held each other in silence for a while.

Xie Yang suddenly said, "I'll tell you some good news."

After a few seconds, Qiu Xing's voice was a little hoarse Well? "

"The emperor who bullied Yang Xing is going to die. Mu Zhouyi is going to have bad luck soon. She will never have a chance to be your niece and daughter-in-law in her life." Xie yang side head, line of sight falls on the neck of Qiu Xing's good-looking lines, and all the breath when speaking is sprayed up, "are you happy?"

“……” Qiu Xing's laryngeal knot rolled and suddenly pressed Jieyang's head, "be honest."

Xie Yang smiles, turns back and continues to brush the phone.On microblog, the little star who attempted suicide is opening an interview meeting broadcast on the Internet. The topic of "emperor Tianqian rules" is high on the top of the hot search list, and the discussion degree is much higher than that of Weibo several times paralyzed.

No matter how refresh, Jieyang can not brush up the hot list and the live interview room. Unfortunately, I give up, and watch the wall clock, and say, "today is new year's Eve."

Qiu Xing tightened his arms and said softly: "I know that the cross-year party you attended is going to be on, the eighth program."

"I'm not saying this." Jieyang again side head, "new year, will you send me a red bag? If it is sent, what will be the amount? I will be short of money for a while in the future, and I hope you will be generous. "

“……” Qiu Xing can not help but press the head of Jieyang again, the airway, "when am I not generous to you! Don't talk any more, be honest, or the red bag is gone! "

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