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Wen lin just kept staring and when he felt that he stared enough he quickly composed himself and with one breath he said,"you shouldn't just go kissing someone like that ,don't blame anyone if you end up being molested!" With a smirk on his face he walked out of the villa leaving behind an astonished,pale Yang Jie.

Turning around he shaked his head helplessly looking at the paled face Yang Jie,"hey we don't want have the whole day you know." Only then did Yang Jie come out from her astonished state. She still could not believe how shameless this Wen lin was,was this side of his a pretence 'the Yun person or was it one of Wen Lin's many character traits that she was yet to be aware of.

Yang Jie hurriedly got onto the car and they almost immediately drove of after Yang Jie had made herself comfortable in the car and buckled up her sit belt to the supermarket,to pick up some vegetables, food ingredients and many other things she might need for making food for the time being.

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The drive to the supermarket was awkward because of the extreme silence that enveloped the car.There was no communication whatsoever between the two people except for the few glances they stole from each other when the other was occupied or not looking.

The car stopped Infront of a middle class supermarket.Yun lin looked for a place to park the car and it nearly took him thirty minutes to do so because the parking lot had insufficient space to accommodate the cars.Yang Jie felt pity for him,a person like him from a high society who was used to having no problem in getting space for parking his car had to go through it all for her.

"serves him right for telling a lie and put up his fake act" Yang Joe thought.

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poor him just didn't know that his cover had already been blown and he was going through all this for nothing.
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Pushing the cart along rows of products following obediently behind Yang jie as she picked the things needed and gave them to Yun Lin to put away in the cart. The people around couldn't help but snick glances at the supposed 'couples'

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"Ooooh they are soo cute together aiyeeh" one middle aged lady said pointing at the two.

"Yes especially the lady , she's more like a goddess,he face so fits to be in the entertainment industry I bet she'll be popular on her first movie,"another lady with blonde hair chirped in.

"Someone please hold me am going to faint here looking at that hot looking guy,how could be so unfair as to make one more pretty than the ladies,and on top of it he made the most dashing people a couple !!! ooh my I can't imagine how their kid will look like!!!" a worker in the supermarket joined in.

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"I bet their child will be super duper cute ,after all both of the parents are of fine specimen," a tall guy said.

"Oooh my am so envious of them!"the worked said again drifting into dreamland.

Yang jie turned around to ask Yun Lin of his preference on the flavour of a certain product he preferred.After much of courage she decided to initiate a conversation since they would have more interactions in future so might as well start now and for her to also break the silence.

It was really agonising to her.After their shopping they walked out with Yang jie holding nothing whereas Yun Lin was holding three shopping bags.Even after a long time of insisting and convising him for her to help him he strongly opposed her and so she was left with no other choice but to let him be.

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