There is a person sitting on the single sofa, because the back of the single sofa is higher and the position is close to the inner side, so Xie Yang didn't notice after entering the door. The corner of his mouth rose and he quickly put it down. He said, "master Liao, why are you here?"

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Qiu Xing stood up, went around the door first, turned on all the lights in the room, and then strode to Jieyang.

Suddenly exposed to the light, Xie Yang squinted unaccustomed, and raised his hand to press the center of his brow.

During the dinner party, he was advised to drink a lot. He was really drunk. Although he can use his power to purify all the alcohol gas, he can't bear to leave it to the mouse in front of him, which may not be seen in the next few months.

Qiu Xing grasped Xie Yang's hand pressing his eyebrows, and looked at Xie Yang's slightly drunk appearance with red eyes at the end of his eyes. His voice obviously held fire and asked, "headache? How much did you drink? "

"Not much. A few beers, a couple of white spirits, and half a glass of red wine."

Qiu Xing couldn't believe it: "you still drink together?"

Xie Yang squinted at Qiu Xing and asked with a smile, "why, can't it?"

Qiu Xing a Leng, after frowning, call way: "Xie Yang."

"Why, can't you?" Xie Yang asked again. He took his hand back and pulled his collar clothes. He took a few steps to lean against the armrest of the sofa and held up his chin to see Qiu Xing, "can't you? When I'm an adult, can't I drink? "

"You're still growing -"

"I haven't been growing for a long time. My height has been set. When you hide and become master Liao secretly." Xie Yang pulled the collar again, because he was drunk, his voice was much more hoarse than usual, and his words were a little soft, "guess how tall I am now? Want to know? I won't tell you. You deserve to miss my last moment as an adult. "

Qiu Xing looks at Xie Yang and his lips are tight.

"It's just the beginning, and then you'll miss more about me. When an artist has to travel frequently, if I fire Wu Shui, you won't even know where I am in real time. "

Xie Yang took out his mobile phone from his pocket, pressed it to open in front of Qiu Xing, then pressed the switch off, and then laughed and said, "and this one, as long as I turn this off, you will never be able to contact me again."

"Xie Yang." Qiu Xing took Jieyang's hand and wanted to say something. At last, he pressed down and said, "don't be angry. You're drunk. I'll bring you some sobering tea. You'll have a little, and then you'll take a bath. "

Jieyang doesn't smile and looks at Qiu Xing without expression.

Qiu Xing and Xie Yang looked at each other, then lowered their eyes to avoid Xie Yang's sight, reached out to help Xie Yang up, and said, "don't lean on like this, sit down, drink the sobering tea to wash --"

Xie Yang suddenly put his arm around Qiu Xing, because he was half sitting on the armrest of the sofa, so his head just rested on Qiu Xing's heart.

Qiu Xing froze for a long time. He raised his hand and put it on Jieyang's shoulder. He didn't push it away, but he didn't hold it tightly.

"You'll be all right, believe me."

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Qiu Xing's hand on Xie Yang's shoulder tightened and relaxed a little. He tried to push Xie Yang away and said, "Xie Yang, you don't want to --"

"even if you are not good, I hope you are dead in my arms. I don't want to wait for your funeral. I don't even have the position to erect a monument for you as a family member. " Jieyang's tone was calm, but his words stabbed people. "Qiu Xing, you must be mine whether you are dead or alive."

Qiu Xing's fingertips trembled, and he tightened his hands again.

"Qiu Xing, are you willing to let me go?"

Qiu Xing pressed Xie Yang into his arms without trace.

With a smile in his tone, Xie Yang leaned relaxed on Qiu Xing and continued: "Qiu Xing, what are you afraid of? I'm not afraid. Anyway, it's widowed in the end. Why don't you be generous and leave me some good memories before you go? When I think of you when you leave, at least I smile


Qiu Xing's hand on Xie Yang's shoulder did not know when he moved to understand Yang's shoulder and half held Jieyang.

"And what if you are well? It's not that there is no cure for your illness. " Jieyang suddenly raised his head, deep dark eyes on the upper enemy line, "bet a bet, I think you can win."

Qiu Xing didn't answer. He just looked at Xie Yang.

Xie Yang pulled Qiu Xing down.

Qiu Xing was stiff, then lowered his head without trace.

Xie Yang smiles and looks up at Qiu Xing.

Qiu Xing struggled in the eyes, then closed his eyes like compromise, and his body was stiff like a stone.

When he was about to meet, Xie Yang suddenly stopped, reached out and pushed Qiu Xing aside. He got up and left Qiu Xing's embrace. He took off his coat and threw it on the sofa. He untied the cuff button and said, "it doesn't matter if you don't gamble. It doesn't matter if you continue to hide. It doesn't matter if you don't talk. Yangxing has developed. I can earn 500 million yuan soon. I will give you all the things you gave me. Let's take a picture and spread it two times. I'm tired of trading. I'm going to have a real love affair. "

The cuffs are open to reveal a well-defined wrist.Xie Yang goes to the direction of the small bedroom.

"I want to find someone who is frank and has a good word. He will stay up late with me. He won't monitor my movements with his mobile phone. He won't fill me with" spies. ". I would drink with him and eat all kinds of delicious food together. He will see all my appearance and share all the details of my life with him. "

There was no footstep behind, and the figure of Qiu Xing still staying on the sofa was reflected on the French window in front of him.

Xie Yang takes back his sight, turns into the small bedroom, and continues: "he will see all I look like, happy, unhappy, dressed and not wearing --"

the footstep sound is approaching quickly. When it is dark, Xie Yang's hand to push the bathroom door is pulled, and then his body is pulled into a tight muscle embrace, and his head is pressed hard on his body.

"That's enough."


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Xie Yang felt that it was not enough and went on He will see a lot of me. When I sleep in the same bed with him, he will not just hold hands. He will soon know that there is a red mole on my waist. Maybe he will like it very much and love it very much - "

his face is held up and hostile, and his expression can be regarded as vicious.

Qiu Xing's tone was patient and said, "Jieyang, don't be angry with me."

Xie Yang raised his eyebrows: "what's wrong with you? What will you do to me? You're a coward - "

the shadow is over and all the words are blocked.

Xie Yang was forced to look up.

A few seconds later, Xie Yang closes his eyes.


Clumsy and ferocious action slowly becomes hesitant and stiff, Xie Yang knows that Qiu Xing is calming down. He deliberately raised his hand and hugged Qiu Xing's back, and then put down his teeth.

Qiu Xing's body was stiff.

The smell of blood spread.

Xie Yang retreated with satisfaction, felt the blood stains on his lips, wiped them all on Qiu Xing's suit, and said, "I went to take a bath. I'm full of wine, but you can't help it." I want to turn around.

Qiu Xing instinctively grasped Xie Yang's waist.

Xie Yang stops and looks down at his big hand.

"Isn't it enough to take advantage of it?" He knocked on the hemp tendons of Qiu Xing's elbow to break away from the grip of Qiu Xing. Then he suddenly raised his hand and touched Qiu Xing's ear. With a low smile, "it's hot." Then step back and go into the bathroom and close the door.

As soon as the door was closed, Qiu Xing retreated and covered his lips.

Xie Yang suddenly opened the door again.

Qiu Xing quickly put down his hand and straightened his back.

"Get me my pajamas."

Qiu Xing frowned.

"Get it."

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Qiu Xing stopped, turned around and went to the wardrobe to find Xie Yang's pajamas.

"And underwear, in the drawer down there."

Qiu Xing froze and couldn't reach out his hand. He looked at Xie Yang from the side of his head. His voice was hoarse and low, and his tone was old and strange. He covered up his emotions with anger: "you won't --"

"you just took advantage of me."


Qiu Xing opened the small drawer with the fastest speed in his life, casually pulled out a pair of underpants and stuffed them into his pajamas. Then he went to Xie Yang, put his pajamas in his arms and turned to go.

"I'm drunk, in case I fall in the shower..."

Qiu Xing stopped.

Xie Yang is very arrogant smile, close the door.



When Xie Yang comes out after taking a bath, Qiu Xing is sitting on the chair beside the window and is very deep. Xie Yang takes a look at Qiu Xing. He turns around and goes to the wardrobe. He takes out a new set of pajamas from inside. He bends down to open another drawer below. He pulls out a new pair of underpants. He turns around and puts them in Qiu Xing's arms and says, "go take a bath."

One of the two people who had just kissed suddenly took the initiative to take a bath and asked the other to do the same

Qiu Xing's larynx quickly slipped twice, and he refused coldly: "no, I'll be proud --"

"drunk people are prone to vomiting at night. If I accidentally vomit in the middle of the night and choke the vomit into the intake pipe --"

Qiu Xing stares at Jieyang with a black face: "don't talk nonsense!"

Jieyang shut up and motioned to the bathroom with his eyes.

Qiu Xing frowned and pursed his lips. He took a look at the bathroom and Xie Yang. He suddenly got up and rubbed Xie Yang's hair. Then he turned and strode into the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later, the bathroom door opened, and Qiu Xing, who buttoned his pajamas to the top, stepped out.

Xie Yang has already gone to sleep. He opens his eyes when he hears the voice. Then he turns over, buries his head in the pillow and closes his eyes again.

After more than ten seconds of silence, the lights were turned off. After that, it was quiet for more than ten seconds. Finally, the sound of footsteps approached the bed. Finally, the mattress sank and someone lay up.

The bed in the small bedroom is not big. It is only 1.5 meters. Two adult men over 1.8 meters in height lie on it, which is hard to avoid. But Jieyang in addition to feel the quilt moved, completely can not feel around more people.

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He waited with his eyes closed.He was not asked to wait for long. After more than a minute, an arm reached out and did not grasp his hand. Instead, he bravely held his waist, locked him in his arms, and then tightened it a little bit.

"Jieyang, you always have a way to drive me crazy."

Xie Yang did not move.

"At least in my life You can't belong to anyone. "

Xie Yang turned over.

The man who had just held him released his hand.

It turned out to be a mouse.

Xie Yang didn't move.

After a long time, the body was hugged again, and then the hair was gently rubbed, and a kiss fell on the brow.

"Good night."

Xie Yang's fingers put on Qiu Xing's pajamas and slowly infiltrate the power.

Good night.

A night without a dream.

Xie Yang woke up early because he had to catch a plane. When he woke up, he was still held in his arms by Qiu Xing, who was sleeping soundly because he had received too many powers at one time.

Xie Yang tries to sit up and get up.

Qiu Xing frowned suddenly, and his arm was strong.

Xie Yang stops, and when Qiu Xing is calmed down again, he raises his hand and points his eyebrows. He sends all the powers recovered from sleeping all night into Qiu Xing's body. He doesn't take back his hand until the core of the power feels exhausted.

Waist arm slowly relaxed, Jieyang successfully got up, went to the bathroom to wash.

When he was ready to go out, Xie Yang looked back at Qiu Xing on the bed. After thinking about it, he went back again. He looked up and down at Qiu Xing. With a hook in his mouth, he lifted the quilt and threw Qiu Xing's clothes on the ground. Then he rubbed his clothes and threw them on the ground. Finally, he covered the quilt for Qiu Xing and patted his forehead.

"How can you hide this time?"

After all this, he left the room with a light step. After going out, he called Zhou Miao and Liu Sha respectively, and asked them to come back to Rongding to cover up the affair.

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