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Chapter 82

“I don’t think it would be too much trouble to move by airship. However, there are times when they come to their senses on the way, so it might be a bit of a problem…”

The doctor was speechless before taking the medicine out of his bag.

“I’ll prescribe a sedative, and I think it would be good to take the proper medicine after you leave.”

“Yes. Thank you.”

Eric gave the doctor a few taps on the shoulder and let him go. Then, he slumped back in his chair and buried his face in his hands.

It’d been a week since Chloe didn’t open her eyes. His heart was burning, but he couldn’t wait like this.

He thought at the same time that he couldn’t keep her in a place like this anymore, that she should get a proper diagnosis from the capital’s famous doctor, and that he should move Chloe to the mansion so that she could be with him.

After thinking, he jumped up.

Like Chloe, he was a person who never backed down on a decision once he had made it, and he was someone with excellent execution power.

The next moment, he ordered Sophia to get tickets for the airship right away.



He was able to move Chloe to the mansion after spending an incredible amount of time, three hours by airship and thirty minutes by carriage. The mansion referred to the mansion where he has recently moved.

Eric had chosen the largest and most splendid room among them as Chloe’s room. He brought all of her belongings from the northern castle and recreated them in the same way, even in the direction where books were placed.

The only difference was the size, splendor, and warmth of the room, and he thought she would like this warm air the most.

Chloe was lying alone on a bed big enough for three adults to sleep on while Eric sat on the head and looked down at her, whose eyes were still closed until now.

When would Chloe wake up? When could she wake up and get up? And when would she be able to live properly…

Eric recalled what the doctor said as soon as he arrived in the Capital.


“The Madam’s heart is slowly stopping.”

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“It is not running well. At this rate, it will probably be paralyzed after half a year.”

“If so… she will die.”


Eric’s breathing became irregular as he felt sentenced again.

It was too harsh a sentence to pay for the many selfish acts he had committed over the years. He was confident that if only Chloe would get up, if only he would just give her the will to live, and if he would just keep her alive… then he would do anything.

The amount of pain she had already suffered was too great for him to assert his insignificant pride. Chloe’s absence reminded him of many things, so he was sure that if he lost her, he would lose himself, too.


He gazed at Chloe, who was lying motionless, and slowly opened his mouth.

“…What if I had been sick instead of you?”

If it had been in the past, this would have been unimaginable for the past Eric. To want to feel the pain of others as his own! It was a great development, and it was also a belated regret.

Eric placed his hand on the back of Chloe’s bare hand.

“Would I have been able to bear it?”

He smiled mischievously… no, he himself would never have been able to bear it. Before this pain came, he would have gone to the doctor, grabbed the doctor by the collar, and yelled at him to find a way to save him.

However, Chloe didn’t. She endured the pain, and even though she was sentenced to death, she humbly resignedly and accepted everything.

Eric was respectful of this much.

“You are a great person…”

He said, holding Chloe’s hand tightly.

“…That I dare not look up to you.”

This was his honest feelings, too, and that made him felt even stronger about needing to save her.

…Because Chloe shouldn’t have died like this.


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She had an old dream.

As a child, when she was about six or seven years old. When she was playing with the handmaid in the backyard of the mansion. At the time, Chloe firmly believed that the prince on a white horse would come for her, and that belief did not change because she was the daughter of a famous Duchy, and she was beautiful and kind!

Even if she compared herself with the princess in the fairy tale, she was not lacking. So, Chloe always had a princess doll, and she used to do a puppet show marrying a prince.

It was the same that day. Chloe asked the handmaid.

“There’s nothing better than marriage, is it?”

The handmaid answered.

“Of course, Miss.”

She firmly believed the handmaid’s words, and thought that marriage was the grandest dream and aspiration she should have.

It was at such a time.

All of a sudden, a scream came from somewhere. From a very close distance, it was slowly moving toward her. She was so frightened that she froze, dropping her doll. As the handmaid protected her, Chloe burst into tears in the handmaid’s arms.

It was none other than her mother who came running screaming.

The Duchess, Chloe’s mother.

She was also severely beaten by the duke for drinking, and she could not run away from the Duke and fled to the garden.

Chloe could be sure that she had never seen such a terrible sight in her life.

The image of the Duchess, who always maintained elegant attire, disappeared without a trace. Her hair was disheveled, her forehead was dripping with blood, her cheeks were red, and her lips were all chapped. In addition, her dress was disheveled and messed up, and the lace was all ripped.

As she screamed, the Duchess slapped her on the cheek, saying that because of her that she had found out her position.

There was no such mess.


Broken and crushed teacups, desserts, plates, and dolls… Chloe tried to protect her doll from being kicked by her mother, but it was to no avail. Her doll was in tatters from being stepped on by the Duchess’ shoe’s heels.

Then, the Duke came running and dragged the Duchess by the hair, and Chloe was finally able to escape the beating.

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While Chloe stared blankly at the Duchess as she wept while being dragged away, she suddenly asked.

“Betty. Is there really nothing better than marriage?”



Chloe raised her eyes and opened them before she jumped up. It was a violent movement for someone who had been asleep for a long time.

She recalled the dream she had just had. The past that was really on the other side of her memory. Such terrible memories that she would never have recalled normally… why did that suddenly come to mind?

Her handmaid at the time, Betty, did not answer her questions. She just cried together and brushed Chloe’s messy hair.

‘Is there really nothing better than marriage?’

Chloe groaned and closed her eyes. To think that she thought that married life would be fun and happy, but it was different!

Stupid and arrogant woman!

Chloe beat her chest and lamented her own mistakes. If she had this dream a little longer ago when she was first married to Eric, if she had this dream, she might have let go of all her expectations for him…

Still, Chloe forgot everything, and as a result, she wished for love in Eric and she clung to him.

Oh, what a fool!

Thinking so, she hit herself in the chest once more.

There were many things in the world that were as good as marriage. Didn’t she realize it during her brief job at the newspaper? She could get as much pleasure out of doing what she wanted to do.

Though why did she think marriage was the only good chain to save her life? In fact, Eric paid off all the Duchy’s debts, so it was a kind of gold chain, but Chloe didn’t think he would save her life. Rather than saving her, it was tantamount to hanging her.

Chloe dropped her head.

…Stupid woman.

…Idiot woman.

She sneered at herself. Then, she suddenly thought.

‘Where is this…?’

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As she thought so, she lifted her head in her flash. Her last memory, right before she collapsed, was of Eric running up to her and supporting her. Then, this would be Heath’s old inn, although this place was not like an inn.

The dazzlingly gorgeous furniture, a large chandelier, and even a large bed… It was a space she had never seen before.

Where was she?

When she looked around with slightly quivering eyes, Chloe slowly lifted her leg and placed it on the floor before she raised her body. Upon closer inspection, there were items she used in her room in the North—books, pens, and even stationery.

Chloe couldn’t figure out the reason. She looked around for a while longer, then slowly opened the door and went out.

As soon as she opened the door, what she saw was a large, open window. It was snowing outside but bright. Sunlight filled the sky.

She slowly approached the window as the sunlight flooded through the window. The cold marble floor touches the soles of her feet. Still, the sun was warmer, so she went over to the window and touched the window sill, ignoring it.

And after she unlocked the latch, she opened the window wide.

As a cold wind blew, it was wind mixed with snow, the snowflakes she hadn’t seen in a long time. At that moment, Chloe recognized right away that this was the Capital… Yes, she returned to the capital from which she fled.

There was only one person who would bring her here.



Chloe slowly turned her head to the voice. The sunlight was pouring down on her, and the hallway and the other side were full of darkness.

It was Eric who ran through the darkness.


He greeted her with a bright smile like never before.


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