As we were talking someone called out to Rikka. It was a girl with white hair and white skin, a slender body and a beautiful face. She is really beautiful.

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"Reina" both of them said in unison.

So this girl is Reina, She doesn't look like Elena. I am glad she wasn't Elena after all.

"What are you doing here that you Das?"




How does she know my name? My name in the game is Adas so...could it be that she is...


"Wait, so she was your girlfriend after all?"

"No, no, no, there is just no way she is my girlfriend. My Elena is not this beautiful, and she is not this tall"

Currently, she is the same height as me but in the real world, her height is only till my shoulder.

"And she is not this slender, she is kind of, not fat but she is not this slender and her hair is not white but I guess can you can change your appearance in game but my Elena doesn't care about her hair at all, And her chest definitely is not this big...oh I am not saying it's small other words this person is not my girlfriend. My girlfriend is cute that I want to hug her but...okay then I will look for her myself, you guys enjoy you--"

As I was about to leave that girl grabbed my shoulder. This grip...she is definitely Elena.

I looked back to see her face once again, I saw her face but it's kind of hard to describe it. I don't know if she is angry, sad or happy, there are tears in her eyes but her face looks a little flushed and she is gritting her teeth and her eyes are...looking at me.

"I am sorry"

I don't know but I think apologizing is the best thing I can do now.

"I will deal with you later"

Guess my apology didn't work.

"What are you doing with my boyfriend?"

Elena hugged me as she said that...actually she was just crushing me in her arms.

"Well excuse us, we didn't know he was your boyfriend and hey Adas are you sure you she isn't forcing you to date her? We can help you, please tell the truth."

No I am dating her because I love her, yes Das say that.

"No I am dating her because I...I...because she told me to"

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I still can't say that I love her.

"I knew it, Ricky, let's report her"

"No...I am dating her because I want to"



"Reina...what are you doing here? Your boyfriend was looking for you, you know"

"I the forest"

"Huh? Why at this hour?"

"Shut up"

"Well Adas you found your girlfriend, okay then see you around"



Elena let go of me as soon as they left. I glance at her, she really looks beautiful.

"What's with the lame name?"


"I told you to choose the name carefully and yet you chose another lame name"

"Then why didn't you suggest me a name when we were on video call?"



"I wanted you to choose by yourself"

So she was being considerate.

"And yet another lame name"

What happened to being considerate?

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"Well then..."

She reached her hand at me, I grabbed her hand.

"Come with me"

"Where are we going?"

"Just follow me?"

Soon after we reached the forest.

"Why are we here?"

"I want to show you something, come here"

She covered my eyes with her hand and told me to walk.

"Stop here, lie down and don't open your eyes until I say so"

She let go of my eyes and we both lay down on the ground.

"You can open your eyes now"

I slowly opened my eyes and what I saw was...


The sky is so black and stars are shining so bright the moon...there are two moons. The trees are being illuminated by them, this is really...


"Right, I wanted you to see this that's why I was cleaning the forest by defeating the monster but then maintenance break started, so I was logged out and when maintenance break ended I was still in forest. I ran as fast as I could at the fountain but you weren't there then I went looking for you and found them with those two.

"I see"

"I wanted to be the first one you meet when you log in but..."

She wanted to be the first one to meet me but...I am sorry Elena because I already met the developer and Lily before I met Rikka and Ricky.

"And then you called me short and flat"

"No, I didn't mean it that way"

"I mean you are short but not that short, its average height for a high school girl"

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"And what about fat?"

"You are not fat, it's just that your face is little..."


"Little cute and your hair is short so..."

"I see, I see"

She looks happy.

"You also called my chest small"


"Just so you know it will grow, okay?"


"And I do care about my body and take care of my body"

She took it the wrong way, I didn't mean that. What I wanted to say was...

"I will love you no matter how you look or how you are"



"You just said..."

Huh? Why is her face red...soon after I realized what I just said, I just told her that I love her for that first time.

" the first time you told me that you love me"

She started crying.


"You know we have been going out since 6 months but you never told me that you love me. I started to think that I am just forcing you to go out with me...but...I am glad...I am happy that...that"

She is still crying, her tears won't stop, without holding myself back I hugged her. This is the first time I took the initiative.

"I am sorry for not telling you till now"

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"I won't forgive you unless you say it one more time"


"Say it"

"I love you"

"One more time"

"I love you"

"One more"

"I love you"

"One more"

"I love you"



"Nothing, I am just happy"

"I see"

She is still in my arms, I can feel her body. Even though this is a game I can still...

"Das you idiot"


What happened to that beautiful romantic atmosphere?

"You should have told me in the real world. We can't kiss here you know"

"We can't?"

Well, of course, this is a game, something like that shouldn't be possible.

"Married couples can kiss in games but we can't"

What's wrong with VR games?

"Well then we should log out, it's 0:45 now, the game will close at 1:00"

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