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Chapter 81

Chloe hadn’t woken up for days.

According to the doctor, she was unable to gain consciousness due to lack of energy. What made her suffer so much? Eric thought once again that he must be to blame for her becoming like this, so it hurt even more.

Why did she have to be so tough?

When He knelt beside her small bed and put his hands together, for the second time in his life, he prayed to God.

/Please help save this woman. As long as she’s spared, I’ll do anything.’

She can’t die like this. I can’t let her die like this…….

He didn’t believe in God.

It was because if there were a God, God wouldn’t have given him such a terrible reality. Nevertheless, the reason he prayed to God was because of hope. He wondered if there was someone who would listen to his words, in case there was someone who would listen to his wishes…

So he prayed endlessly, but as always, God did not answer.

Eric closed his eyes tightly. A heavy sigh escaped his teeth.


He slowly raised his eyes and spoke to her, but Chloe didn’t wake up.


He called for her once again, but as always, she did not respond. Eric let out a deep sigh and buried his face in his hands.

When he saw her collapse, he felt as if time had stopped. Even though he tried to move, he couldn’t move. He ran, but it didn’t feel like he was running. It was as if he was running in water, and Chloe looked like a buoyant corpse.

He shook his head, trying not to recall the horrible feelings he felt at that moment. When he glanced looked at Chloe again, she didn’t move at all, but at least he could feel her breathing. It was fortunate.

Then, he slowly withdrew his gaze from her and looked around.

How many square meters was it? The cramped room was stuffy like it was suffocating.

He thought that once Chloe had stabilized to some extent, he would have to change their place of residence. If they took the first class in an airship, they would be able to move without difficulty, even if she was asleep.

Eric thought he’d have to ask the doctor when he came in today, and he grabbed Chloe’s sprawling, weak hand.

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At that time, a knock came on the door.

Eric, wondering if it was the innkeeper, replied, “Come in,” and the next moment, two strangers entered the room.

“Oh, my God!”


As soon as they saw Chloe, they screamed in astonishment. Raising their voice in front of a patient, Eric was annoyed, but he held it in and stood up.

“Who are you to call Chloe carelessly?”

However, of course, the words couldn’t come out nicely. There was also an atmosphere of disapproval. Then the two men, DeHaan and Jeffrey, flinched slightly and looked at Eric.

At first glance, he seemed like a man with a formidable temper. In addition, looking at the clothes, the watch, and the shoes he was wearing, it seemed that he was at least a nobleman more than a Baron, so DeHaan and Jeffrey hurried to be polite.

“I am Chloe’s senior at work.”

“What do you mean?”


DeHaan and Jeffrey were puzzled by Eric’s question at the same time. Seeing that he was taking care of Chloe, it seemed like he was a family member or friend of hers. Still, seeing that he didn’t know what she was doing, they treated Eric with a little wariness.

“Haven’t you heard that Chloe has a new place to work?”


Eric could feel his mind dizzy.

“Is Chloe working?”

Chloe was a noble. A noble didn’t work all their life, they had to live on taxes and have fun!

…But to work?


“Ha! I’m going crazy!”

Eric wondered what the hell Chloe was thinking. However, since she wasn’t getting up, he could only vaguely guess.

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He touched his forehead and looked at DeHaan and Jeffrey.

“Alright. What’s going on? What the hell is Chloe doing?”

“She was hired as a reporter. Here is the business card of our newspaper.”

Receiving the business card, Eric narrowed his brows even more. That would be because it was a small newspaper publisher whose name he had never even heard. Well, of course, he wouldn’t have heard of a newspaper in this narrow Heath.

Though Chloe worked in a useless place like that…?

Eric bit his lip.

“Reporter… reporter. Right. A reporter.”

As he remembered her struggle with reporters, he remembered her being choked by the reporters observing and reporting on her every move. Still, Chloe became a reporter? What was she thinking?!

“I’m going crazy.”

He tried hard to make sense of it, but he still couldn’t figure out what she was thinking. Eric wished that Chloe would open her eyes at this moment, but of course, she never did. It must take a long time for her to wake up, Eric thought with a sigh.

“So, why did you guys come?”

Eric asked, turning to the reporters. DeHaan and Jeffrey were nervous again, as the voice was somewhat sharp.

“Chloe didn’t come after her first day at work, so I asked around and asked Sophia. She said Chloe was sick and passed out, so we came here because we were worried.”

“Yes. Here are some flowers.”

Saying so, Jeffrey handed the flowers he had brought to him. Eric looked down at the yellow freesia indifferently and then set it down as if tossing it on the bedside table.

“Actually, she was pretty good, no, she’s really good. Chloe did a lot better than I thought, so I was thinking of putting her into coverage right away from the next day, but it turned out like this. It’s too bad.”

“That’s right. I thought a good new recruit came in for the first time in a while.”

Eric’s eyes narrowed.

In fact, he assumed that Chloe wouldn’t be able to do her job properly, but that wasn’t true. She was actually good. At that moment, he suddenly realized that he had never seen her outside her realm. When Chloe woke up, he had more questions to ask.

Yes, if only she would get up.

“By the way…”

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At this time, DeHaan glanced at Eric and asked cautiously.

“Who are you? Are you a family or a friend?”

It was a question that he had because Eric had treated them carelessly. Eric ran his hand through his hair and picked the words out of his mouth.

There was no long delay.

“I am Chloe’s husband.”

There was a moment of silence. DeHaan asked again, tilting his head as if he couldn’t understand more.

“But Chloe didn’t have a last name…”

I’m going crazy.

Eric took a deep breath and ran a rough swipe through his hair.

Chloe had now abandoned all surnames—Rolfe, Aslan—with nothing left behin, and she chose a life like a commoner. Did she hate to be by his side enough to choose such a terrible life? He didn’t even want to have a castle?

He hated Chloe, and at the same time, he hated himself for making her chose that choice.

Eric let out a long sigh.

“Chloe is the mistress of Aslan family, so make sure you remember her.”


“Her name is Aslan?”

DeHaan and Jeffrey’s eyes widened. While they vaguely guessed that the man in front of them would be a fairly respected man, it was none other than Marquis Aslan! They were so amazed that they dropped their jaws.

Soon, they hurriedly lowered their eyes when they met his eyes. Eric Aslan’s temper was very famous for being bad.

“Yes, so be courteous to Chloe from now on. Don’t call her by her name recklessly.”

Eric said and waved his hand at DeHaan and Jeffrey. It meant for them to leave now. However, at this time, Jeffrey raised his hand and shouted.

“Ex, excuse me!”

Eric’s eyebrows lifted.

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“What is going on?”

Jeffrey took a half step forward and swallowed a dry gulp. Then he cried out loud.

“Can we do an interview? Only once! Briefly…!”


DeHaan tried to stop him but to no avail.

“But, this is Marquis Aslan! You shouldn’t miss this opportunity! Your Excellency, just once! Please have mercy…!”

Hearing Jeffrey’s cry, Eric let out a laugh.

So far, he had refused all personal interviews, so there were only articles in the newspapers that contained vague speculation about him. Eric planned not to give interviews anywhere other than for articles that would reveal his work.


If Chloe was a reporter, if she wanted to continue her journalistic career…

Eric untied his tie loosely and clicked his tongue briefly.

“When Chloe wakes up,”

Then, he gazed down at her and uttered.

“I’ll do it for Chloe.”

This was the maximum tolerance Eric could give, and in other words, it meant acknowledging Chloe.


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