She pointed her finger behind me and behind me is not wolves, wolves aren't this big, and they definitely don't have horns!

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Dammit, it's following me, I ran for a while and looked back to see if it's still following me or...not.

"Why are there 3 of them now?"

[They called for backup]

"I am the one who needs backup here...can't you do anything?"

[I am just a cute little pixie. I can just guide you and explain the things you don't understand]

Oh...this one is also annoying.


[I am not useless!]

"Okay, okay, stop yelling, you will give out our location"

There is nothing I can do, I can't run anymore, and they are fast, super fast, I took out my sword in one hand and HP potions in the other hand. The wolf surrounded me and started circling around me.

One of the wolves jumped at me, I tried to dodge by jumping to my left but another wolf jumped at me from left. I stopped at tried to jump backward, as I jumped I tripped over and fell on my back, I saw the third wolf jumping at me. I closed my eye...huh? There is something wet on my face.

I opened my eyes to see what it was and...It was blood, not mine, it was the wolf's blood, without realizing it I stabbed it with my sword, I started rotating the sword in wolf stomach, the wolf HP is going down speedily, the wolf disappeared when the HP hits 0.

[Level increased]


[Level increased]

"My level increased?"

There are 2 wolves left now and is it just me or do they look more furious now?

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Both of them jumped at me at the same time, I don't know where to dodge, so I will just...


[You are we--]

"Don't you dare say one more word!"

I just leveled up right now. That means I am level 3 now, right?

"So why am I still running this slow"

[You suck]

"Didn't I tell you not to say anything and yeah I know I suck, the only reason I hate sports is because I suck at sports so you don't have to point it out, okay?"

I tried to hide, but it didn't work. I was running as fast as I could but my speed was still slow, after running for a while I reached...

"A dead end?"

There is a cliff in front of me, I tried to look down,


I am scared of heights and if I fell from here I would definitely die. I looked back to see those two wolves coming my way...slowly.


Both of them are now in front of me, they are still coming towards me if they come any closer...I will fall.

I grabbed my sword and started swinging it randomly. They showed no sign of fear. One of the wolves wagged his paw which scratched my hand and the sword ended up falling from my hand.

The other wolf jumped at me and pushed me down. He is about to bite my neck, dammit I can't do anything, I don't even have any...weapon.

"The dagger"

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I grabbed my dagger and stabbed the wolf, the wolf was struggling, I tried to rotate the dagger like I did with my sword to deplete his HP but...

"No effect?"

My level increased, so his stats increased too.

The wolf showed no sign of pain, the one who was struggling now is me, the wolf again tried to bite my neck, I kept stabbing the wolf but still...

"Only depleted 3 HP"

The wolf is now more furious. I tried to break free but to no avail, hey this is the cliff right? That means I can push them off the cliff.

I stabbed the wolf's eye and used my legs to kick him off the cliff.

[Level increased]

"Okay now, only one is left"

I grabbed my sword and got ready to fight with the last wolf, but...

"Is he retreating?"

He was moving backward steadily, wait...the look in his eyes showed no sign of fear or retreating, I was moving forward, and he was moving backward but he was still looking at me with his fearless eyes.

"What if he calls for backup? I should finish him here quickly"

I rushed at him with a sword in my hands, but he jumped and dodged me...

"Now this is bad"

Behind me were piles of rocks, the same on my left and right side.

"I can't dodge now"

The wolf charged at me. I can't dodge backward, I can't dodge at my right, same with my left, so the only thing I can do is dodge forward, I know it's risky but it's better than doing nothing and dying helplessly.

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I dodged forward, and the wolf got slammed in the piles of rocks...after the fog was cleared I saw that the wolf's leg was stuck in the pile of rocks...

"Lucky me"

I slashed the wolf, and the wolf disappeared when his HP hit 0.

[A New Skill Acquired]

"Huh? Skill?"

[Wow, you got your first skill]

Yet again that pixie was flying in front of me.

"Where the hell were you when I was being attacked?"

[I can't help you with the fight, so I was--]

"Watching me die"

[I wasn't, I was cheering you on]

"Oh, you were?"

She nodded while pouting.

"So I got a new skill, how can I use it?"

[Equip that skill]


I opened the menu and checked the skill chart...


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[That's the skill name]

"I see, so I got this because I was running?"

[No, you get monster abilities as skill when you kill them]

"I see...wait, you mean I can run faster now"

[You can't if you suck anyway]

"Shut up" Now then

"Let's go"

[Yeah let's go defeat that boss]

"Huh? I was talking about, 'Let's go and hide.' "


"Why, you ask? Because I don't want to die, I will just wait until maintenance ends"

[But you can't go out unless you clear this floor]


[But you can get out of here if you die]

"Okay then let's go and die"

[It will hurt, you know]

"Let's go and defeat that boss"

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