After that I fell asleep and woke up the next day at 10 AM.

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It's Saturday so there is no school but my mom always wakes me up early in the morning, even on the weekends but today she didn't.

I did tell her yesterday not to wake me up, but I was just saying that, I didn't say she shouldn't wake me up.

"It's not like I hate it"

I went downstairs, my mom is watching television.

"Hey mom, good morning"

"Oh you are awake, go take a bath. I will prepare breakfast for you"

"Got it"

I took a quick shower, like always.

"You sleep well?"


"Were you playing the game till late at night?"

"Yeah something like that"

"That's why"


What does she mean?

"I tried to wake you up in the morning but you weren't waking up"

So she tried to wake me up. I was worried for noth--

"I did the usual thing too"


"Oh right, Elena is coming tomorrow, right?"

She did say that.


But I am not sure now.

Well I will ask her today. Come to think of it, we usually play at night but today...what about today?

She didn't tell me the time for today

After eating breakfast I went back to my room. I tried to text Elena but she didn't reply. I tried calling her but she didn't answer the call, usually she would answer it in seconds.

"Maybe she is playing a game?"

I patched myself with the VR gear and logged into LWO.

As soon as I logged in I was greeted by...

[Adas you are early today]


[Yes I am Lily, your Lily]

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"We don't have school today so I am here to find Elena"



[She isn't here]

"Huh? How do you know that?"

[You can check in your friend list to see if they are online or not]

I checked my friend list, there are three people on my list.

Elena, Rikka and Ricky. All of them are offline right now.

"She is not here"

[Did something happened?]

" doesn't..."

It doesn't matter.

I waited for an hour but Elena never came. After that I logged out.

"Maybe she was in a bath or something?"

I tried calling her again but she didn't answer.

After that I logged in again at noon but Elena wasn't there. This time I waited for more than an hour but she is still offline.

[Adas, what's wrong?]

"It's nothing, well I will be back at night"

[Okay, I will wait for you]

After that I tried calling her a couple of times but she didn't answer.

"She must be busy with something"

She will be there when I login at night.

After dinner I logged in again, hoping to see her but she wasn't there.

"Didn't we promise we would level up today"

Dammit. Now I have no other choice.

"I will go to her house and see what's going on"

[What are you talking about? You are going?]

"Yeah, I am sorry"

As I was about to log out...

"Hey Adas, what's up?"

It's Ricky and Rikka.

"Miss Girlfriend is not with you?"

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I told them everything.

"We knew she was scared of the sea"


"We brought her there a couple of times but she always kept the distance with the sea"

And because of me...she went into sea...because I teased her.

"There is a secret quest in the sea"

"We tried to convince Reina a couple of times but she never agreed"

"Well, let's chat while eating something"

"But this is a game!"

"There is a café around here, right Rikka?"

"Yeah, it should be around here"

Ignoring me, huh?

We went to a cafe. How are we supposed to eat in a game?

"Do you have any money Adas?"

"Huh? Well..."

"Only 400 ders?"

"I am new, remember?"

Even this 400 ders, I got it from monster hunting yesterday.

"Well then it's on us"

"No, its okay, I don't want to eat anything"

"Come on now, don't be so uptight"

They ordered coffee and cakes. I still don't know how I am going to eat it.

"Come on now, dig in"

I grabbed a piece of cake and ate it, it's not like I will be able to taste it...huh?

"It's delicious"

It tastes the same as the real one, but how?

"Interesting isn't it?"


"I had the same reaction when I ate for the first time"

It's a game so something like being able to taste is...

"Apparently, when you eat something, your brain recreates the same taste in your mouth in the real world"

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I see, that makes sense if you think logically.

Our real body is connected to VR gear, not only that, the dive gear is deeply connected with our brain so the sensation of pain in everything is just our brain creating it.

Basically this cake here is nothing but a program and the data is saved in it. When we eat it, the data is transferred to the dive gear and it sends signal to the brain and brain recreates the taste based on the ingredients used. Pretty simple if you think.


"No need to thank me"

"But you paid for my share"

"No need to thank us, take it as thanks from us"

"Why do you need to thank me?"

"We aren't thanking you, we are doing this because you are Reina's boyfriend"


"We would never say this in front of her but she is a good girl"

"You see, we playing this game just because it was a VR game, they are pretty popular but after we met Reina we started enjoying this game"

They usually badmouth her but they are praising her right now.

"She is an awesome girl, after we formed a party, every time we went on monster hunting or quests, she always made sure we were okay, she even died many times protecting us"

"Say, we are basically strangers right?" Ricky asked

"Well yeah"

"She never cared about it, she treated us like she had known us for a long time. No wonder you fell for her, anyone will fall for a girl like her"

" sure you should say this in front of your wife?"

"Huh? Oh, I was saying it hypothetically, I wouldn't fall for her, besides she has an arrogant personality"

"You see, she always yelled at us when we were even 5 minutes late"

"Seriously she is too annoying" They both said it in unison.

They are badmouthing her again.

"So you should make up with her soon"

Make up with her, it's not like we are fighting but she is angry right? She is avoiding me right?

"How about you two, you've never had a fight before?"

"No we have, plenty of times"

"But we love each other and besides we are married so that doesn't matter"

"I see"

"Hey tell me honestly, what did you think when Rikka told you we were married for the first time?"

What did I thought?

"You guys are crazy"

"Hey, you are being too honest"

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You asked me to be honest.

"Well everyone said that to us"


"You see we have lost many friends after we got married after graduating from high school"


"'You guys are crazy' 'Are you out of your mind?' That's what they said"

"We also had a hard time convincing our parents"

That's right, if they got married at 18 then their parents must be opposed

"Well my parents were okay with it but Rikka's father, took a while convincing him"

"We were ready to elope anyway"

"So what I want to say is, the things you get, the things you have, you should be grateful for it, never take it for granted because not everyone has it and it's hard to get something you want when you are in need of it"

"That's pretty deep"

"You will learn it, this is how the world works"


"Well then, you want to level up? We can help you"

Elena told me that we will level up today but she is not here.

"Nah, I will pass, I want to level up when she is here"

"You really love her, huh? Mister Boyfriend"


"Well then, we will log out"

"Are you guys not going to play?"

"Well as we said, we can't enjoy this game if she is not around"

"I see"

"Okay then see you tomorrow"

"Yeah, I am logging out too"

They logged out. I logged out too...

"Just kidding"

I can't log out, I won't log out.

"There is something I have to do first"

I made sure that those two are logged out. Now then no one here knows me now I can--

[You are not going to log out?]

I forgot about her.

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