VR game, huh? Not going to lie, but I am pretty excited, well let's read the manual for now, I read the manual. it was like 30 pages but I read all of it in less than 5 minutes, as expected of nerd-- I mean a scholar student.

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It is recommended to drink some liquid before diving into the VR world. I drank my favorite mango juice, well time for gearing up now, there was something like hand gloves which I have to patch on the back of my palm of both of my hands, And two patches on the thumb of both hands and toes of my legs, three patches on my chest and this helmet...I mean dive gear on my head.

"There are too many security measures"

That means the game must be safe to play, right? There is a switch on the dive gear, I have to press it to dive into VR world, well then here I came Len World Online.

I pressed the switch, I could feel my conscious being sucked,

[Welcome to Len World Online]

I heard a voice-over, I couldn't tell where it came from, as if it was directly in my ears.

Everything around me was white, white space, I could feel the ground but there was no ground, I looked upwards to see nothing, it was all white, like a white space.

[Please create your character]

There was a chart in front of me. It has customization options for a character, and the default character appearance is the same as your appearance in real life.

I don't really want to customize my appearance. it feels weird, and who cares about appearance. Next, next, next, next wait I think I skipped something, oh we can go back, done.

[Please select your character type]

Character type? What does that mean, oh it's about which type of character I want, let's see, there are too many types, same with weapon types,


I think I will go with a sword user. They are all-rounders after all, now what...

[Please insert your ID details and your real-life details with proof]

ID details...isn't this way too personal? What's the need for ID details? Well, whatever I should finish this quickly, Elena must be waiting for me, done, done, done. I inserted all my details now the character is created, now I will fall from the sky, why sky...why?

[Please insert your character name]


Oh right, I haven't entered the character name yet, let's write D-A-S...wait Elena told me not to use the real name, what should I do now? I can't break my name like Elena did, my name only has 3 syllables.


How about writing it backward, S-A-D...wait it looks like 'sad', they will think like I am some depressed player or something, dammit Elena. she didn't tell me anything about what should I write as my name.

After thinking for a while I decided to go with A-D-A-S, it looks good, right? Yeah, let's go with this one.

[Character created, you will now be teleported in the game]

"You mean in the sky?"

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Seconds later I found myself falling from the sky, I opened my eyes and the scenery was...


It is amazing, Elena was right, it is really amazing, I can see forests which are greener, I can also see the sea, and buildings, towers, desert, and the sky, I can see everything.

Maybe this is the reason they make us fall from the sky? To see this amazing scenery.

I looked downwards to see where I was going to land, there was a big leaf, so this is going to cushion my fall.

I am falling at high speed now, I can even feel the air, it's like I am falling for real.

I closed my eyes, why? Because I am afraid of heights.

I am about to hit the leaf now, I can feel everything...everything, hmm...I didn't feel anything, Am I not landed yet?

I opened my eyes. I was hoping to see that beautiful world but...

Suddenly there was a high pitch sound, it was so loud. I was covering my ears, but it didn't work. it was as if it was directly in my ears.


The sound stopped. I once again opened my eyes to see that beautiful world, was disappearing. What is going on? A glitch? I can see the distortion in the matrix, again there was that high pitch sound, I covered my ears and closed my eyes.


It stopped again. I was afraid to open my eyes this time, I slowly opened my eyes to see...


Everything was white, I could feel the ground but there was no ground, I looked upwards to see nothing. It was all white, like white space.

"I am back here?"

I see, so there was an error while login, so that's why I am back here...that makes sense, so I have to log in again now, but first I should log out then log in again, I opened the menu but...

"Huh? Where is the logout option?"

What the hell is going on? I can't log out? Am I trapped here? VR games are not safe at all. But Elena has been playing this game for a while now. Something like that hasn't happened...something is not right...something is wrong.

As I was lost in my thoughts I heard...

"What are you doing here?"

I looked back to see who it was. It was a girl. She looks older than me. Wait...she is just a projection.

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"How is it possible that no one should be here...hey, who are you?"

"I am Das, who are you"

"Hmm? So you are--so you can speak, I see, so this is not some kind of bug"


"Ahem...I am one of the 16 developers of the game"


"So, how did you get in here? No one should be able to logged in during the maintenance break"


"Even if someone was playing a game before maintenance started, they would just get forced to log out, so what are you still doing here?"

"Developer? Maintenance? What are you talking about?"

"As I said, the maintenance break is going on so no one should be able to log in and even if they do, they will just get forced log out"

"Well, actually...I am new here, so I don't know what you are talking about but you are saying I am not trapped here?"

"Trapped? kukukuku"

What a funny yet strange laugh, so it seems I am not trapped here, I logged in during maintenance break and due to that, I can't log out.

"So please log me out"

"Kukukuku 'log me out' are a funny boy"

You are the one who is being funny here.

"Well then, I will log you...kukukuku...log you out"


She started doing something on her tab, but she suddenly stopped,

"Hey funny boy, first tell me how you got in here"

"I am not a funny boy, call me Das"

"Sorry, my bad, then Das, how did you get in here?"

"I don't know, I made a character and then I was falling from the sky and this happened"

"I see, it's strange...Wait, you said you are new right? That means you bought this game recently, right? So what about the VR gear? Did you also buy it recently?"

"Yeah, that's right"

"And is that VR gear by chance Zek-VR version 4.0?"


"I see that makes sense"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

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"Zek-VR 4.0 was just released few hours ago and there are only 3 models in the whole world"


"Yeah and this game is not compatible with Zek-VR 4.0...yet"


"And the maintenance is for that, but you log in with Zek-VR 4.0 during maintenance...what a nasty coincidence"

"I see, that makes sense, so I am not trapped here"

"Again with that trapped? There is no way someone will get trapped in VR game, not again, not as long as 'that' person is watching over us"


That person? Who is she talking about? Well, I don't care about that, I just want to log out.

"Well then, as compensation ask me anything, I will grant it to you"

"Huh? Is that okay?"

"Yeah, it's alright, you know the other 15 developers have one player they are backing up and I don't have any players, so I will settle with you"

"I see then..."

"Oh, of course, I can't give you any special powers or skills"


"I mean that would be like cheating"

"Then what can you give me?"

"Anything, as long as it won't affect your status and performance"

"I see"

"Take your time, I am bored anyway"

"Then...grant me authority"

"Authority? Do you want to become a developer?"

"No, I mean I need permission"

"I see, then go ahead and ask"

"Give me the authority to 'Early Access.' "

"Early access, like beta players...I see, sure"

"Huh? Is that okay?"

"Why not, it's not like it's going to affect your status or performance"


"Here done, permission granted"

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[Received authority of 'early access']

[Authority granted 'No Restriction']

"Huh? 'No restriction'?"

"Take it as a gift"


"And take this too"

She moved her hand in the air and pulled one of her hair. A bright light started glowing.


"What is...this?"

It was a pixie. It has a small body, not even bigger than my palm, and it has big eyes that are looking at me.



She just said my player's name.

"You are new, right? She will be your personal guide, your personal pixie, not everyone in the game has her, only the 15 players who the developers are backing up have this"

"Is that okay?"

"Yeah, it's fine"

"Isn't this too much?"

"You are an honest kid, huh? I like you"


"And don't worry, you may think you have the upper hand now, but remember this: 'Every blessing has its own curse.' "


Every blessing has its own curse. What does that mean?

"Now then shall we test out if the authority works or not"


She flicked my forehead with her finger. Soon after I had the same feeling when I used dive gear, feeling like my consciousness was being sucked, I opened my eyes to see I was at the entry of some kind of dungeon.


I looked at my shoulder to see that pixie sitting on my shoulder, looking at me with her big eyes.

[Le-ts ex-plor-e the dun-geon A-D-A-S]

At least say my name properly, it's Adas, not A-D-A-S.

"Well, let's go"

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