The next day, when Xie Yang woke up, Qiu Xing was no longer in the room. There was a red envelope on the bedside table. On the front of the red envelope, there were two big characters "Jieyang" with dragon flying and Phoenix dancing on the front.

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Jieyang picked up the red envelope, touched the words on it and opened it.

A card came out.

With this one, Qiu Xing has given him three cards.

Would it be too generous.

Xie Yang was funny. He got up and went to his suitcase. He put the red envelope carefully. Then he took out the gift that had been prepared at the bottom of the box. He got up and looked around the room. Finally, he chose to put the gift into Qiu Xing's coat pocket.

When eating breakfast, Qiu Xing would take a look at Xie Yang from time to time, and he looked like he was holding back what he wanted to say. Jieyang deliberately back to doubt the line of sight, angry Qiu Xing's face pulled a whole breakfast time.

After breakfast, Qiu's mother gave Qiu Xing and Xie Yang a red envelope. Qiu Xing deliberately held the red envelope and waved it in front of Xie Yang. Xie Yang pretended not to know. He said thanks to Qiu's mother with a smile and put the red envelope in his pocket.


Qiu Xing coughed hard.

Xie Yang cares: "voice is uncomfortable?"

Qiu Xing raised his hand with the red envelope, touched his neck, shook his head, and then looked at Xie Yang.

Xie Yang: "yes?"

Qiu Xing was so angry that he turned and went upstairs.

A few minutes later, Qiu Xing went downstairs with the coats he and Xie Yang were going to wear today. His eyebrows and eyes were flying, but his expression was tense, and he looked a little fierce. He came to Xie Yang and said, "you..."

Xie Yang reached for his coat and put it on. He asked, "what do I do?"

Qiu Xing still couldn't help but cocked up the corner of his mouth, laughed and hummed, raised his hand and pressed Jieyang's head.

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"I'll let you go today."

After getting dressed, they carefully kept Qiu's mother warm, and then pushed her to the side of the car in a wheelchair and installed her carefully.

On the first day of the new year's day, everyone is going to sweep the tomb of his father.

On the way to the cemetery, Xie Yang took out his mobile phone and turned it on.

After the signal was connected, a large number of missed calls and unread messages poured in. The ring of the mobile phone keeps ringing. Qiu Mu and Qiu Xing look at Xie Yang together.

"A little bit of work." Jieyang explained, and then set the tone to mute, first look at the information.

Most of the information is from Qincheng. Since last night, Qincheng has been continuously reporting the public opinion on microblog with text until more than four o'clock in the morning.

Xie Yang gave Qincheng a hard reply, then cut out the wechat and went to Weibo.

After a night's hard work in Qincheng, the public opinion about the emperor on Weibo has changed successfully. Yesterday, several hot searches with the name of Mu Zhouyi completely deviated the rhythm. After listening to the recording, the netizens who ate melon were angry and disgusted. After scolding he Rumin and his son, they poured into Mu Zhouyi's microblog one after another. They told her not to play the recording secretly, but to encourage her to stand up and tell the truth, so that she would not be afraid of he Rumin's suppression.

Shui Jun mixed up in the comment area, pretending to be fans who loved Mu Zhouyi and took the opportunity to wash the black materials from the previous period of the white wood Zhouyi, saying that he Rumin maliciously tried to force Mu Zhouyi into submission.

Many netizens believed this view, and the innocent victims of Mu Zhouyi's "pitiful being beaten down", "the only female artist who dares to speak up" and "never compromise and accept the hidden rules even if he is suppressed" has gradually risen.

Last night, Mu Zhouyi's solo performance was intercepted by the marketing number and posted on the microblog, which was very hot. Countless passers-by, who are sincere or influenced by the rhythm or singing, boast of the book of changes and cheer on the book of changes. It means that the book of changes is so powerful that it is doomed to succeed everywhere, and there is no need to be afraid of the emperor.

At this point, the public opinion has set up the wooden Zhouyi.

Now, there are only three ways for mu Zhouyi to go to war with he Rumin according to the rhythm, or clarify that she didn't send the recording, and then she was ridiculed by the expectant group of gourd eating netizens, or pretending to be dead has never appeared.

No matter which one mu Zhouyi chooses, waiting for her will be a disgrace.

Ji Zehui suddenly called. Jieyang takes out the earphone, plugs it in, and clicks on.

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"You're finally on!" Ji Zehui's tone was excited and he said like a machine gun, "Mu Zhouyi is so stupid that I am shocked. He Rumin didn't believe the news that you asked me to deliver yesterday. He thought that it was the little star who committed suicide who was doing something. He wanted to kill the little star and suppress the hidden rules! "

"As a result, last night's recording and several hot searches of Mu Zhouyi made him crazy. I really don't know why Mu Zhouyi ignited the fire when the emperor wanted to search for heat. It's really stupid. Is it because she has found a good place to protect her family, so I don't care? "

"She's not stupid. I made her stupid."


Ji Zehui's tone suddenly became calm and cautious. He said: "the chairman of the board of emperor Tian was still trying to protect him and his son. However, as soon as the recording came out, the heat couldn't be suppressed. He had to abandon the car to protect him. He Rumin has no way to take the emperor's decision. Now he is looking for wood Zhouyi everywhere. I think they want the dog to bite the dog. "What you want is a dog to bite a dog.

Xie Yang was satisfied and boasted: "well done. When the emperor's affairs are over, I'll let Yang's lawyer contact you. If you can, I hope you can take Xiaojin with you

Ji Zehui full mouth should: "no problem, no problem, Xiao Jin and I have a good relationship, I go, he must also go."

"By the way, you can see if the emperor has any talents worthy of digging, contact in advance, and take all the talents that can be taken away by then."

Ji Zehui choked and said, "you You want to take advantage of the fire. "

"No? Forget how the emperor used to carry resources? It's just a reward. "

Yes, yes, of course. Ji Zehui wisely answer this inexplicable back upper body work, hang up the phone.

After chatting with Ji Zehui, Xie Yang sent several messages to Liusha, asking her to contact Ji Zehui and get ready to dig resources from the emperor in advance.

"What are you calculating?"

Xie Yang returned to his senses and looked sideways at Qiu Xing. He replied, "New Year's day, I'm going to fill the empty layers of Yang Xing."

Qiu Xing calmed down, and then suddenly said, "if you're going to sweep the grave for a while..."

Xie Yang waited for a long time, but did not wait for the following: "how?"

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Qiu Xing didn't speak any more. He just crossed his mother's hand and gently kneaded it. He was thinking about something.


The car slowly stops at the gate of the cemetery. Xie Yang and Qiu Xing move Qiu's mother out of the car and put them in a wheelchair. Then they push her toward the cemetery.

Chou's father was buried in the graveyard next to the dead.

By the time the three arrived, many collateral relatives of their enemies had gathered in the cemetery. Seeing Qiu Xing, relatives came forward to say hello.

Qiu Xing's response was cold. After a simple reply, he stopped answering. He pushed his mother to his father's tomb. She never saw those people from the beginning to the end, but looked straight at his father's tombstone.

Most of the collateral relatives of the enemy family left wisely. Only Qiu Jingbang, with his son dead, turned his eyes on his old mother and said to him, "ah hang, you are my boss in the company at ordinary times. I can't say anything. Now we stand in front of the ancestor of the enemy family, and my uncle cares about you a lot. You suddenly left for foreign countries some time ago For a long time, it won't be Are you not well? "

Qiu Xing didn't look at Qiu Jingbang. He said, "f Zhou branch just lacks a manager. Do you want to go?"

Blatant threats do not give face at all.

Qiu Jingbang's expression sank, and his sight turned to understand Yang's body. He said, "when our family members sweep the tomb, how can we have a fresh face?"

Xie Yang smiles.

Qiu Jingbang frowned: "what are you laughing at?"

"Laugh, some people always look forward to other people's early death, but don't go to see if their body is about to be finished."

In the original plot, Qiu Jingbang also danced like this, but he did not jump very long before he got into the hospital with a sudden cerebral hemorrhage. After a long time, he died, leaving a useless son in the honor of his evil debt. Finally, he could not get along with it and became a pawn bought by Feng Qinglin.

In Jieyang's eyes, Qiu Jingbang is the lowest level of cannon fodder.

Qiu Jingbang didn't expect Jieyang, a young man who had been bought, dare to curse himself. He was so angry that he would scold him.

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"Jingbang." Mother Qiu opened her mouth in a low voice and spoke slowly, "in front of your ancestors and your elder brother, are you afraid that they will come to you for a chat at night?"

Qiu Jingbang's face was puffed, and he did not dare to provoke his mother. He left with his son in a black face.

After sweeping the tomb and returning to the car, Qiu's mother suddenly said, "Qiu Jingbang has a big heart. Don't keep it. Today I met my ancestors, you should give Yang Yang an account quickly. Don't let him be wronged so unknowingly. "

Xie Yang Wen Yan looks at Qiu Xing, who is also looking at him. Two people look at each other for a short time, and then Qiu Xing moves away from his sight and says, "I know, mom, don't worry."


At about two o'clock in the afternoon, the good play of dog biting began.

Under the strong pressure of public opinion, the official blog of emperor Tianguan released an apology announcement. In the announcement, the emperor threw all the pots of hidden rules to He Xun and he Rumin, saying that the company did not know anything about their behavior, and said that he Xun and he Rumin should be investigated for legal responsibility.

Not long after that, he Rumin and he Xun came out to open a press conference. At the meeting, he Rumin, as a representative, apologized for all the things that happened in the past few days. He said that he had failed the company and the star. All the mistakes were due to him. He would take the responsibility he should bear and his words were very sincere.

However, after the press conference, he Rumin immediately exposed a large number of chat content with female artists of the same company with his private account, including Mu Zhouyi.

In the record, Mu Zhouyi cordially called he Rumin "Min Ge". He secretly asked he Rumin for resources. He refused to accept he Rumin's words, which was totally inconsistent with the Qingliu people's establishment in the hot search yesterday.

After sending the record, he Rumin wrote: I'm sorry for many people, but what are you in the picture below? You know what you are! In particular, wood Zhouyi, thanks to me, I thought I would like to take care of you. If you want to make use of it, I will walk on the emperor's road? There are no doors!As soon as these chats were recorded, microblogging was almost paralyzed.

Netizens who eat melon are shocked. How much they appreciate the "Qingliu" of Mu Zhouyi before, how disgusting it will be. She will stand up again and again, and pour into Mu Zhouyi's microblog to let her respond to those chat records.


Xie Yang turns off Weibo, opens wechat, and opens Qincheng's account.

Xie Yang: delete the recording that was first exposed. The new song will be released at 8:00 p.m., and will be put on the shelves free of charge.

Mu Zhouyi has overturned. It's time to clear the poison and wash the brain of those who are bewitched by the sound of muzhouyi.

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