After my meeting with the developer, I found myself at the entry of some kind on a dungeon. This dungeon will be released in the next update of this game but since I have the authority of early access, I can access it. There is no one here because of the maintenance break, I am the only one here.

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I have a normal sword with me, a dagger and some healing potions, I am wearing normal beginner clothes, nothing great.

I walked ahead and kept walking, inside the dungeon there were lamps which were illuminating the path, I kept walking, this is not the dungeon like I imagined, this is beautiful, there is everything in here, there are houses, sea, forest, there is everything but there is no sky.

"This is like an underground city"

What does no restriction mean? And that developer was pretty generous too, it's not like it was her fault, but she granted me...

"No restriction, huh?"


"Huh? Devi? What is that?"


This pixie is bad with names...

"It's developer"




This pixie calls me A-D-A-S...

"It's Adas, not A-D-A-S"


"Yes, Adas"

Actually, I find this name pretty lame too...

"I can imagine how Elena will react when she sees my name"


Huh? Was I saying it aloud?

"Elena, my girlfriend"


"Don't break it, it's girlfriend, not girl friend"

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"Yeah, she also plays this game, she is the one who recommended me to play this game"

[What's her in-game name?]

"Huh? It was something like Reina"

She is speaking fluently now, was she learning how to speak? And she is doing something by closing her eyes.

[Too many Reina]


Wait, was she looking at the database or something?

[Real name]


[Reina Real name]

"It's Elena"

[Full name]

"Elena Huer"

She closed her eyes again. She really is accessing the database, is that safe?

[Found her]

"Oh, let me--"

[She was in the top 10 in the last event]

"Top 10? Is she strong or something?"

[Events can be won by using tactics and strategies]

"Tactics? Strategies? I think you got the wrong person, my Elena is an idiot, there is no way she can use her brain"

[I am not wrong]


[I am not wrong!]

"Okay, okay, I got it don't yell"

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She got angry and started yelling. I don't understand girls after all.

"So what do I have to do here?"

[Clear the dungeon]

Hmm? So I have to clean it? But how? I have never done house chores.

[Defeat the monsters]

"Oh, that's what you meant"

Well, its maintenance break right now, so I guess there won't be any monsters. As I was walking and enjoying the beautiful scenery. I got tripped by something and fell down.

I got back up but...

"What is that thing?!"

There was something big sleeping in the middle of the city.

[The boss of this floor]

"Huh? Floor?"

I hid behind the big rock

[This dungeon is floor zero, and it is called the city of monsters]

"You are telling me now?"

That thing is the boss, right? What is the boss doing in the middle of the city?

"There is no way I can defeat the boss, I am level 1 right?"

[Only players who are level 40 or higher can enter this floor]

"Seriously, why are you telling me this now and why am I here? I am level 1, right?"

What's wrong with this game, how can a level 1 player enter here...wait...

"No restriction"

So this is what this means, normally players who are lower than 40 are restricted meaning they can't enter here but since I have 'No restriction' I can enter it.

[No one can defeat this boss]


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[Even a level 100 player can't defeat this boss, this boss is unbeatable]

"Why are you telling me all these things now?"

She was flying in front of my face. I grabbed her with my hands.

"What now, huh? How will you escape with such a tiny body, huh? What will you do now---wait! stop biting!"

She was struggling to break free from my grip and suddenly started biting me. I let her go.

[The higher the player level is, the stronger the player is, the stronger the boss will be]

"I see, an adaptive monster"


"I am level 1 then the boss will be weak too?"

[That's right]

"I see"

I stood up, grabbed the small rock, and threw at the sleeping monster. The monster opened his eyes. I grabbed my sword. The monster stood up...huh?

"Hey, isn't it way too big?"

The monster was like 20 meters big. What the hell, well, I am level 1 and weak this monster will be weak too. He opened his wings and started flying. It looks even bigger when flying. He waved his wings with full strength and I...went flying and got slammed into the wall.

"What just happened?"

I looked at my HP. It was 13...and it hurts too...

[Weak, you are weak]

The pixie was flying in front of my face, this time I really wanted to smack her

[Use health potions]


Oh right, health potions, this is not real, this is a game. I can use HP potions and even if I die, I will just get respawned or logged out> there are 10 concentrated HP potions, one recovering 25% of max health, I used 4 of them, my HP is 100 now and it doesn't hurt anymore.

[You are weak]

Please let me smack you!

"Why does it hurt? Isn't this a game?"

[Who said it doesn't hurt if it's a game]

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[When you use dive gear and patches on your body, it can generate pain. It's just a simulation, but you will feel pain. Nothing will happen to your real body, but in-game it will hurt]

"Damn Elena, you liar!"

I stood back up. I glanced around. The monster was still flying and looking at me. I grabbed my sword and...and what? What else can I do now? Yeah, that's right, there is only one thing I can do now, and that is...


I am running at my full speed, so why am I so slow? Anyway, the monster is not following me now...

"What was that thing, anyway?"

[A hybrid of a dragon, wyvern and a phoenix]

"No wonder it's unbeatable"

[Weak, you are weak]

"Shut up, I will definitely smack you later"

I am at my limit now, I can't run any longer, I am out of breath.

"How do I get out of here?"

[You can't]


[Maintenance break]

"Ah...then how much time until the maintenance break ends?"

[73 minutes]

What am I going to do till then, oh that's right...

"I just have to hide somewhere until maintenance ends"

[You can't!]


[Because they will find you]



She pointed her finger behind me and behind me is not wolves, wolves aren't this big, and they definitely don't have horns.

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