My face is still hot from that kiss, I really don't know why kissing feels good, I am on my way home now, actually...

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"I am home"

"Welcome home Das, You are quite late today, were you with Elena?"


This person is my mother, she is the best mother in the world, I really love her but...

"Your face is red, did she kiss you or something? But it's Thursday today so that's not possible...oh my, so she did kiss you huh?"

Annoying, my face became redder and redder, this is my mother, the best mother in the world, I really love her but I hate this side of her.

"Hmm, Hmmmmm, Hmmmmmmmm? My son is contradicting his own words now huh?"

"Shut up, I am going to take a bath"

I took a quick shower, my dad is home too now, we are having dinner right now, the three of us, I don't have any siblings, that's the reason they dote on me this much, which is annoying.

My mother is an ex-professor, she retired after she married my dad, My dad is a businessman, his company is listed on top 3 in this country, that's the reason I don't have any problems with money.

"Hey dad, I bought something online today, did you receive a text from the bank about that?"

"Now that you mention it I did receive something like that, what did you buy?"

My dad is also the best dad in the world, I also love him, but he is also annoying.

"A VR game"

"Say what?"

"A VR game"

"A game?"


"You bought it?"


"To play?"


"Honey, our son said he bought a game, can you believe it"

"Indeed, dear, I can't believe what I am hearing right now"

Let me make it clear, they are not shocked about the game, nor are they shocked about the fact that I used too much money on the game, they are shocked because I bought the game.

Aren't you overreacting? It's not that rare for me to play games, Last time I played any game was....was....nevermind that, more importantly.

"Elena said she wanted to play with me, so I bought it."

"Oooooooooh? Hmmmmmm, Hmmmmmmmmm?"

They both did the same thing in unison, double annoying.

"Your girlfriend sure is changing you, huh?"

"Shut up"

"It reminds me of when we were in high school, doesn't it, honey?"

"Indeed, dear"

About the time they were in high school, does that mean their love story? I want to hear it, Oh it's not like I am interested to know it though.

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"Well then, thanks for the dinner, I will be in my room"

"Okay dear"

My dad got up and washed his hands.


"What happened Das? Do you want to hear our love story?"

" it's not like I want to hear it but I would like to know it"

"Oh, is that so? Then ask properly"

"Please...tell me your love story"

"That's my son"

Annoying, too annoying, well at least now I can hear their love story.

"Well, it's not that great but here I go"

"I and your mom went to the same high school"

I know that already, tell me more.

"I was just like you back then"

"Just like me? You mean my face?"

"Huh? Of course not, I was a study nerd just like you"

Annoying, did you really have to say 'study nerd'?

"Oh, by the way, I was more handsome than you"

Annoying, I don't know but for some reason, it pisses me off.

"And your mom was--"

"An idiot, just like Elena?"

Before I realized I said something very rude, not only I called my mom an idiot, I also called Elena an idiot, but she really is an idiot but for some reason, I don't want people to call her idiot.

"Huh? No, your mother was also a study nerd like me"


"Stop it dear, it's embarrassing"

What are you blushing for? And wait... Mom was also a study nerd...just like me...I mean Dad, Actually that does make sense, I mean there is no way an idiot could be a professor.

"I didn't talk to your mom at first"

"We were in different classes after all"

"Then your mom and I started competing on scores"

"I see, so you spent time together and fell in love, just like me and Elena"

I spent 6 months with Elena, tutoring her. Time passed by, and we became closer and closer, I wonder when exactly I fell in love with her?

"Nope, not at all"

And they both denied it, can you believe it? It hurts for some reason.

"I and your mom were archrivals"

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"Stop that dear, it's embarrassing"

Again, what are you blushing for? I am getting more and more annoyed for some reason.

"We kept competing in every exam and test, sometimes I won, sometimes your mother, and we were in our last year now, we decided that the one who scores more in the final exam wins"

"I see, then what happened after?"

"The final exam results were"


"A tie, we both had the same score"


I see so a tie, huh? Wait, he is talking about the final exam, right? That means their high school life is over now, right? What happened to the love story? Wait maybe...

"Then you realized that you both love each other and started going out?"

That's what must have happened, well not a great love story like me and Elena but still...

"Nope, not at all"

Again they both denied it, would you stop hurting me now!

"So then, what happened?"

"After that, your mom said 'you are smart, I am smart, if we make a baby then he will be smartest' and then we started going out"

I see I see

"Stop that dear, it's embarrassing"

I see I see

"Would you stop blushing and what the hell is wrong with that story? Do you call that a love story? Where is love in that story?"

"Now, now Das, love has various variations, you will understand once you grow up"

"Oh? Is that so? Then I don't want to---"

I received a text. who is it? About the delivery? I saw the name of the sender, it was Elena. I remembered she told me that she will video call me. I completely forgot about that. I should go in my room quickly, or she will get angry.

"Well then, I am going in my room, oh and the delivery will arrive soon"

"Got it"

I quickly went in my room, I opened my laptop, there were 8 missed calls from Elena, she must be angry, she is scary when she is angry, I quickly called her, and she answered it in a second, she must be waiting.

"Idiot, idiot, Das you idiot, big big idiot"

She greeted me like this. I know she is angry but, how can an idiot call me an idiot? I should tell her properly. What if she is angry? It's not like I am afraid of her.

"I am sorry, I was talking with my family and didn't realize it"

Don't get the wrong idea, it's not like I am afraid of her, it's just that...that...yeah I am a gentleman. I shouldn't get angry when someone calls me an idiot, yeah that's right.

"I get it, I thought you were ignoring me"

"No, not at all"




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"So, what are the things you want to talk to me about?"

"Yeah that's right, did it arrive yet?"

"Not yet, but I got the text, it should arrive soon"

"I see, so listen here, Das"'

"I am listening"

"When you log into the game, make sure everything is working perfectly, if there is any problem then login again"

"I see, I see"

"And yes, please select the name carefully, you can't change it once you enter it"

"Oh, is that so? Then I will go with Das"

"Huh? You will use your real name?"

"Yeah, something is wrong with that?"

"No, but you should use something else."

"Oh? Then what are you using?"

"Huh? My game name?"


"Well, it's..."



"Huh? What?"


"Why Reina? Oh wait, Elena, Lena, Reina that makes sense"

"So you should also use something like that"

"I see wait my name is Das, I can't use anything even if I want to"

"Yeah right, lame"

"Did you just call my name lame?"

"Nope, you must be hearing things"

"You clearly did call my name lame, I heard it"

"I didn't...wait, how about inserting your name as 'Reina's boyfriend"

"No thanks"

"Tch, it is at least better than your lame name"

"Hey, aren't you getting more and more rude!"

"Well, even if it's lame, I love it, I love you and your lame name"

How can she say such embarrassing things with a straight face--wait, her face is red too, Why are you getting embarrassed for? Dammit, I really love her.

"Oh yeah, Das I forgot to tell you, the login style is awesome"

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"Login style?"

"Yeah, you will fall from the sky"

"Yeah right, stop joking"

"I am being serious here"

"For real?"

"For real"

"We fall from the sky?"

"Yeah, but it depends on floors but yeah we fell from the sky on the 1st floor, obviously it doesn't hurt though"

"I see, I see"

I grabbed my phone and--

"What are you doing Das?"

"Checking if I can cancel the order now or not"

"Wait, why? Oh, could it be that you are afraid of heights?"

"Afraid of heights? And me? Of course not--"

"Then why don't you play it?"

She has a smug look on her face. Why did I fall for this girl, annoying, why am I surrounded by annoying people?

"And if you log in, wait for me near the fountain, I am going to play it now, I will meet you there"

"Got it"

"And one more thin--- where did he go?"

Das was gone, his mother called him because the delivery had arrived.

"After one hour there is an emergency maintenance break for two hours, so I guess it will take time to play with him, well I should go now, I have to clear that quest before maintenance break"

She hung up the call, and soon after Das came in his room with 4 people.

"Here is okay with you?"


"We have to assemble it now"


Here it is, it has finally arrived, I should show this to Elena, huh? She hung up the call.

After around 50 minutes, they completed it.

"It should work now"

"Okay, so I just have to put this helmet I mean Dive gear on my head and I will I mean my conscious will go in a virtual world"

"Yeah, exactly "

"I see thanks"

"You can call us if anything happens"

He gave me a business card, Zek technology, it gives good customer service and costs a lot of money as well, well I should play this game now, Elena must be waiting, here I come Len world online.

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