"Reina and Adas, it's fun watching them"

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I knew it! They are Ricky and Rikka.

"I was worried about her at first when she told me that her boyfriend is rich and really handsome"

"Yeah, me too. I thought that maybe he is just a playboy"

"I was like 'What if he does something to her or make her do some shady work', but I am glad that he is a kind person"

Is that what you thought of me?

"Oh!" Rikka exclaimed.

"What's wrong?"

"Your parents are coming tonight"

"Was it today? Will you be okay Rita?"

Rita? Rikka's name is Rita?

"Yeah, as long as they don't talk about that same topic again"

"I will make sure that doesn't happen"

"By the way Riku, your brother is in second year of high school, right?"


Riku? Ricky's name is Riku? What's with that cutely lame name? It's better than mine though.

"Do you remember what you promised him?"


"He sent his results of first year, remember?"

"Yeah he did so---oh shit!"

"What will you do?"

"I promised him I will buy him a VR gear set if he scores in the top 3 in his exams"

"He was 3rd"



"Don't remind him if he has forgotten about it"

"I won't"

"I love you"

"So you will pay for the lunch, right?"

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"What? Why?"

"Because you owe me"

"That's not fair"

"I will remind him about--"

"Fine. I will pay"

"Alright, let's go"

Ricky has it rough. Rikka is very dangerous. Is my secret safe with her? What if she forces me to--

"I will be rough tonight"

"I like it rough"

I will pretend I never heard that!

I went back to the university, to his...I don't even know what to call him now, I will go with old man. I went to the old man's office. He had a horrified look on his face when he saw me.

"What's wrong?"

"I was checking your answer sheet"

"Is that allowed?"

"I am the head. No one says no to me"

"So, how did I do?"

"You will have to wait for the official results"

"Fine by me. Give me the 6th paper already. I want to go home soon"

"Here you go. You can take your time"


Around 30 minutes passed and I completed the paper.

"I am done"


"Okay then, I am going. See ya"

"Wait a minute"


"Let's talk about something"

"I don't want to"

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"Why? Talk with this old man"

"I am hungry"

"Didn't you just eat?"

"I did but I won't get full unless I eat my mother's cooking"

"So you are a picky eater"


"You have a taste for food"

"What do you mean?"

"You like food made by your mother, right?"

"Yeah I do, so what?"

"Elena can't cook"

"She can"

"She can't"

"She can"

"She can't"

"She can. She made breakfast for me and it was better than my moms"

"That must have been some kind of dream"

Elena, your grandfather thinks rudely of you.

"Anyway, I am going. Bye"

"Goodbye. You sure have changed since the first time I saw you....30 years ago" The old man said behind the closed door which was heard by none.

"Finally done with exams"

I can take a bus or public transport but whenever I take public transportation I feel like I am being watched.

"I will call a taxi"

"Hey Das, Get in"

"Dad? What are you doing here?"

"I was nearby, so I thought I would pick you up"

"And the real reason?"

"I called the head, and he told me you just left, so I came to pick you up"

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"Don't you have work to do?"

"What's wrong with a father being worried about his son"

"There is nothing wrong with it but I don't want to trouble you"

"A son has every right to trouble his father"

"Is that so?"

"Yeah so trouble me"

"Fine then, I will trouble you"

"Do you want to drop by somewhere?"


"Do you?"

"What's the time?"

"Its past 5:30"

"Can we drop by Elena's house?"



She should be back from school. If I don't see her for a day, I won't be able to sleep. Elena didn't realize yesterday that we will meet on Monday now. She kissed me yesterday. Will we go on a date this Sunday? My head is so full of Elena that I am seeing her in front of me...wait what?

"Dad. Stop the car for a second"

It's Elena. She is walking across the street. Is she on her way back home?

"It's Elena. I can give her a ride if you want"

"No need. I will get off here. You can go now"

"Oh, okay"

"Thanks dad"

"No worries---hey"


"Call your mom and tell her that you are done with exams and you are with Elena. She gets anxious"

"Yeah. I will call her"

"Okay. Take care"

Elena hasn't noticed me yet. I will surprise her from behind. I will cover her eyes like she does with me. I walked behind her, got close to her, covered her eyes, or I was trying to---She punched me. I caught her fist.

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"Hey, it's me"

"What? Das?"

"What's with the powerful punch?"

"I thought--wait, how did you block that punch"

It was a really powerful punch. Anyone would be knocked out if hit on the head.

"I know martial arts. It was nothing"

"That's not what I am talking about"


"You stopped that punch but I have been punching you all the time"


Great. Now explain yourself Das.

"I let you hit me"


"I let you hit me on purpose"

"Are you serious?"

"I am"

"I can't believe it"


"I had no idea, so you have that type of fetish?"

"Alright, stop thinking. It's not what you are thinking"

"But you said you like being hit"

"I never said that. I said, l let you hit me"

"It's the same thing"

"It's not. I let you hit me because it's you. If it is someone else, I will break their hands"

"Stop saying cool things"

"How was school today?"

She must have been bored without me.

"Boring as always"

I forgot that she is a rude girl. It doesn't matter if I am there or not, she hate studying.

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