Xie Yang and his boss, Yang Qing, meet in a private restaurant opened by Yang Qing's friends. When Xie Yang arrives with Qincheng and Liusha, Yang Qing and Fang Chengnan are already there and are talking together.

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Seeing Xie Yang enter the door, they immediately stop talking and get up. Fang Chengnan, as an intermediary, introduces Yang Qing and Xie Yang.

Xie Yang and Yang Qing said hello to each other and shook hands. After that, Xie Yang introduced Qincheng and Liusha to Yang Qing and Fang Chengnan respectively, and then took a seat under Yang Qing's greeting.

After sitting down, Xie Yang looks at Yang Qing.

Yang Qing is three years older than Hong Zhijie. He is 52 years old this year. He is well maintained. He looks like he is in his 40s. He has no facial features, but his temperament is very gentle and comfortable.

Her brows and eyes are tired, even when she is smiling and saying polite words, there is always a lingering gloom and depression in her eyes.

Xie Yang has known that although Yang Qing is the boss of kaxu, he is not too fond of seizing power and is more affectionate.

This is a woman who has her own opinions but is not strong.

The waiter quickly served the dishes, and then wisely withdrew to close the door.

After drinking water, Yang Qing finally got to the point and asked, "boss, is the cooperation proposal that you and Cheng Nan put forward before count?"

Xie Yang replied, "naturally. What does boss Yang think of my proposal? Do you have any ideas? "

Yang qingmo rubbed his tea cup and said, "Yang Xing is now a good time to take off. Tong Jian's new album is very popular. Ke Lan's transformation is successful, and he is going to film in the group soon. There is no doubt about your strength. Although there are few artists in Yangxing, each has potential, and each agent has strength. The resources won are top-notch, and you are not short of money So, why do you want to help Kashi? If you want to find a partner, you should have many better choices than me. "

"There are many choices, but you are the only one who won't bother me." Xie Yang likes to talk about cooperation with sober and open-minded people. He points to Fang Chengnan and says, "one of the reasons for your cooperation is he, Fang Chengnan. I want to sign him. He is a walking cash cow, and he is rare to have the heart and know the current affairs. If you grind it, he can go to a higher level. "

Fang Chengnan:

Yang guessed this early in the morning and said, "but now only Cheng Nan has a better momentum. Other artists are not developing well. You don't need to absorb the whole mess of kaxu for the sake of a Chengnan. And it won't cause trouble. What do you mean? "

Xie Yang did not immediately answer, but continued: "the second reason is that I like the film and Television Department of kaxu and the various film and television cooperation channels in the hands of boss Yang. Yang Hang is a new company, and its contacts in film and television are very weak and need to be expanded. "

Yang Qing's expression.

"The third reason is that I am very interested in the two TV drama projects suspended because Hong Zhijie left. The fourth reason is that I don't like Hong Zhijie and Mu Zhouyi. They should not like me too much. The enemy's enemy is an ally. Boss Yang, don't you want to revenge Hong Zhijie for this pit? "

Yang Qing was stunned for a moment, suddenly understood, and asked: "this is what you said, I will not cause you trouble?"

Xie Yang nodded and said, "with Hong Zhijie in, you will never betray me."

Yang Qing looked at Xie Yang in a daze. For a long time, he suddenly laughed, laughed and gave a long breath. He said, "it seems that you have understood Ka Xu thoroughly. Then I will not betray him with you. Kaxu is my painstaking effort. To tell you the truth, I did not incorporate it into Yang Xing's idea."

Xie Yang raised his eyebrows and said, "but Hong Zhijie will certainly be stuck with all kinds of means of self-help, forcing caxu to go bankrupt. If you take caxu into Yangxing, then the resources in your hands are still yours, and you can fight for it. But if you don't merge with Yang hang, the only thing waiting for caxu is to fall apart. You will have less chips in your hand, until you can no longer take Hong Zhijie.

Yang Qing is silent.

"What's more, in front of me, I'm not the chairman of emperor heaven, and I won't treat you like he treats Hong Zhijie. After you take the resources into Yangxing, I will not let you interfere in the affairs of Yangxing. I can give you the position of deputy director, let you be in charge of the film and Television Department, distribute shares of Yangxing to you according to the resources you bring, and treat the artists and talents you bring in. What you should take, I will give you, and I will not let you take what is not. Mr. Yang, you have to think about it clearly. You have only one chance to choose. "

Fang Chengnan frowned.

Xie Yang's words clearly tell Yang Qing that Yang Xing's absolute boss will only have Xie Yang. Yang Qing doesn't want to use Yang Xing as a tool and springboard.

He looked at Yang Qing.

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Yang Qing did not speak.

There are only three roads in front of her now.


Reducing the size of the company to survive, while continuing to look for development, while guarding against the pressure and blockade that Hong Zhijie will definitely exert, even those artists who are willing to stay with her to share the hardships have become a difficult situation.

Find a big tree, give up the identity of the boss, willing to work for others, but can save most of the resources in hand, and its artists can have a new start.Yang Qing looked up and looked at Liu Sha, who was sitting next to Xie Yang. He asked, "I remember you were a senior executive of Rongding, and you were trusted by your family."

"I'm still trusted by my family, but now I'm just the deputy director of Yangxing."

This is a hint.

Yang Qing understood, she always slightly frown eyebrow heart finally unfolded, got up and reached for Xie Yang, said: "happy cooperation."

Xie Yang smiles, gets up to return to hold Yang Qing's hand, way: "cooperates happily."

Next, several people had a discussion on the specific cooperation mode, and the discussion ended at 4:00 p.m. Xie Yang and Yang Qing agreed on the time to sign the contract and got up to leave.

"Wait a minute." Yang Qing suddenly stopped Xie Yang, went to Xie Yang and said in a low voice, "Hong Zhijie got on the boat of Fenghua through wooden Zhouyi."

Xie Yang was surprised and looked down at Yang Qing: "are you sure?"

Yang Qing nodded with cold eyes and hatred: "sure, if the chips given to Hong Zhijie by wooden Zhouyi are not high enough, otherwise, Hong Zhijie, who is only for profit, how could he divorce me?"

Fenghua, Fengjia's company.

Xie Yang was thoughtful. When he got back to the car, he immediately called Feng Qinglin and asked, "did you take Mu Zhouyi to see the Feng family?"

"Why do you ask?"

"That's the answer."

Feng Qinglin was quiet for a while and then replied: "I didn't take her to see her, but she met my cousin fengqingbai several times. What's the matter? "

So it is. In the plot of the original book, Mu Zhouyi captured the hearts of several high-quality men in fengqinglin's body and Zhou in the process of being together with Feng Qinglin. Among them, Qiu Xing is one, and Feng Qingbai, the son of Feng Qinglin's uncle's family and the successor of Feng Qinglin's family, is also one.

Feng Qingbai's ability is not bad. She is six years older than Feng Qinglin. She has a fiancee who is well matched. In the later stage, Feng Qingbai's fiancee acted as a slap in the face for mu Zhouyi, and the assistant female owner successfully secured the position of Feng Qinglin's girlfriend, and opened a gap for Feng Qinglin's capture of Feng's family.

It seems that no matter how the butterfly wings, the main story can not be changed.

Thinking of the "vicious female partner" in the original book, Xie Yang replied to his mobile phone, "Mu Zhouyi helped Hong Zhijie to catch up with fengqingbai. How do you feel about the prairie above your head?"


Xie Yang was impatient and said, "speak."

Feng Qinglin's tone was subdued: "what do you say?"

"Tell me how you're going to kill the Feng family and get it. Feng Qingbai is one of your most powerful competitors. He is now bewitched by Mu Zhouyi. The situation is very beneficial to you. "

Feng Qinglin stopped talking again.

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Xie Yang really disliked Feng Qinglin's character. He didn't want to talk nonsense any more. He said directly, "I suggest you find someone to take a photo of Mu Zhouyi and Feng Qingbai. If you have anything interesting to photograph, you can take it to Feng Qingbai's fiancee and fight for an ally. You can also make use of your nephew's identity and the wind family's covetous and hatred of the enemy's family to make the wind family attach importance to you. That's all. Let's go Then hang up the phone.


This evening, Xie Yang returned to Yangxing after finishing his day's work. Unexpectedly, he saw Zhou Miao holding a heat preservation barrel downstairs. He asked Wu Shui to drive over, lowered the window to look at Zhou Miao, and asked, "Why are you here?"

Zhou Miao quickly stepped forward, handed the heat preservation bucket to the window, and said with a smile, "little boss, master Liao asked me to bring it to you. He said that when he watched you live, he found that you were thin again and worried about you, so he made a pot of soup for you."

Master Liao?

Xie Yang took the thermos and asked, "is this master Liao you are talking about growing taller than me?"

Master Liao, who is in charge of cooking for Qiu Xing, is a short, chubby, kind-hearted uncle, not as tall as Zhou Miao.

“……” Zhou Miao scratched his face uneasily and dodged his words, "drink first, little boss. I and I have to pick up the boss. Go first. Goodbye." After that, he would like to slip away.

"Wait a minute."

Zhou Miao stopped immediately, looked back at Xie Yang and asked carefully, "what else do you want?"

"It's not to eat you. What are you afraid of?" Xie Yang felt the heat preservation bucket and said, "thank Master Liao for his soup for me. He told him to pay more attention to his body and said that I wish him a long life."

Zhou Miao: Good. "

Xie Yang lets Zhou Miao leave.

After returning to the office, Xie Yang opened the heat preservation barrel, drank the soup inside, took out his mobile phone, took a picture of the heat preservation barrel, and sent a micro blog.

[Xie Yang: add another criterion for choosing a mate. I like people who will give me soup. 】

below is a picture of the heat preservation barrel.

A few minutes later, Qincheng called Jieyang.

"Do you know how many people will guess that you are in love when you send out this microblog? How many paparazzi will be waiting for you

"Yes, let them guess." Jieyang's hands are tapping on the keyboard, the mobile phone is on and hands-free is put aside. "Just can wash powder, I don't need too possessive girlfriend powder or boyfriend powder. Paparazzi also like to squat, I have nothing to show themWhat did Qin Cheng guess and asked, "do you want to make it public?"

"I don't want to."


Qincheng hang up the phone wisely. Although Jieyang didn't give orders, he still decided to do some public opinion preparation for the exposure of Jieyang's relationship with Qiu Xing.

The next morning, Xie Yang went out and saw Zhou Miao downstairs.

"Er Master Liao is in a good mood today. He has done too much breakfast. Let me give you some. "

Xie Yang picked up his eyebrows and took breakfast. He asked, "is master Liao's appetite good today?"

“…… It's good. I've had half a bowl of porridge. "

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Jieyang is satisfied and goes up the window.

At noon, Zhou Miao's takeout boy went to the studio with two boxes of food. He avoided Xie Yang's sight and said, "master Liao is studying new dishes recently. He has done too much by accident."

"Who is master Liao?" long asked

"My mouse." After answering, Xie Yang threw aside his lyrics, got up and went to Zhou Miao. He looked at the dishes in the box and asked, "what did master Liao eat for lunch?"

"The same as before."

Xie Yang nodded and said, "let master Liao stop cooking specially for me."

Zhou Miao immediately became nervous and asked carefully, "why? Yes, don't you like it? "

"It's not that I don't like it. It's the micro blog I posted yesterday that broke down. There are a lot of people wondering whether I'm in love or not, and paparazzi are squatting on me. You're always hanging around me. It's easy to be photographed by paparazzi

Zhou Miao was relieved and said, "it doesn't matter. It's OK to explode. I'm a small person. It's OK to be photographed."


“…… Ah? "

Xie Yang approached Zhou Miao and lowered his voice: "you are the driver of Qiu Xing. Many people have seen you. Although you and I know that these meals were sent by master Liao, the media do not know that they will guess the relationship between me and your boss after they find out who your real boss is. So for the sake of your boss's reputation, don't come again. "

Zhou Miao:

Xie Yang retreated and patted Zhou Miao on the shoulder: "do you know what to say when you go back?"

Zhou Miao wanted to cry without tears and nodded.

That afternoon, at dinner time, the authentic master Liao came to the recording room with his steaming food and laughed at Xie Yang with a simple smile: "Yang Yang, eat while it's hot. I'll make it for you."

“……” Xie Yang low smile, no longer struggle, honestly over to eat, finished eating out of the mobile phone sent a micro blog.

[Xie Yang: Thank you, mouse. 】


From this day on, Xie Yang received love breakfast, lunch and dinner every day, and occasionally sweets were fed. However, on wechat, Xie Yang never received news from Qiu Xing, and the two people did not call again.

After the arrival of March, kaxu finally integrated resources and officially dropped the company's brand. The whole circle is paying close attention to the trend of kaxu, guessing who the fat meat will be cheaper.

On March 5, the official blog of Yanghang suddenly announced a congratulatory message welcoming Ji Zehui to sign up for the company.

There was a stir in the circle, and it soon subsided. Although Yangxing is a new company, it has great potential. Moreover, it is normal for Ji Zehui to choose to sign Yangxing.

After the news came out, the happiest thing was Ji Zehui and Xie Yang's CP powder. After a long silence, they became active again and excitedly put the topic of "grey sheep is a family".

Ji Zehui was so scared that he let Xiao Jin find a way to get rid of the heat. After entering Yang Xing, he finally knew who was standing behind Xie Yang. The CP powder was asking him to die! He came to Yanghang to hold his thighs, not to find shoes to wear!

A few days later, Mu Zhouyi, who has been keeping a low profile since the hidden rules incident, finally appeared in public. She was invited to give a makeup brand platform and accepted an interview with a media.

In the interview, she explained that the recording was not sent by her. She did not know what he Rumin and his son had done. He Rumin's chat record was also fake. She and he Rumin were not familiar with each other. She did not know who was harming her. She was very grateful to the company for its trust and protection after the accident. She hoped that everyone would not follow suit.

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The interview soon went on a hot search, and then the Shuijun and the marketing number ended up analyzing the source of the original recording, saying that there was really no absolute evidence to prove that the recording was made by Mu Zhouyi, and that it gave Mu Zhouyi white washing and wind direction without trace.

Just when the Shuijun and the marketing number were dancing happily, Yangxing official Bo announced the news of Yang Qing's appointment as deputy director of Yangxing. After that, Yangxing, like the previous emperor, immediately released a series of news welcoming XX artists to sign up for Yangxing.

At this point, Xu Yang's doubts are solved.

Everyone was shocked and surprised.

It's incredible that Yang Xing, who was founded for half a year, ate kaxu!

Some people drew up a list of the artists and agents of Yangxing. They were shocked to find that they had trained and concentrated a number of top artists and agents, and even had their own film and television contacts and resources.This is only half a year, and Yangxing has only been established for half a year.

However, Yang Xing's action still did not stop.

After announcing a series of signing information of artists, Yangxing successively announced three TV drama projects, namely, the criminal investigation drama that Xie Yang used to hold Ke LAN and the suspended project brought by Yang Qing from kaxu, a palace drama and a spy drama.

The impact on capital and public opinion caused by kaxu's series of artists' changing their names to Yangxing was too great. Mu Zhouyi's white washing was soon ignored. All the news about Yangxing was floating on Weibo.


In the studio, Xie Yang took Tang from master Liao and said, "the recording of the album is over. I will fly to X city tomorrow to shoot MV. After the shooting of MV, I will go to J city to meet with the crew directly, and will not return to B city."

The smile on master Liao's face was stagnant and asked, "is it so fast?"

Xie Yang nodded, smiling at master Liao: "so from tonight on, you don't have to send me meals again. I'll go out to dinner with the team in a moment, and I won't come here again."

Master Liao's brow twisted into a knot in one's heart, sighed and turned to leave.

"Master Liao."

Master Liao stopped and turned back.

"I'll be back late today and probably drunk."

Master Liao instinctively wanted to tell Xie yang to drink less wine. As soon as he opened his mouth, he suddenly responded to Xie Yang's deep eyes. His eyebrows quickly loosened and said happily, "drunk, drunk, Yang Yang, you wait. Uncle Liao will help you. You wait." Then he turned and left in a hurry.

Xie Yang turns back to his side with satisfaction, and then faces the line of sight that the dragon tree does not agree with.

"To protect your voice, don't indulge yourself just because the recording is over. You can drink wine, but you can't get drunk." "So when do you start making your second album? Have you come up with new ideas recently to write new works? "

“……” Xie Yang took up the music on the table without any expression and raised his hand to long Shuyou's face.

At 11:30 p.m., Xie Yang was sent back to Yang Xing by Wu Shui with a full body of wine gas. There is no suspicious car downstairs, nor Zhou Miao's figure. Xie Yang takes back his sight and looks a little lighter on his face.

After arriving at the parking lot, Xie Yang dismisses Wu Shui, steps into the elevator and goes to the floor where the office is located.

It's too late. Everyone in Yangxing is off work. The company is dark and empty. Xie Yang is lazy to turn on the light, and returns to his office in the dark. After opening the door, he goes directly to the direction of the small bedroom.

"Come back late, get drunk, walk alone after drinking, Xie Yang, you are really capable."

Too long did not hear the voice suddenly sounded, Xie Yang steps a stop, side head toward the direction of the sound to see.

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