How can you be afraid.

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One sentence after another, they all stabbed at the heart of Qiu Xing.

Qiu Xing grabs Jieyang's hand and clenches it with a little strength. His body is tense as if he is suppressing something. His eyebrows are sinking and pressing down. There is a terrible storm brewing in his eyes.

But he still tried to be rational, half warning and half pleading: "Jieyang, don't provoke me."

"I'm not provoking you. I'm just telling the truth." Xie Yang's hand was a little painful, but he did not struggle, and even took the initiative to shake back, "Qiu Xing, just those are good assumptions. There are still bad ones. Do you want to hear them? "

Qiu Xing intuitively Xie Yang said that what he wanted to hear was not what he wanted to hear. He pulled Xie Yang's hand with a fierce tone: "don't say it!"

Xie Yang was not frightened and continued: "the bad thing is, after you left, I didn't get what I wanted from you, so I became blind and crazy. If you give me so much money, I'm sure to be targeted by a lot of rubbish. They deliberately approached me, pretending to care for me and love me. I gradually fell, but in fact, they -- "

Qiu Xing suddenly held Xie Yang in his arms and held the back of his head.

"Don't say it. Xie Yang, don't say it. "


Xie Yang lifted the released bracelet around Qiu Xing's body, put his chin on Qiu Xing's shoulder, and said, "but in fact, they don't love me at all. They use me, betray me, abuse me spiritually, and let me beg for nothing, which makes me miserable."

Qiu Xing suddenly looses Xie Yang, holding his cheek in his hand, he lowers his head and quickly approaches Xie Yang.

Xie Yang looked straight at Qiu Xing without moving.

When they were about to get close to each other, Qiu Xing suddenly stopped, his eyes rolling, his hands relaxed and his breathing was slow and heavy.

"Qiu Xing." Jieyang looked at the fierce struggle in Qiu Xing's eyes. He raised his hand and held Qiu Xing's hand on his face. "Without your protection, my life may become a mess."

“…… No

Qiu Xing pushed Xie Yang's body away, drew back a little and stuck to the door. As if he was ordering and persuading someone, he said, "you are so smart. How can you be used and betrayed? You are not Qinglin! You can't have a bad time. Jieyang, you are bewitching me. You are a cunning liar. Aren't you smart? Don't you get it? You are - "

" Qiu Xing. " Xie Yang interrupted Qiu Xing, "I won't be smart all my life. And you told me during the spring festival that it doesn't matter if I become stupid. "

So you have taken a step forward and given a promise. Why do you take it back now.

Qiu Xing understood Jieyang's unfinished meaning. He turned his head to avoid Jieyang's line of sight. His throat moved and suddenly said, "stop."

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Zhou Miao, who had already been stupefied by their quarrel, was busy looking for a place to pull over.

Xie Yang sits back and looks at Qiu Xing, who no longer looks at him or talks. He understands the meaning of Qiu Xing, raises his hand and pulls the door handle to push the door open.

"Xie Yang."

Xie Yang stops and looks back.


Qiu Xing, however, suddenly stopped talking. He just raised his hand and pressed his forehead to cover up his expression.

"I refuse your deal." Xie Yang took back his sight and completely pushed the door open. "I can't change my interests during the Spring Festival. If you really want to, come with the promise that night that you will give me what I want and the courage to live Then he lowered his head and got out of the car. He turned around and slammed the door and strode away.

Wu Shui, sitting in the co driver's seat, quickly gets out of the car to catch up with Xie Yang. He takes out his mobile phone and calls for a car while he leads Xie yang to the side of the road to avoid vehicles.

Jieyang didn't wear a hat or a mask, so he walked along the road and soon attracted the attention of many passers-by. Two young girls who came face to face looked at Xie Yang for several times. After a few words of communication, they got excited. They tried to step forward, followed him two steps away from Xie Yang, and encouraged their courage: "are you Xie Yang? We are your fans. I don't know if we can -- "

Xie Yang looks at the past. Pick up the eye tail, there is no temperature line of sight, rendering a sharp and repellent atmosphere thousands of miles away.

Fans gaped and shut up. They were obviously frightened by Xie Yang's appearance at this time. But after two seconds of fright, they were even more excited.


Xie Yang frowned and thought of something. He suddenly stopped and turned his head in the direction of getting off the car before. After that, he showed a smile and said to the fans: "thank you for your love and support. Do you want to sign? Or a group photo? "

The iceberg suddenly melts, and the damage is doubled.

The fans were silly for two seconds, then their faces and ears gradually turned red. One took out his pen and paper excitedly, the other took his mobile phone excitedly, and stammered: "can we still have a group photo? If you can, please! I flattered you from who is the singer. You are great! Come on

"Thank you."

Xie Yang smiles at the fans again. After that, he takes the pen and paper and signs his name. He also asks the name of the fans and writes a blessing to the fans. Then he takes the initiative to walk next to the fans and smiles at the fans' mobile camera.The place where they stayed was close to a school. There were a lot of young people coming and going. The activity here soon attracted the attention of other passers-by. One after another, several little girls found Xie Yang and bravely ran over.

Xie Yang is surrounded by a circle of people. Wu Shui stands by Xie Yang and takes care to avoid Xie Yang being attacked by enthusiastic fans.

Xie Yang's patience today is surprisingly good. He not only cooperatively signs and photos his fans, but also answers a few questions from fans.

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"Why here? Just something happened to get off the car here. I'll go back to the company when the new car comes. "

"I'm working on my new album. Both Tong Jian and Ke LAN have works to be published recently

"What kind of person do you like?" Xie Yang was silent for two seconds. He looked at the fans who asked questions and said with a smile, "this question is a little more than that, but it doesn't matter to tell you. I like... "

He pauses, bows his head and signs another name. Then he looks at a cell phone held by a fan and says, "I like people who are frank, gentle and have a word for word."


The next day, Rongding.

"I like people who are frank, gentle, and have their word."

The video ends.

Qiu Xing pulled down the corner of his mouth, and once again opened the microblog video with the label "Mom, I'm in love again", and pulled the progress bar to the end.

The young man with clear facial features and good skin without any blemish looked at the camera with a smile and said, "I like people who are frank, gentle and have a word for word."

Frankness, gentleness, words count


Qiu Xing covered the laptop screen with force.

Standing behind his desk, He Jun bowed his head and pretended not to hear the voice coming from the computer just now, and said, "boss, Qiu vice Dong Ta --"

Qiu Xing raised his eyes to see he Jun, and his eyes were full of vitality.

“…… I'll tell him you don't have time to see him now. " He Jun decisively changed his words, closed the documents in his hand and turned to leave the office.

"No more." Qiu Xing, however, took the initiative to get up and tidy up his sleeves. His face was full of gloomy expression of "I'm so angry, I'm going to vent my anger." he said, "it's just right. It's time for him to have a long memory for the new year." With that, he walked out of the desk, looked at the direction of Yan Yang through the French window, and strode out of the office with a full body of evil spirit.

He Jun:

The mobile phone in his pocket suddenly shakes. He Jun takes out his mobile phone and opens the newly sent SMS.

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Xie Yang: did he see it?

He Jun wants to sigh very much, reply: see.

Xie Yang: is he angry?

He Jun despairingly returned a painful facial expression.


Long Shuyou recording studio.

Xie Yang put down his mobile phone and drank a mouthful of milk in a good mood. Then he looked at long Shuyou, who was picking up food and turning over music. He looked at long Shuyou's face and said, "Shuyou, do you take a picture of yourself?"

Long Shuyou was confused and looked up: "what?"

Ten minutes later, Jieyang Weibo.

[Xie Yang: recording songs. 】

there are nine pictures under the microblog, which are five self portraits and four takeaway pictures. In the group photo, Xie Yang and long Shuyou are sitting side by side. Xie Yang lifts his arm against the back of the chair behind long Shuyou. It looks like he has long Shuyou in his arms.

Fans choked and died of the sudden group photo, and then came back to life in seconds, howling excitedly at the group photo of two handsome men with high beauty.

Micro blog comments soared, CP powder loomed.

Qincheng immediately made a phone call to Jieyang and said, "are you just blowing out the news that long Shuyou is helping you make an album?"

Xie Yang drank the last sip of milk and said, "it will explode sooner or later. Now it can be used to preheat the album. By the way, is Tong Jian's new album officially on the shelves

"It's going to be Valentine's day the day after tomorrow. What's the matter? "

Valentine's Day is really a good day.

Xie Yang said: "it's nothing. I just want to help him publicize it. Is Coran's Micro film going to be released? "

"Yes, it's also the day after tomorrow. Their agents want to get together a new IUD to make a hot topic of hype. Just now they called me and asked me if you could spare time to show up on Valentine's day to help Tong Jian and Ke LAN do publicity. "

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"Of course." If you agree to a new IUD on Valentine's day. You go and contact Tong Jian and Ke Lan's agents and make plans. We'll fry big waves. "

Qin Cheng hesitated: "but on Valentine's day, you don't have to talk to Mr. Qiu."

Xie Yang coldly interrupts: "No. He and I are not lovers. We don't need a holiday

“……” Qincheng changed the topic wisely and said, "I will communicate with Tong Jian and Ke Lan's agents about the live broadcast. You can keep busy."


The next night before Xie Yang went to bed, Qiu Xing, who had been quiet for two days, suddenly sent a wechat.Qiu Xing: I'm sick.

Xie Yang picks eyebrows and types.

Yes, drink more hot water.

The opposite side was quiet like a chicken for a moment. Then Xie Yang watched the prompt that was being input on the wechat chat box appear and disappear, disappear and appear again and again, and linger for more than ten minutes.

Finally, Qiu Xing sent new news.

Qiu Xing: Master Liao has studied new dishes and wants you to try them at home.

Bad excuse.

Xie Yang smiles and types.

Xie Yang: there is work tomorrow. Go to bed. Good night.

After that, I waited until the prompt in the chat box disappeared completely. Finally, I put down my mobile phone and got out of bed to look at the opposite Rongding.

A few minutes later, the lights in the position of chairman Rongding's office were turned off.

Xie Yang turned back to bed, picked up the mobile phone and sent a circle of friends.

[Xie Yang: do you think you are the only one who has a spy? 】

who do you want to frighten to death?

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