My Husband Will Regret This

Chapter 7: My Husband Will Regret This Chapt

Chapter 7

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“F*ck. What does this house look like?”

Eric kicked the trash at his feet.

“You’re my assistant, but why didn’t you keep this place clean?”


Daniel asked back, his expression clearly saying that what Eric said was absurd.

“But it was Your Excellency who said that you don’t want any maids here?”

“That doesn’t mean I want this place to be a trash dump!”

“Why are you angry all of a sudden?”

Daniel rubbed the back of his neck.

“Yes, well… I’ll call someone over tomorrow.”

“Bring a lady-in-waiting for my wife.”

“A lady-in-waiting? Not a maid?”

But the Madam won’t stay here for long.

She would stay here for a day or two at most, but did he just say that a lady-in-waiting who’s difficult to hire must come here at once?

Daniel inwardly swore.

“Did you forget who my wife is?”

Eric said this firmly.

“She’s an esteemed daughter of a Duke. She’s not someone who’s rolling on the floor like us. If you give her someone incompetent, she’ll be very offended.”

“No, but… From what I’ve observed of the Madam, I don’t think she’ll be offended…”

Daniel continued to talk even as he tried to gauge Eric’s mood.

“I think she’s a good person, unlike what the servants are saying.”

Eric’s temples were twitching as though he was very displeased.

Daniel didn’t know what Eric was upset about, but his face was distorted anyway.

The aide backed down cautiously.

At times like this, there was a real possibility that Eric’s fuse would explode.


After being silent for so long, Eric said this.

“A good person.”

Ah yes, Daniel himself was also such a good person to have stayed here this long even though he was going crazy.

Eric turned his gaze to the aide and glared at him as though he could read his thoughts.

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“But Your Excellency, you know how harsh it would be to leave for the estate on this cold day.”

He knew.

Having a life of just rolling over the floor, he knew.

His first memory was opening his eyes at a dilapidated orphanage. He had no money and he starved for days on end while suffering from the harsh cold of the north. Because of that, his foot had to be amputated and now he was only wearing a prosthetic leg, so… he knew.

But she didn’t know that.

There was never a day in her life that she suffered from not having money. She had never lived under such pitiful circumstances. Her lifestyle was an aristocrat’s, so… she would never know.

She didn’t know any of it, that’s why she would only be hurt from whatever he said.

Damn it.

Eric let out a long sigh as he loosened his necktie. He stared towards the direction where Chloe was staying.

“Anyway, get a lady-in-waiting today so that someone can serve Chloe as soon as she wakes up tomorrow.”

“You’re making me do something ridiculous again. How can I get one within the day? …Yes, alright. I’ll do my best. Please stop glaring at me as if you want to rip me to shreds.”

Daniel immediately backed down again and just accepted it.

“Great. Then, the Second Prince is coming tomorrow as well. It’ll be good to have someone take care of the Madam while the Prince is… Your Excellency?”

After talking to himself for a long time, Daniel turned to Eric, who now had a blank expression on his face.

“What is it, sire? Did you forget?”

Eric covered his mouth with a clenched fist, his eyes visibly quivering as he was lost in thought.

Haa. At a loss, Daniel sighed.

“No matter how much you despise His Highness, isn’t this too much? He’s still a prince. He’s our biggest customer, sire!”

“I only forgot because I had a lot of work to do. And since I remembered now, isn’t it fine?”

Eric loosened his cuffs roughly and rolled up his sleeves, thick veins visible on his muscular arms.

“Wake Chloe up early tomorrow morning and ask her to leave.”


“Don’t let her run into the Prince.”


Daniel was puzzled, but Eric didn’t explain any further. He passed by Eric and walked away.

“No, sire, the Madam is still in an amicable relationship with the Royal family, right? Wouldn’t it be better if the Madam is there, too? Sire? Sire!”

Daniel chased after Eric’s back as he shouted.

“Your Excellency! Please explain at least!”

Eric had no choice but to stay silent.

In fact, he couldn’t explain the strange unpleasantness that he was feeling.

‘Isn’t it fortunate that at least it’s not the Third Prince?’

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The situation wasn’t exactly fortunate, but this was a good thing anyway.

“…I don’t want them to meet.”

He’d have to send Chloe back tomorrow right away. Eric was determined to make it so.


* * * 

Chloe opened her eyes in the dark.

Was it because the sun would hide for too long during winter? Even though it was already morning, it was still dark outside.

“It’s cold.”

She talked to herself reflexively.

As always, only cold air would answer back.

That’s what she thought, but…


She didn’t feel the usual biting chill in the air.

Cautiously removing the blanket over her, she stretched out her arms.

‘It’s not cold.’

The warm air in the room could be felt by both her cheeks.

‘It’s warm…’

How long had it been since she felt any warmth?

Chloe smiled right away and took the shawl hanging on a chair, wrapping it around her shoulders. Then, she rose from the bed.

There were three stove heaters in the room. They definitely weren’t there yesterday…

Did Daniel bring them in?

’It’s my fault again. Everything.’

But she recalled what happened with Eric yesterday.

‘You keep looking at me like I’m a monster.’

As she saw his sad expression, she wanted to say that it wasn’t true.

But she missed the right time to say it.

‘Should I try to talk to him again today?’

But what should she say?

Should she appease him and tell him that she never thought that he was a monster? Or should she be angry and accuse him in turn, saying that it was him who turned a blind eye to her?

She had no idea what to say.

Chloe wrestled with her thoughts as she reached over to the heater.

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The warmth gradually spread over to her starting from her fingertips.

As her body warmed up, her mind became clearer. Since last night, she slowly organized her cloudy thoughts little by little.

As she felt her head aching from exertion, the answer finally came to her.

‘Whatever happens, I still have to talk to him.’

She had yet to have a chance to talk to him, so they never had the chance to know what one thought of the other. The misunderstandings between them could be resolved.

If they talked…

‘Maybe we can change.’

But what would change?

‘My relationship with him?’

Even if it did, what’s the point?

‘I’m going to divorce him anyway.’

As she contemplated, Chloe paused and retracted her hand from the heater.

‘Do I really want a divorce…?’

She closed her eyes slowly.

And thought about him.

Eric. His face, his expressions, his gestures, everything.

‘What I really want is…’

…Not a marriage that would end with a single document.

She wanted warmth. Arms wrapped around her.

A sincere love.


“I’m about to di—“

Even before she could finish the word, she bent over.


A sharp cough gnawed at her throat, then she felt something warm pooling inside her mouth.

Chloe took out her medicine bottle from the bag she brought, taking a handful of it and drinking it without any water to wash it down.

Bitterness mixed with the metallic taste.


She tilted her head back with a hand over her forehead.

The sharp cough stabbed at her heart.

She bit her lips tightly to endure the pain.

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It was a heart problem, this illness.

Because her heart wasn’t functioning properly, every other organ in her body started failing one by one.

Her stomach was the first to weaken after her heart, so she couldn’t digest anything properly. Then, her lungs became more inflamed as her coughing grew severe.

How much more blood had she shed over her tears? Sometimes, it was dark red blood that came out.

She’s going to die anyway.

This was an undeniable fact.

‘Even if I talk to Eric properly and finally have my love reciprocated…’

Chloe smiled bitterly.

For so long, this had been what she was wishing for, but it wasn’t what she wanted anymore.

Now, she didn’t want to be loved by him.

‘If I’m loved, then I would just want to live more!’

Chloe shut her eyes tightly.

Because she had a time limit on her life, she wasn’t allowed to have any greed to live any longer.

Even with a time limit, she was still bound like this. She couldn’t even do what she desired.

‘And Eric will have a hard time, too… If he really starts treating me like his wife…’

She didn’t know if it would be better to just divorce him while it was still like this.

While he still hated her completely.

‘It’s the best path for everyone.’

Her life, her feelings, her death. It should all be dealt with by no one but herself, so she had to make this choice. This was the right thing to do.

‘I need to get a divorce.’

It was the best choice not only for herself, but also for Eric. They would both be at peace.

Chloe thought that he would fare better alone than to be stuck with a wife who constantly emptied his pockets.

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Slowly approaching the window, she saw the white landscape that was outside.

‘It snowed last night.’

They said it didn’t snow in the capital. But why did it snow like this?

The perfect white snowflakes that continued to flutter down from the sky since last night settled down upon the landscape, oblivious to all the turmoil she felt inside.

Chloe looked up blankly at the falling snow.

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