"Adas. This is my mentor, Grace"

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"I am Grace. Nice to meet you, Adas"

"Nice to meet you"

He doesn't act like a girl at all.

"Are you really a girl?'

"Excuse me?"

"Adas! You can't ask that all of a sudden"

[He is a girl]

"Grace. Can you change your avatar?" Elena asked.


He opened his menu and changed his avatar. He turned into a girl. His hair is long but they are still blonde. Everything is the same, the only thing that has changed is hair and...breast.

"Let's go to the garden"

"Yeah. We are catching attention"

We went to the garden. It's a big garden. There are many players here, dueling with each other.

"It's also called a practice ground"

"So, what do you want to talk about, Adas?"

"I am still not convinced that you are a girl"

"Adas, that's rude" exclaimed Elena.

She acts like a boy. Her walking style, even her way of talking is like a boy's.

"I don't think there is any need to prove my identity to you"

"There is. I have to make sure what type of person my girlfriend's mentor is"

"How about we have a duel? If you win, I will tell you everything about me"

"Fine by me"

"Adas, stop it"

"Don't worry Reina, I will win for sure"

"She is a top player. She is very strong. You can't win against her"

That hurts!

"That's right Adas, you can't win against me"

[Good luck Adas]

"What's your deal?"


"There must be something you want if you win, right?"

"There is"

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"Spit it"

"If I win..."

"If you win?"

"If I win then give me Elena"

"Okay now I need to win"

"Grace. What are you saying?"

"I am sorry Elena. I have been hiding this from you"


"I love you"


"I know I am a girl but I love you"

"What are you saying Grace?"

A girl just confessed to my girlfriend in front of me.

"Hey, let's start the duel already"


"Please stop both of you"

"You stay out of this Elena"

"Please don't fight over me...I always wanted to say this line"



"What are the rules of the duel?" I asked.

"I will let you decide"

You have already lost.

"A 5-minute duel. Hit me once and you will win"

"Are you out of your mind?"

"What's wrong? Are you scared?"

"Looks like you really want to lose"

She changed her avatar into a boy.

"Are you ready?"

"Go ahead"

She took out her sword.


"What's wrong?" I asked.

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"Are you not going to take out your sword?"

"There is no need to" I smirked.

"You will need a sword to block my attacks"

"I don't need to block them. I will dodge them"

"Elena, your boyfriend is making me angry"

She dashed at me with her sword. She kept attacking. I dodged them all. She does five attacks in one set. She attacks in the same pattern. 1st is at right side of my face, 2nd is at left, 3rd is at my legs, 4th is at my chest, 5 is at my neck.

"How are you good at dodging?"

"It's thanks to my grandpa"


"He taught me martial arts. Dodging attacks are easy for me"

"You bastard"

Now she is acting like a girl. She is greeting her teeth like a girl.

"5 minutes are over"

"I lost"

It was easier than I thought.

"I won, so stay away from Elena"


She is not saying anything...huh? Water drops? Wait, is she crying?

"Adas, you made her cry"

"Wait, it's not my fault"

"You challenged her and set those rules"

"I didn't challenge her, and she was the one who told me to set the rules"

"Hey Adas" Grace said.


"Let's duel one more time"

She hasn't learned her lesson!

"Fine by me. Just don't cry later on"

"I won't"

"So, what are the rules?"

"The same as before"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah because I will win this time"

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I have a bad feeling about this.

She dashed at me. She is doing the same thing again. What was she so confident about? She is still attacking with the same pattern. 2 more minutes, and she will lose...huh? She stopped. She opened her menu, what is she doing...she changed her avatar to a girl.

"I don't fight in a girl's avatar because this breast comes in my way but this avatar is the strongest"

A player can have 3 avatars. The 1st avatar should be original, same as the real world with some appearance changes. 2nd and 3rd can be of any gender. The main, primary avatar will have all the skills. If I create another avatar, I will have to level up from 1 again. There will be no skills, no stats but I can use the same equipment.

Her male avatar was strong. The stats were high too. So, how strong will her female avatar be?

She started attacking again. This time she is fast. I can barely see her attacks.

This might be bad. If I lose then Elena...

"One minute left"

One more minute. I don't think I can keep going...huh? She is way faster now and her attacks are...

[Adas. She used a skill]

This girl...

"Hey, you are using skills"

"It's not against rules"

Dammit. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,17, 18. 18 swings in 3 seconds! There are still 46 seconds. I can't dodge them all.

She is attacking every part of my body, alternatively. I can dodge the first 12 swings but the other 6...

"30 seconds left"

"Hey Adas, Why don't you just admit your defeat already?"

"In your dreams"

"If you give up now, I will let you spend some time with Elena once in a while"

"That's my line"

"20 seconds left"

Her attacks are even more faster now.

That was a close one. Concentrate Das. 15 more seconds.

"Just give up already"

"shut up"

She is only aiming at my chest and face now.

"10 seconds left"

[Use your skills Adas]

Using my skills won't help me. My Sprinter skill helps me run faster, I am not running here.

She is just aiming at the upper parts of my body. I can manage it...huh? It was a trap.

She used 12 attacks on my chest and then aimed at my legs. I dodged the first two attacks. There are still 4 swings left. I jumped and dodged two more. I can't dodge now, I will land, and she will hit me.

[Adas, use your Levitate skill]

I can't, in front of Elena. I don't have any other choice, I will take the risk.

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I used my levitate skill to jump in the air but I ended up jumping on her sword.

"Time's up"

"I hit him. The last attack. I hit him"

"I didn't see it"

"I did. Hey Adas, tell her"

"I have no idea what you are talking about"

"Liar. How can you lie. You clearly touched my sword"

"But the time was over. It doesn't count"

"No. I hit you before it"

"You didn't"

"Then how about we go for one more duel?"

"Fine by me"

"Stop it you two"

"She is the one who wants to fight"

Honestly, I can't go on anymore.

"We will continue this some other time"

"No. No fighting anymore. I want you two to get along"

"That's impossible"

"That's right. I will never get along with him"

"If you don't then I will stop talking with you two"


Grace and I glanced at each other.

"We were joking, Elena"

"That's right, we are best buddies"

"Your words and actions don't match"

"Hey you, stop pulling my hair"

"You stop scratching my face first"

"Adas. Grace"

"We are sorry"

"Hey, how about we call this a draw?"

"Sounds good"

"Nice. You two, stay here. I will bring something to eat"



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