After that, I tried to study, but I couldn't focus. I tried to sleep, but I couldn't sleep. Every time I close my eyes I see that scene, I just can't get that scene out of my mind.

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I hurt Elena and I can't forgive myself for that.

I didn't have a pleasant childhood. My parents love me so much and that's all what I needed.

When I was 4 years old, I memorized a book. When I was in elementary school, I could easily solve a high school syllabus.

When I was in middle school, I always got full scores on tests and exams, I didn't even need to study.

I was alone until middle school, but when I started going in middle school, I started making friends.

They always came to me to ask about studying and I taught them everything, that was a new experience for me, I was very happy.

I started hanging out with them, and they also played with me until...

I always got the full scores in exams, and they started avoiding me.

'You are too full of yourself' they said.

I never tried to show off, nor did I do anything that made them feel inferior.

They stopped playing with me, hanging out with me, everyone in school, they started avoiding me, even the teachers gave me a despised look.

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'If I get low marks, if I do badly on my tests then maybe they will talk to me again' I thought.

In the next test, I wrote the wrong answers on purpose and scored lowest in my class.

It had the opposite effect. They started bullying me.

Sometimes stuff from my bag went missing, sometimes my shoes, sometimes they locked me in the toilet, they made me tripped, If they did something bad they would blame it on me.

My parents noticed my unusual behavior and asked me if something was wrong.

I was naturally a genius. My mom and dad are smarter than me, maybe it's because of them I am a genius, maybe it's because of them I am getting bullied. No, it's not their fault, I can't blame them, but it's not my fault either.

There is no such thing, it's not how this world works, it has to be someone's fault, that's how this world works. The adult world is scary, adults are scary, they do nasty schemes to get what they want. If that is how this adult world works, then I would rather die than grow up.

Whenever I scored full scores, they would buy me something and praise me. That one time when I did badly on a test, they didn't ask me why I got low scores.

'It's okay, do your best in the next test' they said.

I have never asked them to do anything for me, but every month they took me on vacation and buy me stuff. They also bought me games, but I never played them.

This is the only pleasant thing that I love about my childhood.

When they asked me what was going on in school, I told them everything.

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My parents called the principal on the spot and complained.

I stopped going to school, well it was more like I only went to school on exams.

It wasn't like I needed to go to school anyway.

During that time, I started going to the library.

The library in my city is the biggest library in my state.

In that 1 year, I read every book present in that library.

Soon after I graduated from middle school,

I took a special course and got my high school degree, but due to my age, I couldn't go to college.

My parents suggested that I go to high school and enjoy my youth.

I had no intention of that. I tried to talk with different universities about whether I can get my college degree without attending college, and I found one.

They agreed on my condition, but there was one condition from them too.

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'You must at least attend high school'

They said I can get my college degree by just giving exams, but I have to go to high school during that time. That was rather unreasonable, but I was being more unreasonable.

I agreed to that condition and started attending high school.

On the entrance exams, I scored full marks and due to that, I got branded as a scholar student.

On the tests, on the exams, I got full marks, and I didn't even need to study anything. I was only focused on my university exams, actually that too, it was too easy for me.

'There is no need for me to study, I am naturally a genius, I am a prodigy' There were times when I thought that.

A year passed and nothing unusual happened. I had no idea what I was doing in high school. I don't belong here.

The school already knows about my condition and my parents have already told the school that I already have a high school degree.

I was about to drop out of high school because it was too boring for me.

One day a teacher called me, it was the first time in my life some teacher called me.

Since I was a topper, the teacher told me to tutor a girl who was on the verge of getting expelled.

'Why do I have to tutor someone? That's your job' I thought, but I couldn't say it.

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I started tutoring that girl. She was really an idiot. She couldn't even solve the basic mathematics problems.

'There is no way someone that dumb exists in this world. How did someone like her get into high school?' I thought.

As time passed, we opened up to each other and became close. We became...friends...I guess.

I was scared to call someone my friend again. I didn't want to go through that again.

She barely survived exams and got saved from getting expelled.

Then one day she called me out and you know what happened next.

Some like her fell in love with me and I fell in love with someone like her.

We were total opposites, but we fell in love with each other.

I love her. I love Elena. I love her smile. I love her voice. I love her face. I love everything about her.

And after what I did today I am wondering, do I really deserve to love her?

[Note - This is just a glimpse of his childhood.Much more will be revealed as the story progresses :) ]

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