I was lying down on the grass and Lily sat on my chest.

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[It's beautiful]


The stars here are beautiful in this world. I can see them all should be all night.

[Are the real world stars like this too?]

"Yeah, it used to be more beautiful than this but now..."

They play VR games to admire the scenery. If they had admired the real world like this too then maybe it would be a beautiful place too.

[I want to see your world]


What am I supposed to say here? She wants to see the real world, she wants to go outside the game. How should I answer her? She is a program, she may be unique as Rias said, but she only exists in the game...she can only exist in the game...she can't...

[Adas? What's wrong?]

"It's nothing"

[You look sad. What's wrong?]

She climbed to my face and sat on my forehead.

"What are you doing?"

[I want to stay close to you]

"You are close to my eyes"

[Do you not like it?]

"It's not like that"

I don't mind it anymore. I like being with her. I want to spend more time with her. I want to be with her...huh? That feeling in my chest is gone.

"Hey Lily"


"You can access the database, right? I want you to look for something"

[What is it?]

"Can you look for the player, her real name is Lier Parkson"

[Found her!]

"Tell me about her"

She told me everything about Lier...her game information.

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"Now search for Rias"

[Who is Rias?]

"Do you remember that girl yesterday?"

[The one who kissed you?]

"Yes and don't remind me of that"

[I can't find anyone with that name. What is her real name?]

"Her real name is Rias"

[There is no player with that name in the database]

"I see"

My guess was correct. She is not a player, she is something else.

[There was something strange about that girl]


[It's hard to describe, but she was giving off strange vibes]


[She was same as the top player]

"Top player?"

[Bryon Perk, the top 3rd player]

"She is the same as him?"

[Both of them gives strange vibes]

Strange vibes? What does that mean!

"Who is the top 1st player?"

[There is no top player]


[Top 1st place is empty. There is no player]


Now I am more confused!

"Those players were asking me if I am the top player or not"

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[You were so cool today]

"How many times will you say it?"

[But you were really really awesome today]

"I was scared though"

[Scared of heights?]

"Yeah, but only at first. I am not scared of heights anymore"

[Adas is awesome!]

She flew and sat on my chest.

"Why are you so cheerful today?"

[I am glad that I got to meet you]

"It's the same for me"

I raised my hand to touch her---I stopped when I remembered what happened yesterday. What if I did something to her again? I am scared of hurting her. I am scared of losing her.

[You are making that face again]




[I am your personal pixie. Your partner, your guide]

"Yes you are"

[I am just program]


[It's okay for me to dream, right?]


[It's okay for me to wish for something, right?]


[It's okay for me to love, right?]


[Even if it is something impossible?]

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"Just say the word and I will grant your every wish"

[I want to be with you]

"You are with me"

[Not here, I want to be with you all the time]


It hurts. My chest hurts.

[I know it's impossible but I want to wish for it]


[I can wish for it, right?]


[Can I be with you?]


I have never bothered learning programming and stuff but now just you wait, I will learn everything...everything and grant her wish.

[The stars are beautiful]


[I am sure the real world is more beautiful]


If she wants me to create a new world, I will do it. If she wants me to help her, I will help her. If she wants me to save her, I will save her because I...

[Adas. The server will close in a minute...Adas? He fell asleep. He has been playing the game for 9 hours after all]






[Let's see if I can do it or not]

Lily flew from Das's chest and closed her eyes. Her tiny body glowed and her body size changed to an 18 year old girl.

[It worked]

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Lily landed on the ground and sat beside Das. She put his head on her lap.

[Didn't I say I can change my form]

She kept smiling while caressing his white hair.

[Adas...I can call you Das, right?]

[You gave me a life, to a program. You are my hero]

She said with a happy smile on her face.

[I know everything about you. I saw your memories when you touched me for the first time, it was so sad that I couldn't help but cry]

Tears fell down on Das's face from her eyes.

[Those 12 years you spent in the dark after you were born, waking up for some hours every year. I know it all even though you don't remember them]

[I will do my best to support you because I love you. I will protect you. I won't let anything happen to you because I love you]

[My time with you, it's precious, it's important to me. I know it's impossible for me to come to your world but I believe you. I believe in my hero, you can do anything because we are the same, we both are a system. The only difference is that you are human, and I am a program. We are both connected to each other]

She leaned forward and kissed him as tears fell down her face.

[The Server Is closed. The Remaining Player Will Be Logged Out]

[See you, Das]

She disappeared and Das's head hit the ground.






Did I fall asleep? Huh? My face is wet...water?


She is not here...the server is closed.

"I couldn't tell her bye"

I logged out. My body didn't hurt, my head didn't hurt.

"It's 1:02 Am"

I have morning school now. I should sleep.

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