Xie Yang shut up, peace of mind to Qiu Xing when the human shape pillow, at the same time do not give up to continue to refresh the microblog page.

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A few minutes later, the microblog finally had a reaction. The hot search list was no longer stuck. Xie Yang was satisfied. He was ready to eat melons. Suddenly, the people holding him were far away for a second. Before leaving, he also helped the baby to support his body. Then he sat down at least one meter away from him and picked up the water cup on the small table to drink.


Xie Yang looked at the wind and clear rain coming out of the small living room, and said to Chou Xing, "that cup of water is mine."

“…… Cough Qiu Xing was almost choked. He took a warning look at Xie Yang, then looked at the wind Qinglin coming out of the small living room and asked, "how did you get out? Where is your grandmother?"

Feng Qinglin's eyes are red. He should have cried before. At this time, his eyebrows were tight and his voice was confused. He said, "uncle, there is something wrong with my grandmother. She just calls out your name."

Qiu Xing's expression changed. He quickly put down his glass and went to the small living room.

Xie Yang also got up to keep up.

In the small living room, the texture of the mother hater murmured something in a low voice. Her eyes looked at the void, and there was no focal length. Qiu Xing strode over, reached out and took his mother's hand. He bent down and looked at his mother's eyes. He said in a warm voice, "Mom, I'm here. What do you want to say?"

Qiu's mother's eyes fell on Qiu Xing, holding her hand firmly and saying, "ah hang, I seem to hear your sister crying again. Did you go to pick her up? Have she come back with Qinglin? You go and pick them up. "

Xie Yang noticed that Feng Qinglin, who came in the next step, stopped suddenly after hearing the words of his mother. He strode to her side, grabbed her other hand and poured the power into it.

"Yes, they are home. Don't worry." Qiu Xing coaxed his mother skillfully. He held her in his arms and patted her gently on her back.

Mother Qiu gradually calmed down and leaned back in her chair, muttering in a low voice that she wanted to see the stars.

Xie Yang releases his hand, takes a step back, and frowns slightly.

Powers are not omnipotent. Qiu's mother is old, and many organs of her body are failing. The ability can only help her alleviate her old-age illness, make her body more comfortable, and can't help her organs recover.

That is to say, he can only try to make the last period of his mother's life more comfortable and slower, but he can't help her survive.

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There's no way.

In the original plot, Qiu's mother dies at the end of February, that is Solution Yang a Leng, suddenly realized a thing.

Although the mother is not in good health, she is definitely not going to die soon. Judging from the situation that he just detected with his power, the enemy mother can last at least another half a year.

The difference between half a year and half a month is too big. And the reason for this difference Xie Yang frowned and moved his sight to the wind Qinglin.

In the original plot, before the death of Qiu's mother, Feng Qinglin took Mu Zhouyi to meet her, and met her only once, and Mu Zhouyi won her approval and appreciation. After that meeting, Qiu's mother's condition suddenly turned worse. Before she died, she not only gave Feng Qinglin an inheritance, but also left some money to Mu Zhouyi.

The original book explains that Qiu's mother died quickly. When she saw her grandson's company, she had a great wish. So she lifted her breath and quickly collapsed.

But just now, Xie Yang had another guess.

It is known that Qiu Mu is in poor health, with multiple organ failure, and she is always confused. So, under the premise that Mu Zhouyi's golden finger is similar to the mental ability, and in the original book, Mu Zhouyi used the favor skill to her mother when she met her, and her condition suddenly worsened. Could it be because she was too weak to bear the impact of the powers

Xie Yang quickly clenched his fist.

Wood book of changes!


By lunch, Qiu Xing still didn't regain her sanity. Qiu Xing personally fed her food, and then called to the resident doctor of the sanatorium to have her examined.

The results of the examination did not matter. Qiu's mother's sudden illness and aggravation of illness should be caused by her emotional excitement after seeing Feng Qinglin.

Qiu Xing reluctantly let go.

After the doctor left, the nurse settled down with his mother, and the remaining three went to the restaurant for some late lunch.

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When eating, Feng Qinglin asked, "uncle, is grandma always like this? When you are confused, you will... " He didn't finish. It seemed that the latter words made it difficult for him to say.

Qiu Xing didn't have any expression on his face and replied, "it's always been like this."

Feng Qinglin pinched his chopsticks and asked, "why Want to see the stars? "

"Because your mother said when she was a child, she would go to the sky to be a star when she died."

The atmosphere at the table became more and more silent.

After dinner, Qiu Lin asked for leave. Xie Yang offered to send wind and clear rain. Qiu Xing looked at Xie Yang and didn't say anything. He acquiesced.

The two are still going out of the gate by car.

After arriving at the door, Feng Qinglin got off the bus, Xie Yang followed him, and said, "did you bring the evidence of he Rumin and he xunshun rules that I asked you to bring yesterday?""What do you want to do?" he frowned

"Just picking up scum and killers."


Xie Yang lenglengleng looked at Feng Qinglin and said: "after the evidence of the hidden rules was sent to the emperor, he Rumin began to be suspicious and beat all the people who used to sneak. A little girl who was forced to commit suicide could not bear trying to commit suicide, and finally was rescued by luck. Feng Qinglin, you almost killed people indirectly. "

Wind Qinglin a Zheng, and then tense expression, and Jieyang standoff for a few seconds, take out a U disk from the pocket.

Xie Yang reached for it.

"The book of changes of wood..."

Xie Yang stopped, then spread out his hands, straight way: "wood Zhouyi sold me once, you don't expect me to be merciful to her."

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After a long time, Feng Qinglin closed his eyes and put the U disk in Jieyang's palm. Then he turned and strode onto his car and started the car to leave.

Xie Yang returns to the small building. He doesn't see Qiu Xing in the living room. The nurse asks him. Knowing that Qiu Xing is in Qiu's mother's room, he wisely doesn't go in to disturb him. He goes back to the second floor and finds out his laptop and inserts the U disk into it.

A lot of photos and house opening records have been refreshed, among which there are several recordings.

It's obvious that people who are very close to he Rumin can get these things. It seems that when the male owner collects these evidences, Mu Zhouyi did not give little help.

Xie Yang quickly browsed through these things, picked out a few recordings that could not only expose the facts of he Rumin and he xunshui rules, but also obscured the victim's information. He processed and edited them for the second time, then covered his computer, took out his mobile phone and opened his microblog.

After emergency repair and expansion, the long paralyzed microblog finally returned to normal. The micro blog of the live interview of the little star is the top of the popular list. There are more than 100000 comments below.

Various topics with imperial prefixes or suffixes have become popular. They are mixed with various topics related to the new year. Half of them are ugly, and the other are peaceful and prosperous. They seem ironic and ridiculous.

Like the development of the original plot, the little star did not know whether it was intentional or principled. In the interview, she told the story that he Rumin and his son loved the hidden rules, but she did not name the other victims. No matter how the reporter asked, she would not say who was the name.

But sometimes it's more imaginative to not say it than to say it.

In the comment area, the gourd eating netizens like flies smell the bloody smell, and list the list of the signed female artists of the emperor, and analyze the skin one by one.

Xie Yang shut down his microblog, contacted Qincheng, sent the recording to him, asked him to explode the recording in the name of Mu Zhouyi, and bought some hot searches for mu Zhouyi.

Qin Cheng was surprised and asked, "where did you get this? No, what are you doing? "

Xie Yang's answer is not what he asked: "my brain damaged relative fell out with Mu Zhouyi."

“……” Qin Cheng hung up the phone and went to work.


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At eight o'clock in the evening, the new year's Eve Party of the major satellite TV stations started broadcasting, but no one on the microblog paid attention to these parties. Everyone was enthusiastic about eating melons and couldn't stop.

At 8:40, Qiu Xing settled down and his mother immediately came to the small living room after sleeping.

Xie Yang said, "my program has passed."

Qiu Xing frowned: "so fast? Isn't it the eighth program? My time is obviously -- "

Xie Yang laughs.

“……” Qiu Xing reacted and was tricked. He strode to Jieyang's head with a black face and pressed Jieyang's head. Then he sat down next to Xie Yang, pulled Xie Yang's hand firmly, held it in his own hand, and looked at the TV screen.

Ten past nine, Xie Yang's program begins. Qiu Xing focuses on the TV screen, while Xie Yang focuses on Qiu Xing. A few minutes later, after the performance was broadcast, Qiu Xing's sitting posture was slightly relaxed.

"How about it?" Xie Yang asked

Qiu Xing quickly convergence expression, reserved back way: "OK."

"Just ok?"

Qiu Xing avoids answering and turns off the TV to urge Xie yang to go to bed.


Before going to bed, Xie Yang brushed his microblog again.

The new year's performance of Mu Zhouyi has ended. Many people who are influenced by the sound of Mu Zhouyi actively brush up the topic and praise the excellent performance of Mu Zhouyi in the evening. Under the topic of kuamu Zhouyi's beautiful singing, Chen Mu Zhouyi is not afraid of the hidden rules, he Rumin's recording, Chen Mu Zhouyi's Qingliu, these topics are lined up and crowded, and they look very funny.

Xie Yang is very satisfied with Qincheng's efficiency and turns off his mobile phone at ease.

He has helped Mu Zhouyi take the first step of betraying he Rumin. Next, we will see how he Rumin will react after knowing the truth.

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