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'Jie you stupid girl,do you think only a sorry would do?' Oooh my I can't hold myself back back after knowing it's him. I will make sure to make him realise the mistake of not telling the truth mmmhmmph!!! '

Suddenly an idea struck her! She tiptoed Infront of Wen lin cupped his face on her little hands that were as smooth as feathers and then 'smoooochh' she placed her lips on his thin soft lips.

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Her ears flashing red she ran out of the house to the direction of Wen Lin's parked car.

This was her first kiss so her heart couldn't stop but go badump! badump!She clearly knew that was she had done was innapropriate but then again how could she control herself when the man of his life was right Infront of her and to top it all there was such a good opportunity to teach that rascal Wen Lin a lesson for abandoning her like that and for not wanting to disclose who he was.

She was going to make him confess it out himself because she was planning to pretend that she had fallen inlove with Yun Lin ,

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"hehehe the nerve of Wen Lin to play this game on her"

Eventhough she knew that he did that to protect her and give her support it still does not make up for his lie,this only meant he did not trust her enough ,but the thought of Wen Lin doing all this for her brought warmth to her heart. Still she could not believe that she had just given away her first kiss just like that ,a mere thought of the scene made her blush so hard that it made her face as red as a tomatoe.

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Back in the house Wen Lin's face kept on Changig to different shades of colours,from white as sheet to red,to green,to purple it was just soo adorable.The most feared ,cold,ruthless personal was blushing hard like a teen who was just confessed to by his crush,I am very sure the people from the business world and the underworld would have their jaws drop at this scene.

With a big smile plastered on his face ,he gently reached for his lips with tip of his thumb brushing them ever soo lightly while thinking back to the kiss over and over again.He just could not get off the feeling of joy in his heart . It was not untill later that he heard a soft alluring voice call out his name"Yun Lin" Yang Jie called out avoiding Wen lin's face.When Wen Lin now Yun Lin came out of his trance of thoughts he stared directly at Yang Jie whose head was kept low to avoid facing him .He smirked and walked towards Yang Jie who was standing right at the door entrance,when Yang Jie felt Yun Lin approaching she could not help but tremble slightly,her whole face to her neck was now completely a shade of red. Sensing Yun Lin closing in the distance she felt helpless she just did not know how to explain it to him without him realising that she already knew who he was and also for him not to think that she would just randomly kiss any further she meets and barely knows .

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"ooooh this is so embarrassing ! " she thought to herself.
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Yang Jie doesn't know what to do maybe it wasn't such a good idea to kiss him afterall,Yang Jie could not help but curse herself for being so stupid,now what was she going to do,how was she going to explain to him ,"aaaaah Jie you really did it this time couldn't you just keep your foolish acts to yourself" Yang Jie could help but curse underneath her breath.

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