Xie Yang looks at Qiu Xing and doesn't speak.

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“……” Qiu Xing took back his hand uneasily and said with a straight face, "drink quickly and go to bed after drinking. It's very late."

Jieyang finished drinking the milk, and then stepped forward to embrace Qiu Xing, fingers on Qiu Xing's neck.

Qiu Xing's body was frozen. He could have lifted his hand and pressed it. He held on for a long time. At last, he bowed his head like a compromise and rubbed Xie Yang's hair. In a low voice, "Xie Yang Welcome home. "

Xie Yang silent smile, and then take back the finger, back to the body, the cup back to Qiu Xing's hand, way: "thank you, go to bed early, good night." Then he turned upstairs and pretended not to hear the weak hint in the words of Qiu Xing.


Qiu Xing looked at the stairway and touched the temperature of Jieyang on the milk cup.

"Good night."


The next day when Xie Yang went downstairs, Qiu Xing was already sitting at the table. He glanced at the only breakfast on the table, looked at Qiu Xing opposite and asked, "don't you eat it?"

Qiu Xing replied: "many inspection items require fasting."

Jieyang nodded to understand, sat down and began to eat breakfast.

Qiu Xing looks at Xie Yang.

Jieyang concentrates on eating breakfast. He doesn't seem to notice Qiu Xing's gaze. After eating, he gets up and says, "let's go."

Qiu Xing took back his sight, then got up and said, "there is milk in the thermos cup. Take it."

Xie Yang looks at the thermos cup on the table and picks it up.

On the way to the hospital, Qiu Xing has been keeping his eyes closed, Jieyang wisely does not disturb, and takes out his mobile phone to chat with Ji Zehui on wechat.

After more than a week's seesaw battle, Ji Zehui finally successfully terminated the contract with the emperor. Although he was severely slaughtered by the emperor when he terminated the contract, he didn't care about the loss at all. He was only glad that he ran fast enough.

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Ji Zehui: you don't know. Now the emperor has been completely occupied by those people who came from caxulai. Hong Zhijie filled in all the high-level vacancies of the emperor with the people he brought. He also expelled the former director of Huangtian's art department.

Ji Zehui: because he came with resources and projects, the chairman of the board turned a blind eye to his behavior, and we couldn't say if we had any complaints.

Xie Yang: did you pick yourself up when you left?

Ji Zehui: it's clear. By the way, I heard a hearsay before I left. It seems that Mu Zhouyi and Hong Zhijie are together. Hong Zhijie brought back her contract specifications as soon as she joined the company. Both of them went out together. Hong Zhijie was very close to Mu Zhouyi.


Xie Yang raised his eyebrows and typed quickly.

Xie Yang: if I remember correctly, Hong Zhijie seems to be nearly 50 years old?

Ji Zehui: Hong Zhijie 49, hi, it's not uncommon. The old and the young match each other. There are often things in the circle.

Xie Yang: is the news reliable?

Ji Zehui: reliable. One of the employees of Huangtian said that the receiving address of Mu Zhouyi and Hong Zhijie is the same building in the same community. This tough wood week moved to the community where Hong Zhijie lives. Do you think it's possible that there's nothing fishy about it?

Xie Yang immediately took a screenshot of his chat record with Ji Zehui, roughly typed the name of Ji Zehui, and then sent it to Feng Qinglin.

After chatting about gossip, Ji Zehui also mentioned the business, saying that because the emperor was too stable and he was in a hurry to terminate the contract, it was estimated that all the talents he had sought could not be found.

Xie Yang typing: it's OK. You and Xiao Jin are the most important, others are the icing on the cake, it doesn't matter.

The car just drove into the roundabout and kept turning. Xie Yang's body is unstable and accidentally leans on Qiu Xing.

Qiu Xing's eyelashes moved, or did not open his eyes.

After the curve, Xie Yang takes a look at Qiu Xing, sits up straight and continues to look at the mobile phone.


Half an hour later, the car pulled into the parking lot of a private hospital. Qiu Xing finally opened his eyes, got out of the car and took Xie Yang into the hospital.

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The hospital is small, but the internal facilities are very good. A gray haired doctor was waiting for the service desk in the hall. Seeing Qiu Xing come in and greet him, he asked, "how is the situation recently?"

"Not bad."

The doctor was helpless and said, "you should be more detailed."

Qiu Xing's words were very few, and he said, "do an examination as soon as possible."

Seeing that Qiu Xing's expression was not good-looking, the doctor stopped talking nonsense wisely and took him to the position where the first examination was located. Half way, Qiu Xing stops and looks at Xie Yang, who is following his body.

Xie Yang also stopped and asked, "how?"

Qiu Xing hesitated to raise his hand and hold Jieyang's head. He gently touched his head and said, "there is a rest area for family members. You can go there and sit down. After I check, someone will call you."

"Can't I follow you?"

“…… Go ahead. "

Xie Yang compromised.

When Qiu Xing left, Xie Yang sat down in the rest area with the guide doctor. Instead of playing with his mobile phone, watching TV or reading magazines, he just sat and waited.

Time went by very slowly. When the minute needle reached the fourth lap, the guide doctor who had led Xie Yang into the rest area appeared again and said to Xie Yang, "your family asked me to take you to the dean's office."Xie Yang got up and went to the dean's office with the guide doctor.

In the office, there were only the dean and Qiu Xing. After Xie Yang entered the door, he took the door knowingly. Then he went to Qiu Xing and sat down. He observed Qiu Xing's pale face and asked, "how do you feel?"

Qiu Xing didn't reply. He said to the president, "say it."

The Dean looked at Qiu Xing and Xie Yang. Finally, he fixed his eyes on Xie Yang and said, "Qiu Xing's heart surgery has been very successful, and he has recovered very well. Basically, there is no problem."

Jieyang said, "and then?"

After seeing the patient's family members, he said, "I haven't thought about it According to the films taken today, although the tumors in Qiu Xing's brain did not deteriorate, and even had a faint tendency to stop growing, they still It's not easy to treat. "

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Qiu Xing's hands on his knees clenched without trace.

Jieyang nodded and said, "it's just that it's not easy to treat, it's not that you can't treat it. According to the current situation of Qiu Xing, what kind of treatment do you think is appropriate for him? "

Qiu Xing clenched his fist and looked at Xie Yang.

Xie Yang didn't look at Qiu Xing. He looked at the Dean carefully. Seeing that the Dean didn't reply, he asked again: "you said that the tumor in Qiu Xing's brain has stopped growing. This means that he is getting better, right?"

"In theory it's like this -"

"make it clear." Qiu Xing suddenly interrupted the president's words and looked at the president. His eyes were oppressive, but his tone was difficult, "speak clearly All. "

The president shut up, took a look at Qiu Xing, sighed in his heart, took out a lot of examination data and historical case data under his hand, and said to Xie Yang, "before talking about Qiu Xing's treatment plan, I'll explain Qiu Xing's physical condition in detail with you first."


For an hour, Xie Yang learned from the president of the hospital about Qiu Xing's detailed disease development, treatment process, and physical changes since he was diagnosed with brain cancer. More than that, the Dean also gave Xie Yang a brief account of how troublesome brain cancer is, and how difficult it is for Qiu Xing to operate on the location of tumor growth.

All kinds of information summed up, and finally summed up three points.

The success rate of Qiu Xing's craniotomy was less than 20%.

The possibility of keeping healthy mind and not affecting body function was 5%.

The probability of recurrence was only 30%.

It's too low.

However, such a low success rate has been established in the recent period of Qiu Xing's physical condition has eased. That is to say, before that, the possibility of curing Qiu Xing was lower than what Xie Yang heard now.

"That's basically it." The president put down the case, looked at Qiu Xing, who had completely lost his expression on his face, and asked Jieyang, "where else do you want to know?"

"Yes." Jieyang looked at the president's eyes, "according to the method of conservative treatment now, how long can Qiu Xing live?"

Qiu Xing's fingers clenched and loosened. Seeing the Dean, he adjusted his tone and said, "say."

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"Four years Most. "

Four years.

In the original book, Qiu Xing died three years later.

Jieyang nodded and said, "I understand."


They went back to the car. Qiu Xing looked at Xie Yang sideways and asked in as calm a voice as possible: "do you understand?"

Xie Yang's expression is calm, calm appears to be somewhat inhuman, way: "understand."


Qiu Xing covered up his emotions by adjusting his posture. When he raised his head again, he was calm and said: "I understand. Xie Yang, our transaction continues. After the transaction, in addition to what has been given to you now, I will leave some shares and real estate of Rongding to you. "

Xie Yang looked at Qiu Xing and asked, "what do you want to exchange for these?"

"Change..." Qiu Xing avoids Jieyang's sight, tentatively reaches out to hold Jieyang's hand, and says, "change a new year's you."

What a timid and soft hearted person, at this time, he only dared to express his request so implicitly. What I want is in front of my eyes, where I can hold my hand, but I still dare to put on the coat of trading and stretch out two fingers to hold it gently.

"Is that enough?" Xie Yangfan held Qiu Xing's hand, clasped his fingers with Qiu Xing's ten fingers, and raised their hands. "Is it enough for you to hold hands every night, an embrace I don't struggle with, and superficial verbal concerns?"

Qiu Xing tried to pull back his hand and frowned: "Jieyang."

"Qiu Xing, don't you want to spend four years fighting for a long life?"

Qiu Xing stops pulling his hand.

But Xie Yang released Qiu Xing's hand and said, "four years later, I was only twenty-four years old. I will take what you give me and become the youngest boss in the entertainment industry. There are countless admirers of me. If I want to, I can change my boyfriend or girlfriend a week. I will hold hands with them, hug them, kiss them, and even go to bed. I may really fall in love with someone, be willing to go into marriage with him, and do all the things for that person now for you. Every day I open my eyes and close my eyes, I see him. Gradually, I will forget the man who is just a trading relationship with meJieyang straight looked at Qiu Xing: "I will forget you, are you not afraid?"

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