As I was waiting for Elena at the fountain, sighing that I dropped my title...

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"Hey there, you new?"

A person called out to me. It is a man and there is a woman with him too.

"Yeah" I replied

"Then want to form a party with us?"


Party? Do they want me to join them and play this game with them?

"Umm, I am sorry but I am waiting for my girlfriend"

"Oh I see, no worries"

"Ricky, you can't go inviting people out of nowhere"

The woman said, pulling the man's ear.

"No, he just looked like he was about to cry so I called out to him"

"Excuse me?"

I wasn't about to cry, I was just a little sad.

"So you are waiting for your girlfriend?" The woman said,

"Yeah, she told me to wait near the fountain"

"I see"

"Ah, could it be that there is another fountain around?"

"No, there is only one fountain on floor 1"

"I see, thanks"

"How about you search for her location, you can see where she is if she is in your friend list"

"Oh, I am new, this is my first time, I just logged in"

"Is that so?"

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"Wait, you said you just said this is your first time, right?" The man quipped.


"Then how are you level 3 already?"

"I got some beginner's things"

I am really level 15 and I would have been at level 40 if that hadn't happened.

"Are you sure?"

The man suddenly grabbed my collar.

"Hey, stop doing that" The woman pulled him back by pulling his ears.

"Sorry for my husband"

"Huh? Husband?"

"Yeah" They open opened their menu and the relationship between them is husband and wife.


How is that possible? They look 4-5 years older than me, how can they be married?

"This is our in-game relationship"

Oh, I see, in-game relationship. Yup, there is just no way that they are married in real life.

"We are married in real life too"

"Huh? How? How old are you guys?"

"We are 22" Both of them said in unison.

"22? How can you marry at 22?"

"Huh? A person can marry once they are 18"

"I know that"

I know that, but really? They married at 22?

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"You guys married at 22?"

"No, we got married right after we graduated from high school"


This couple is crazy.

"I see, then good bye"

"Wait a minute"

Both of them grabbed each of my shoulders.

"I don't want to, let me go"

"Wait, listen to us. We will help you find your girlfriend"


"Yeah, for the trouble this idiot caused you"

"Okay then, I will be in your care"

"So, what's your girlfriend's name?"

"It's Reina"

As soon as I said that, both of them looked at each other and shook their heads and said "Impossible"

"What happened?"

"No, nothing, we just happened to know someone by that name"

"For real?"

"Yeah so, is your girlfriend extremely rude and jerk and selfish?"

Hmm, she is rude but not selfish and a jerk.

"Nope, she is cute and an idiot"

"Oh, we got the wrong person then. There is just no way a girl like her with an ignorant personality can get a boyfriend"

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I don't get it, but that's definitely not Elena.

"So how about we look around? We may find her nearby"


They seem to be a nice couple.

"But it's hard to believe that someone who just logged in is level 3 already?"

"Is it hard to level up?"

"Extremely hard" they both said in unison.

"You have to kill around 500 monsters to get leveled up by 1"


"And the requirements keep increasing as you keep leveling up"


"And item drop and skill drops are too rare here"


"We have been playing this game since its release...I mean for a year and we are still..."

They showed me their stats, the woman whose name is Rikka is level 25 and the man whose name is Ricky is level 27 and both of them have 2 skills.

I am level 15 and have 5 skills, I found 2 items. Was it because it was hard?

"I see"

Now I understand why he was acting like that.

"So you want to form a party so you can level up?"

"Not exactly but we were in a party before and we got kicked out so we are looking for a new party"

"Kicked out?"


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They have it hard.

"Then again there were only 3 members so--"

"Party of 3 members?"

"Yeah, me Ricky and Reina"

I see, so this Reina person kicked them out, she really is a selfish and rude girl with an arrogant personality, unlike my Elena. But somehow I have a bad feeling about this.

"Why did she kick you out?"

"When we were clearing the dungeon we found an item drop, it was me who found it but she wanted to keep it, she was the leader so we let her keep it. Just because she was level 43 she kept making us do all the work and take what we get after defeating the monsters."

"We consulted her and she said, 'Stay if you want or get out of here.' "


I really hope she is not Elena.

"Well I hope you can join another party soon"

"Yeah thanks man, we hope you find your girlfriend so--"

"That that you Rikka?"

As we were talking someone called out to Rikka. It was a girl with white hair and white skin, a slender body and beautiful face. She is really beautiful.

"Reina" both of them said in unison.

So this girl is Reina, She doesn't look like Elena, I am glad she wasn't Elena after all.

"What are you doing here that you Das?"




How does she know my name? My name in the game is Adas so...could it be that she is...


"Wait, so she was your girlfriend after all?"

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