Everyone has something they like, some like sports, some like music, some like reading, some like writing, some like playing games all day, as for me I like studying, I think everyone should focus on studying instead of wasting their time in sports and stuff but who am I to say that, they do whatever they want and I do what I want.

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"That's it for today"

Class is over now or should I say school is over. Everyone will go home or wherever they go and waste their time, as for me I will go straight home and start studying. One shouldn't waste their time.

"Hey Das, guess who?"

Soft palms covered my eyes, blocking my sight. Actually, I know who it is, it's my idiot girlfriend.

"Elena, how many times have I told you not to do that!"

"Aw, you are boring"

"Don't call me boring"

I started going out with her six months ago, I don't know if I can say we are going out or not because she practically threatened me to go out with her.

"Let's go home together today, Das"

"Don't want to"



See? So, we are on our way home right now. She always does this and for some reason, I can't say no to her.

"You were late again today, what were you doing? You didn't even have a bath today, right?"

"Huh? Do I smell?"

She started sniffing herself. What an idiot.

"You don't smell, but you had a bedhead today"

"I see"

"So? Why were you late today?"

"I just woke up late"

"Umm, By any chance you weren't playing games till late at night, right?"

"Haha of course not, haha"

That reaction, so she was playing games till late at night.

"You didn't forget our deal, right?"

"I haven't, don't bring that up"

I say deal but it isn't anything serious.

We are in our 3rd semester now. When I was in 2nd semester, a teacher told me to tutor someone who was in danger of getting expelled. That's right, it's exactly as you think, it was Elena. I tutored her for six months and barely saved her from getting expelled. After some time she asked me to meet behind the school. At first, I thought she called me to say thanks, but she asked me to go out with her. To be honest, it was the first time someone asked me out. I really didn't have any plans to get a girlfriend, but for some reason, I couldn't say no to her.

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At first, I tried to reject her by saying 'I don't have any interest in gamer girls' and she replied with 'I will stop playing games, so please go out with me'.

Why would anyone go that far? So I told her if she minimizes the time she spends playing games and starts studying then only I will go out with her, and she accepted that instantly. But she was playing the game till late at night yesterday. How should I take it now?



"Do you love me?"

"Shut up"

Do I love her? Seriously, how can I like a girl who plays games all day, I will never fall for a gamer girl or so I thought when I started going out with her but now...I love her, I really love her but I haven't said that to her, it's embarrassing, it's okay if I don't say it right? I mean we are going out so there is no need to say it now, right?



"Actually, I was playing the game till late at night"


I know that already. Why are you saying it now?

"Hey Das, I know I promised that I would spend less time playing the game, but I have been playing a game for the last couple of months"

"I see"

"Please don't break up with me"


Huh? Break up? Why would I break up with her? I did tell her to spend less time playing games but I never said that I would break up with her if she didn't do that. I should clear up this misunderstanding.

"Listen Elena...."

How do I clear the misunderstanding? Wait if I say that I love her then maybe....

"Elena, I...I...I won't break up with you for that reason, don't worry"

I chickened out, I can't even tell her I love her!



"Thanks, I really love you"

She hugged me tightly. How can she say I love you with such a straight face!



"Can I ask you to do something?"

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"Yeah sure"

What will she ask? Go home together again? Go on a date? Maybe she wants some money? Or maybe she needs help with the study? Well, I can do anything, there is nothing I can't do.

"I want you to play a VR game with me"

There is, there is something I can't do.

"Huh? VR game? You mean that virtual reality game where you put a helmet on your head and dive into the VR world?"

"That's not a helmet, it is called dive gear"

"Yeah that, why do you want me to play?"

"It's awesome, it's like the real world, you can do anything you want there, it's even more amazing than the real world"

"Okay, okay, I get it, now stop jumping"

"So will you play it?"

"Is it safe? I mean didn't something happen with the world's first VR game, they were trapped in the game or something?"

"Yeah, that was 30 years ago, it's okay now, there are lots of VR games in the market now, it's totally safe now"

"Well if you say so"

"By the way, Das, if by any chance I got trapped in VR game will you come to save me?"

"Huh? If you are trapped doesn't that mean no one can log in from outside, right?"

I got punched, did I say anything to make her angry?

"Aw, you are not romantic at all"

"Well I mean I can't come and save you but I will wait for you to wake up, even if it takes forever"

She suddenly hugged me, did I say something to make her happy?



"Will you play it with me?"

"Well, if that's what you want then, sure"

"Thank you, I love you"

If that's what she wants me to do then I really don't mind playing the game,

"So what's the game's name?"

"Len World Online"

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"I see"

I started searching for it on the internet, wow there are so many VR games, let's see, here it is Len World Online, hey isn't that a bit...

"It's expensive"

"Yeah it is, but this one is perfect"

"Is that so?"


Well if she says so, I bought the game with express delivery.

"Now time to buy VR Gear"

"Huh? The game doesn't give one?"

"Of course not, you need to buy it separately. The VR gear and the game has nothing to do with eachother"

"Well okay"

I searched for VR gears, there are too many with different price ranges, well money is not a problem for me.

"Which one is better? I don't know"

"Let's see, here this one Zek VR-3.2, I have this one"

"Well then I will buy the same--"

"What happened?"

"Well, they also have an upgraded version, Zek VR-4.0"

"What? Did they release new one already? Weird, there wasn't any announcement about it"

"Looks like it"

"So you will buy that one?"

"Huh? Well it's triple the price of the one you have but yeah, I will buy this one"

Huh? She looks kind of frustrated, wait, maybe she wanted me to use the same one as her?

"Hey Elena, if you say so then I will buy the same one as you"

"Huh? Why? Zek VR-4.0 is best, I also want that one"

So that's why she looked frustrated.

"Want me to buy you one?"

"Huh? Really?"

"Yeah, if you got full marks in every subject in the next test"

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"That's impossible"

"Don't say it's impossible, you can do it if you study"

"Studying is boring"

Did I really fall in love with this girl? Well anyway, I bought everything she told me to, I paid in advance and...

"It will come in 15 days, then we can play together"

"No it will come tonight, express delivery"

"What? Seriously?"

"Yeah, I had to pay extra though"

"Great, then we can play today"

"By the way, they will come and assemble it for me right?"

"Yeah they will"

"I see, nice then, see you tomorrow"

I bid her farewell and started walking...


She stopped me, did I forget something? Or maybe there is something about the game?

"I will video call you tonight to explain some things"

"Oh, okay....wait what are you doing? Why are you coming closer?"

"I am going to kiss you obviously"

"Wait, it's Thursday today"


"So my ass, didn't we promise to only kiss on weekends?"

"We did but today is special, please, pretty please, let me kiss you."


For some reason, I can't say no to her. She closed her eyes and I also closed mine. At the next moment, I could feel her lips brush against my lips. They were so soft and gentle, like a cloud. She pressed a bit harder, almost making my knees go weak. I also felt something soft on my chest, it felt warm through my thin shirt. Kissing felt so amazing. I was lost in the sensation of her lips and her sweet scent. Soon after she removed her lips and made some distance between us. When my eyes fell on her face, her cheeks were tinged red, ears slightly pink.

"Thanks, then I will call you tonight, bye"

Elena always did this when we kissed. She gets embarrassed and runs away, doesn't even look at my face. Honestly, I am glad she doesn't, because if she does, then she would know that I was embarrassed as well. I didn't want her to see my flushed face.

[Read the auxiliary Chapters before you read further. Consider yourself warned. Thanks]

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