The dragernix got up and tried to fly, but he couldn't, I quickly tried to attack him with my sword but before I could do anything he opened his mouth. I knew what he was going to do, I searched for rocks to hide behind them there are no rocks, even if I did find any rock and hide behind his fire will melt it instantly. I can't hide anywhere nor I can attack him, I can't even dodge his attack.

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"There is only one thing I can do and that withstands his attack"

I took out a healing potion as he started spitting fire, it's redder than last time.

"It's okay…it's okay"

My HP was going down slowly, it's all thanks to my 'Harden' skill that I can withstand it. Yes, as long as my 'Harden' skill is active I ca---

[Skill-Harden deactivated]


As I laughed at my bad luck my HP 73, 61, 48, 34, 16, 6. I quickly used a healing potion. My HP raised a bit to 31 but started decreasing quickly. I used the last potion but my HP kept decreasing.

[A New Skill Obtained]


New skill? Why now? I checked the skill...


Isn't that a sword's name? Then why skill...

"Hey Lily wha--"

[I don't know anything]

I haven't said anything yet.

[You should focus on your HP, you will die soon]

"Like hell, I will die after all those efforts"

[Skill-Excalibur Activated]

I don't know what this skill does but it's better to try it than to die. I grabbed my sword, I can feel the sword sucking my energy but this time it is intense. It is like my life force itself is being sucked. Is it due to the skill?

"It hurts, my hands hurt, my body hurts, I can't take it anymore"

I was about to drop my sword, I looked at my sword, It was bigger than last time, even bigger than the skeleton knight sword. I noticed that my sword was on fire, no it wasn't due to the dragernix fire. This fire is not red at all, it is black.

I gathered up all my remaining strength and slashed at the dragernix who was still spitting fire.


[Leveled up]

He had 4 HP bar but with one attack, he died.

[A Title Obtained]

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[Leveled up]

[A New Skill Obtained]

[Leveled up]

[Leveled up]

[Leveled up]

[Leveled up]

[Leveled up]

[Leveled up]

[Leveled up]

[Leveled up]

[Leveled up]

[Leveled up]

"What just happened?"

I looked at my back and the symbol on the back of my overcoat also changed.

And what was that? A new title? What's that?

"Hey, Lily, what does the title mea---"

[Show me, show me]

"Okay, okay"

I showed it to her, after looking for a while.

[Hmm, you got this title because you cleared the floor 0]

"Awesome" I looked at the name of the title.


[Nice Adas]

"I don't know what the title does but it is worth it for me"

Achiever, like my studies I will get the top spot in-game too.

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[Be careful with that though]

"What do you mean?"

[You can lose the title]

"Huh? Like someone will steal it?"

[No but if someone duels with you and you lose the battle, you will lose the title too]

"I see"

[You will also lose if you drop the title somewhere]

"I am not a klutz"

[Leveled up]

[Leveled up]

[Leveled up]

[Leveled up]

[Leveled up]

[Leveled up]

[Leveled up]

As I was looking at my title and sighing in relief.

"Now I can play with Elena too"

[Leveled up]

[Leveled up]






"Hey what's happening?"

[I do...n']

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Her voice...






And once again I had the same feeling, feeling as if my consciousness is getting sucked.

Some seconds later I found myself in...

[Welcome to Len World Online]

I know this scenery, there is no way I can forget this beautiful scenery. That's right, I am on floor 1. I can see other players too. It seems the maintenance has ended.

It is night here, it was night on floor 0 too. This game follows real-world time. It's 23:00 now.

I am having a strange feeling for some reason. I opened the menu to check if there is a 'Log out' option or not...

"It's there" I sighed in relief.

"Elena said to wait for her near the fountain"

I can see a fountain, I started walking but for some reason, I was still feeling uneasy. Just to make sure I open my menu and...

"It's not here, it's gone"

My title, it's not there. I checked my stats and skill...

"Everything is the same"

I checked my level...

"Huh...level 15?"

Why? I remember getting levelled up many times after I defeated dragernix.

"Hey Lily, what is going...on?"

I called Lily but she wasn't there.

"Now I understand"

That was what this uneasy feeling was about. As I was worried about Lily, I got the notification and the sender was...

"Lily" Is she okay? What happened to her?

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I opened her message,

[Hello Adas, something went wrong after maintenance ended and I can't accompany you right now]

"Thank god she is safe"

[It seems that you were able to log in properly this time. I hope you can find your girlfriend and play with her. I will be able to accompany you tomorrow, till then take care, Lily]

"I see, at least she is okay"

But why so formal? A second later I got notification again, I opened it and it was Lily.

"Did she forget something?"

[Hey Adas, I forgot to tell you something important]


Something important?

[You are a new player and you are already level 15 and have some skills, if some other player gets to know this it will be a problem]

"That makes sense"

[So use your 'Faker' skill to fake your stats]

"I see"

[Skill-Faker Activated]

I opened the menu and set my level to 3 and all my stats to default, which is 100.


She is awesome, she is even helping me like this. I am glad I didn't smack her. A minute later I got the notification again, I checked and it was Lily, as expected.

"Did she forget to tell me something more important?"

I opened the message,

[Hey Adas, I forgot to tell you the most important thing, and that is...]


What is that? Why an incomplete message? Did something happ--

A second later I got the notification, I opened it quickly,

[You are an idiot]

That damn tiny little pixie...

"I should have smacked her after all"

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