[Floor 665 Cleared. Please Proceed Through The Door To Enter Floor 666, The Last Floor Of The Raid]

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"What, last floor?"

"Did we clear the raid?"

"We didn't do anything. He did everything"

They entered floor 666, the last floor. There are only 7 players left, including Das.

"What the..."

"Why...why are we teleported here?"

"It's the Tombs of Fame"

"Do we have to fight one of the seven boss?"

"No, look closely. There are no tombs here"

"Then who is the last boss?"

One of the players walked to the cliff to check. He peeked down the cliff. Baffled by what he saw, he fell on his back while stumbling. The ground shook and the red moon glowed more intensely. A second later, a giant centipede appeared from down the cliff. It has two mouths instead of a tail. The centipede hovered, covering half of the sky. It has thousands of legs, moving up and down. The moon illuminated its skin, its eyes glowed, and in one swift motion, it killed 3 players with its venom.

[The Raid Will End In 4 Minutes]

"What the hell is this monster?!"

"I have never seen this monster before"

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"It killed 3 players just by touching them"

"There are still 4 minutes left, we can't survive till then"

The centipede was flying upwards at a slow speed.

[Adas, you will need your Sprinter skill to defeat this boss"

"There is still 1 hour and 38 minutes left"

[It's so big that your sword skill will have no effect]

"Yeah, but my harden can save me from the venom"

The centipede was still flying upwards, suddenly it air-dashed at Das with its second mouth. Das blocked it with his sword but it was pushing Das down to the cliff. The centipede used its other mouth and pushed Das back, its both mouths were pushing Das back, after pushing him for a while, Das fell down the cliff and the centipede went down with Das.

"Did he die?"

"He fell from here, of course, he would be dead"

"Should we check?"

"I am not going to peek again"

"Hey, you go"

"I don't want to die"

"The monster will kill us anyway"

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"Fine, I am going"

He walked to the cliff, he was about to peek down when...

"It's coming up again!" He ran back as he screamed.

The centipede flew up in the sky at full speed. It was flying in a straight motion instead of hovering like before.

"It's acting weird"

"Hey, look at that"

"There is something on it"

"It's the masked guy!"

"He is alive!"

"He stabbed his sword in it when it was pushing him back"

[The Raid Will End 45 Seconds]

"Will he kill it?"

"I don't know but that guy is crazy"

"Could he be the mysterious top 1st player?"

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The centipede was flying upward. Das was cleaving its skin with his sword. He used his sword skill to increase the length of his sword. His sword pierced all the way to the other side of its body. The centipede kept flying and Das kept cleaving it. Soon after the whole centipede was cleaved into two halves.

[All The Floors Has Been Cleared]

"He did it"

Das was still in the sky, falling down at full speed.

"He will fall down the cliff"

"No, he will make it to the cliff"

Das was falling down, swaying in the air. The remaining 3 players made a bet whether he will fall on the cliff or down the cliff.

"He will make it"

"He will fall down"

"He will make it"

"He is not scared at all"

Wrong. He is scared of heights. Even now, he is sweating.

"He will not make it"

"He is going to make just fell down "

Yes. Das fell down, but he used his Levitate skill to jump and landed on the cliff.

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"He made it?!"

"He is awesome"

"His mask is more awesome"

"Hey, are you the mysterious top 1st player?"

"I don't know anyone like that"

[The Raid Has Ended. All The Players Will Be Teleported Back To Their Previous Location]

Das was teleported to where he was before the raid started, at the training ground.

[You were so cool today Adas]

"Thanks" Das said as he removed the mask.

[There is still 30 minutes left till the server closes]

"Let's watch the stars till then"

Das lied down on the green grass and Lily sat on his chest.

[It's beautiful]


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