"I am your girlfriend's grandfather, Caleb Huer"

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"You are Elena's..."

I had no idea. So he is Elena's grandfather?

"What's wrong?"

"My name is Das Ryle. I am going out with your granddaughter"

"Isn't it too late for that?"

I know!

"I am sorry I didn't know"

"It's okay. I know everything or should I say everything went according to my plan"


"Why do you think I made you go to that high school?"

"What do you mean?"

"When I saw you, you reminded me of Elena"


"She must have told you about her past, about what happened with Selena and why Selena lives with me"


"When that happened, Elena had lost interest in studies and gave up on life"


"She didn't like being compared to her twin sister who was better in everything"


"She couldn't hate Selena, how could she? They are inseparable"

"I know that. She told me about it"

"I am sure she did"

"What does it have to do with this?"

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"When I saw you, I thought 'maybe he can help Elena' and that's why I told you to enroll in that high school"

"So you mean..."

"Yeah. I wanted you and Elena to meet but...but one year passed and nothing happened? Forget about talking with each other, you never even saw each other? How is that possible?"


"Then I threat...ahem, I told one of the teachers to have you tutor Elena"

"Then everything...."

"Everything went according to my plan. You fell in love with her, she fell in love with you. Do you know how happy I was when I heard the news that you two are finally going out"

This old man is scary! Adults are scary!

"Why did you do that?"

"Huh? Could it be that you are angry?"

"I am not"

I thought Elena and I met because of fate and destiny, but I was wrong. I thought I am special because I met Elena, but I was wrong.

"I don't think what I did was admirable so let me apologize"

"There is no need to apologize. I am glad that you did that, I am glad that I met Elena"

"You are different from Theodore"

"Huh? You know my grandfather too?"

"We are best buddies"

"Is that so?"

"Yeah. Even my father Myles Huer and his father, your great grandfather Isadore Edens, were friends"

"I can't believe it"

"I know your mother Angela too, actually your mother and Elena's mother are friends too"

"Yeah, mom told me that"

Elena's parents, her father and mother were neighbours, childhood friends, and they met my parents in school. That is the reason why Elena is close with my mother.

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"So there you have it. My family and your family have been friends from 3 generations, so I wanted the next generation to be friends too but you two are more than friends now"

"I guess so"

"Amazing isn't it?"

"Could it be that I have met Elena when we were kids?"

"Hmm. Elena sure has met you"


"Yeah, but you haven't met her"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It's complicated. You will know one day"


"By the way, have you met Selena yet?"

"No, but Elena showed me her photo once"

"She is just like Elena"

"I know"

"Even now, when Elena visits us I have a hard time recognizing them"

"Even though Selena is living with you?"

"Yeah. They are that identical"


"But, they are different too"


"Compared to Elena, Selena is smart, she is studying in this university. She is mature"

"What are you trying to say?"

"How about falling for Selena too?"

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"I will go eat something"

"Oh, okay. We have a canteen but due to exams it's closed. You can go to the restaurant in front of the university"

I went to the restaurant and ordered some food.

"What the hell was that old man talking about?"

I know that Elena and her sister, Selena, look the same but I would never fall for Selena.

If it was Selena instead of Elena who I met then....

"I don't want to think about it"

I will end up doubting my love.

"University was so empty today"

"Last years have exams so it's natural"

"We got to use the library"

"Yeah. We can't focus on studying when we are home"

A couple was sitting on the table beside me.

"Studying is boring if you study all day"

"I know right"

That kind of hurts even though they are not talking with me. They kind of remind me of Ricky and Rikka.

"Don't you want to order something to eat?"

"You can order whatever you want"

"Then I will order some pastries"

"You will get fat--hey don't kick me"

They look very close.

"There are still two weeks until exams"

"I hope they pass quickly"

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"I want to play LWO"

"We will log in this Sunday"

Do they also play LWO?

"We have to study if we want to participate in world 0 event"

"Yeah. Our exams start the day after that"

World 0 event. I guess there are lots of people who want those skills.

"Do you think she will be angry if we tell her we can't play world 0 event with her?"

"I don't know"

Are they talking about their party members?

"Who knows, she is a jerk after all"


World 0 event. Party members. University student. Couple. A jerk party member. It's not like what I am thinking, right?

"I still can't believe that someone like her got a cool boyfriend"

"She once said that she has a boyfriend"

"I thought she was lying"

"She really got angry at that time"

"It was your fault for saying 'If you keep acting like that you will never get a boyfriend', her smug face was so epic at that time"

"She replied with: 'I already have a cool boyfriend who loves me so much', I thought she was just lying, but she really had a boyfriend"

Please stop talking!

"They are really awesome"

"Not more than us, who got married after high school"

"Reina and Adas, it's fun watching them"

I knew it! They are Ricky and Rikka.

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