‘Will I be able to bring up the divorce today?’

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But would she be able to do that now?

She looked outside the window, carefully scanning the dilapidated mansion.

Eric was an inventor and entrepreneur who’s famous all throughout the country—and yet, he lived in a place like this, like he’s barely making a living.

Chloe was someone who was raised as a noble since she was born. She knew enough about courtesy and propriety.

She placed such a huge debt on her husband. She couldn’t possibly run away.

‘I have to pay back the money before getting divorced.’

But how…

She thought about contacting her mother, but this thought soon disappeared. It’s clear that her mother would oppose the divorce.

Her mother wouldn’t possibly support Chloe’s decision to divorce the Marquis of Aslan, who continuously gave funds to Chloe’s older brother.


Chloe grimaced.

No matter how much she thought about it, she couldn’t come up with a good answer.

She couldn’t think of a way to make four million pounds.



That’s all she was…

She looked down at the chemise dress she was wearing.

These were expensive clothes made of soft silk and fox fur.

Whose money was used to buy this?

It’s her husband’s.

Did she own anything that was bought with her own money?

No. Nothing.

Chloe bent down to cover her face with both hands. A thorough sense of helplessness wrapped around her whole body.

Her heart ached because she felt as though she had become useless trash herself.

‘I’m going to pay back Eric somehow.’

That’s right. Somehow…

At that moment—

Knock, knock, knock.

Someone was outside her door.

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Was it Daniel? Chloe hurriedly wrapped a shawl over her shoulders and told the person to come in.

But it wasn’t Daniel—it was a middle-aged woman who had a warm expression on her face.

“Hello, Madam. I am Andrea Cognac, and I’ll be serving you today.”

Chloe hesitated for a moment. She didn’t expect a lady-in-waiting to come here.

But her hesitation soon disappeared, perhaps because of Andrea’s soft smile or because of the aristocratic habits ingrained in Chloe.

Nonetheless, Chloe regained her composure and greeted Andrea calmly.

“Come in.”

“Thank you for your hospitality. Then, please excuse me.”

Andrea entered the room, and soon, silence befell their surroundings once more.

She placed a basin of hot water on the table, steam rising from its warmth.

‘Here in the north, I was always given cold water for washing.’

From some point on, warmth had become something unfamiliar to her—something unnatural.

Chloe chuckled bleakly at this realization.

“What should I prepare for your breakfast, Madam? If you tell me what you usually eat, I’ll prepare it at once.”

“Breakfast… No, never mind. Tea is enough for me. Don’t add any sugar.”

Sugar was expensive, but it was still hard to say that last sentence.

“I understand. Then, please let me help you wash your face.”

Chloe sat quietly on a chair, and soon after, a wet towel touched her cheek.

Soft. Warm.

Chloe closed her eyes.

Wondering how long it had been since she felt this cozy feeling, she felt happy and bitter at the same time.

Eric wasted money because of her again.

‘Of course, it’s not like he brought this lady-in-waiting for himself.’

Chloe slowly opened her eyes again.

“Is my husband awake?”

“Yes. Milord is preparing for a very prominent guest’s visit today.”


Because only a few could be called that way in this country, Chloe guessed who it was.

“Do you mean His Highness is coming to visit?”

“That is what I heard, Madam.”

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“His Highness the Second Prince or the Third Prince? Who’s coming?”

“I was not made aware.”

“Right, of course. Hurry and dress me, then. I need to see my husband.”

Andrea showed no reaction to Chloe’s sudden bright attitude and simply attended to her.

Chloe wore the dress she had been wearing the previous night again.

It was an Empire chemise dress.

However, since it was chilly, she placed a thick velvet shawl over her shoulder. Again, it was Eric’s.

Her coveted silver hair was combed and braided.

Andrea tried to adorn her with accessories, but Chloe refused.

She wanted to meet the prince as soon as possible.

The reason for welcoming the prince wasn’t because she was particularly close with either of the princes, nor was it because she thought they regarded her fondly.

‘Maybe I can borrow money.’

This was what compelled her.

‘The princes owe me a lot.’

Chloe thought about them in the past, five years ago.

‘I’ll be able to borrow money from the Royal Family. I can pay off Eric’s debts with that money.’

Her heart was pounding.

The helplessness that had previously taken over her disappeared before she knew it. The pleasant feeling of hope instead embraced her.

Chloe opened the bedroom door with an excited heart.

But her bright face soon crumbled.

Eric was standing outside the door.


She tried to hide her surprise by raising her chin.

Eric only stared at her.

“You look happy, Wife.”

He looked at Chloe with an imploring gaze.

“It’s not like you.”

He said one thing, and then another.

However, because Chloe was distracted by the news of a prince’s visit, she didn’t notice his sharp tone.

“I heard His Highness is coming, so of course I’d be delighted.”

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Chloe continued to smile in a way that’s ‘not like her’.

“It’s been five years since we met, so there’s a lot to catch up on. Can I greet His Highness?”

Because of her anticipation, she didn’t see it.

Eric’s expression grew stiff.


* * *


Eric narrowed his eyes.

He kept a close eye at Chloe, scrutinizing her face carefully.

People usually showed what they were thinking on their faces, but as always, Chloe’s expressions did not reveal anything.

Eric continued to stare into her strong gaze, but soon, he exhaled and briefly shook his head.

Then, he looked at Andrea.

“I’ll have to talk to my wife alone. Leave.”

Andrea, who had been standing still at the side, bowed and left the room.


After the door was closed, Eric passed by Chloe as he entered.

A musky lumber scent passed over the tip of Chloe’s nose.

It was a scent that was always around him. Chloe breathed in, as though trying not to forget the scent by taking in as much as she could into her lungs.

“Sit down for now.”

Eric said this as he sat down on the sofa, crossing his legs and placing his interlocked hands over his knees.

Was it because he combed his hair back? His wide shoulders stood out to her, along with his large hands.

As if he dressed up to politely welcome the prince, he was also wearing slacks that revealed his muscled thighs.

Chloe averted her gaze right then. She slowly sat across from him.

“First, Wife, tell me why you came to visit.”

As soon as she sat down, Eric took out a cigarette from his coat pocket and spoke plainly.

“It’s been thirty years since it last snowed here in the capital.”

The fire that was lit on his match was transferred to the cigarette. Then, hazy smoke flowed out of his lips.

“It means there’s just that much snow in the region.”

Chloe, who listened to his words carefully, asked him then.

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“Is it alright in the north?”

Eric shook his head.

“There was an avalanche.”


Chloe’s eyes widened in surprise.

“You don’t have to be shocked. Nobody died. The risk prevention went well.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

“But the roads are completely blocked. They said it’ll take a long time to clear. And thanks to the avalanche, even the railroads that were recently opened have been blocked as well.”

Damn it. Eric breathed in deeply on his cigarette, swallowing along with it those two short words.

His face grew blurry beyond the foggy smoke.

“Stay here until the roads are cleared.”

Indeed, Chloe found out the reason why she hadn’t been woken up early in the morning despite him telling her to leave at daybreak.

She nodded silently.

“But keep this in mind— you’re not free to wander around as you please.”

“Pardon? What do you…”

“It means you’re not allowed to meet the prince.”

Chloe’s eyes widened as she raised her head so quickly that her carefully styled hair was jostled.

“Why? Why can’t I meet His Highness?”

Her tone was agitated, however, Eric did not answer her right away.

He just looked at Chloe with a dry, indifferent gaze.

A heavy silence stretched between them.

Eric didn’t take his eyes off Chloe, and neither did Chloe shy away from his eyes. The conflicting gazes showed each of their respective wills.


Eric once again blew out cigarette smoke, the room instantly filling with the stark smell of tobacco.

“The Royal Family will hold you leverage against me, Wife, so that they can get an upper hand with the deal between us.”

Chloe thought it was a plausible response, but at the same time, it was a cowardly excuse.

“It would be better if you don’t meet him. For me.”

‘For you.’

Did he know the weight of those words? He spoke as though he knew for sure.

Chloe bit down hard on her lower lip and pulled her sleeves down to hide her clenched fists.

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