"My mentor just sent me a message that is waiting at the café"

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"Let's go"

"Wait, scary dude"

"Don't call me that, stupid dude"

"Okay, I will call you smart dude from now on"

"What do you want?"

"Add me as a friend"


"If you spot any beautiful girl, hit me up"

"I am not adding you"

"I was kidding. You see, I am a new player, so I will need help"

"How about you join our party?" Elena asked.

"I want to but..."


"There are no girls in your party"

"Hey Ricky, is this girl...guy really your brother?"

"I am embarrassed to admit it"

"Why is he like this?"

"No idea"

"Wait, don't tell me that he even made a girl avatar to hit on girls!"

"You are quite wrong"


"He logged in for the first time today, at 8:13 AM"


"Then he started hitting on girls in his male avatar and someone reported him so his male avatar got banned for a month at 8: 32 AM"


"And now he made a girl avatar"

"Is he like that in the real world too?"

"Apparently yes"

"Tell him to stay away from Elena"

"Don't worry, he is scared of you"

I have never met someone like him. A girl avatar, huh? How does it feel to be a girl in the game?

"Hey stupid dude, come here"

"What is it?"

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"I want to check something"

"You won't hit me?"

"I will not"

He looks like a girl. You can change your appearance so it's no wonder but...what are these breasts?

I touched them, they are soft. I squeezed them, they feel like real ones. I glanced at the stupid dude, he was making a disgusted face.

"Hey Ricky"

"What is it, Adas?"

"Are you sure he is not a girl?"

"Do you think you would be alive if she was really a girl"


"Look back"

I looked back to see Elena was pouting.



"He is a guy so it's okay, right?

"If you want to touch them then you can touch mine"

She was pouting for that?!

"Let's go, Grace is waiting"

"Yeah, bye Ricky"

Her mentor is the same. She is a girl but she uses a boy avatar. It should be okay--

"Oh, I am sorry" Someone bumped into me.

"Are you okay, Robna?"

"Yeah, Biana. I am okay"

They are...

"It's Adas"

"The klutz sisters"

"What brings you here?"

"Today is Sunday so we logged in"

"Hey Robna and Biana, are you interested in joining our party?" Elena said.

"We are not active players. We just play on free days"

"It's okay. I need your help in clearing World 0"

"It's impossible"


"Didn't you guys read the instructions"

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"We did"

"No one can clear world 0 in a party"


"You didn't read the instructions after all"

"We did"

"Yeah we did"

"Read it again. Especially the last line"

We opened the message and scrolled down to the last line.

"Players can't clear world 0 in a party or a guild. If a party or guild enters the world 0, they will be counted as individual players"

I glanced at Elena, she was making a shocked face. I glanced at Ricky and Rikka, they were making a happy face. I know that they have exams but...don't show your happiness. I glanced at the stupid dude, he was dumbfounded, well I can't blame him, he has no idea what we are talking about.

"Why is something important in the last line?!"

"So, we are sorry, but we can't help you"

"No, it's okay"

"We can add you as a friend"


We added them as friends.

"Add me too" said the stupid dude.

We added him too.

"These two girls are cute. Hey, do you have a boyfriend?"

"A pervert!" He got kicked.

"Nice one"

"Why is a girl asking us that?"

"He is a boy"

"What!? Eek, pervert" He got kicked again.

"Das" Elena said.

"Yeah, Let's go"

We are on our way to the café. I am alone with Elena. Now is the time to talk about that.

"Hey Elena"


"Why are you okay with me being with other girls?"

" you ask?"

"I am just curious"

"Fine, I will tell but promise me first you won't get angry"

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"I promise"

"Do you remember the movie we watched?"

"The anime adaption of the game?"



"There were many girls in love with the main character"


"That is called harem"


"Umm, a harem is...a guy with multiple girls in love with him"

"I know that"

I have read about it. Even my ancestors had it. When I used to visit my grandparent's place, I read many books about my ancestors. My first ancestor, the great Alexander Edens was the first one, the family name 'Edens' comes from him. He is the founder of the 'Edens' family. He once ruled most of the world.

"I have also played many visual novels, where harems are common"

I know that too. Apparently there are different types of visual novels, some for girls, some for boys, some for adults.

"So what about it?"

"In those games, there are different routes for different girls. Some routes have happy endings while some have sad endings"


"There are also some games where the main character ends with one girl. There are some were the main character ends with all girls, it's called harem ending"


"Some of the games I have played where the main character is in love with one girl but ends up falling in love with another girl and many others endings"


"I know that you love me but maybe one day you will find someone better than me and leave me"

"Something like that--"

"I know. I trust you. I am sure you will never do something like that but there is a possibility that you can fall in love with some other girl"

Lier. Why am I thinking of her?

"So, you are scared?"

"Yeah. If I allow you to be with other girls then you will stay with me too"

"You are an idiot"

"Don't call me an idiot"

"There is no one I love more than you"

But...I think I love Lier too, I am not sure, my feelings are a mess. I need to think about it properly before confessing it to Elena.

"I know"

"So there is no need to worry"

"Miss Serah loves you"

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"You are handsome, I am sure there are many girls in love with you"

There is, there is one. She kissed me yesterday.

"So, if something happens between you and Miss Serah or any other girl, tell me. We will talk about it"

Should I tell her about last night?

"Elena, do you remember I said I have a cousin"

"Yeah. Lier, was it?"

"Yeah. Actually yesterday--"

"You know, in my middle school there was a girl with the same name, Lier Parkson"


"She was my friend, well not a friend, but she used to sit beside me"


"She was so smart, just like you. She didn't have any friends. She was being bullied, no one helped her. They bullied her every day, then one day I went to the office and told the teachers"


"The teachers didn't stop the bullying"


"I secretly checked her ID card and saw her parents phone number and told her parents about it"

So it was Elena who informed her parents.

"Then what happened after that?"

"Then the next day when I went to school, the school was demolished"

"I see"

Good job grandpa.

"Then I switched schools. I don't know what happened to that girl afterward"

"I see"

Now it's hard to tell Elena about Lier. I will wait for a while, I still have 3 months.

"Welcome to our café"

We reached the café.

"Adas, this is my mentor. Grace"

"Hello, I am Grace. Nice to meet you, Adas" A guy with blonde hair wearing armor said with a smile on his face.

"Nice to meet you"

He doesn't act like a girl at all.

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