Chapter 1

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The night after the autumn is particularly cold, and every family in the community has already closed the door.

Deep in the mountain jungle, Wan Yao convergence.

For the first time, people from different demon classes put aside their grievances and come together for a meeting. The entire forest is filled with a variety of demons: large, small, delicate or feminine sounding demons. Sitting in the front is the ten demon kings. At this time, there is an equally heavy look in the eyebrows.

“Every demon, you must all have a good idea of what happened here recently.” The tiger family has always been tough. The tiger king first opened up to make the other demons quiet. “We belong to demon classes. Under such crisis, I think that all demon groups should throw up their prejudices and associate with one another to solve the problems at hand.”

“But this is too embarrassing.” The wolf demon frowned. “Until now, we still don’t know who did that or what their purpose?”

“Do you guys really need to guess?” the Tiger King grunted. “Besides the monks from three of the six factions, who would do this kind of thing. We have been slaughtered by them for years”

“But these cultivating schools have rules. They stopped me from going out of bounds.” Fox King looked puzzled.

“Yes, these demons who go out of bounds are the most overwhelming. They only go out to eat a few mortals at most. They haven’t eaten their first three sons of the Six Sects.” The King of Snakes also asked, “They didn’t have to tear their faces like that? ”

“It is!” Leopard King said. “This has been the case for so many years. Which demon has not eaten any mortals? How could the three cases and six denominations suddenly become different? I don’t think it is them.”

“Yeah, everyone knows that the evil spirits in my community are detrimental to them, so they never came close to the border forest and they would stay there.”

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“But… besides the three factions, who has the strength to be able to kill all the demon monsters out of bounds within three months.” The Tiger King still insists that it was the monks.

The Eagle King nodded and looked back to think of something. The feathers on his body shook. “I heard that the demons who were out of bounds had no dead bones left, and they were cooked and had their skins peeled off. On the old banyan tree, there are body parts that have been air-dried. It’s too cruel .”

“They always bully our demons.” Tiger King smashed the armrests of the stone chairs and stood up in anger. “Demon kings, I don’t think it’s better to guess who next person is. I also don’t believe that they are strong enough to take out this army of demon?”

As soon as he spoke this, the other nine demon kings immediately showed their approval, and it was better to take the initiative instead of being frightened.

“Yes!” The king of the deer responded. “My son is dead in their hands. Instead of guessing here and guessing there, it’s better to go out and kill him. When has the three factions become more powerful than us? When has our demon classes been afraid of them?” !”

“Well said! Today, were we gather here not for this purpose? To find out who he is, to kill and have revenge for killing our friends and family” Even the rabbit king also stood up and responded, but the rabbit family died the most.

“Yes, this hatred is not reported. It is a demon!”

“The demon tribe promises to have revenge.”

“We will eliminate these humans, and have the demon world take over!”

“For the demon community…”

The other demon kings also stood up and responded. Even the demons of all ethnic groups were on standby around the time. For a time, all kinds of chantings were resounding through the clouds, and lingering for a long time, until…

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“That…” A thin voice suddenly sounded in the demon group. “I don’t think I need to go.”

In the wave of emotional anger, an opposition voice suddenly appeared. Although the voice was not loud, it successfully caught the attention of the demon. When the cries stopped, all the demon’s sight was stabbed.

“Who is it?” Tiger King is screamed, searching for this demon.

The was demon hunted down and searched. However, they did not find the vocalist for a long time.

“Who was the one who just said?” Tiger King was a little angry. “Where’s the demon?     “I’m here, here!”

“Who?” The demon patrolled around again several times, still, the one who said those words were not seen

“Here’s here…” The voice revived. “Left left, wrong… over…right, wrong, look here, see this!”

The demon watched the sound several times and left and right, still not finding the sounder.

“Hey! Forget it, I’m here!”

Until a sigh, a figure suddenly used his hands and feet and climbed onto the platform where the demon king was sitting. The demons found her.

It was a woman dressed in a gray swatting robe. Her shoulders couldn’t afford to take it. Her eyes were still pulling down and pulling down. The entire people had a lazy temperament. They were short and thin, and their faces were still full. A bit of wax yellow.

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In the mind of the demon, a word “weak” emerged at the same time, too weak! Even the body’s evil spirits are pitifully weak, as if a casual demeanor can easily blow her away.

It’s no wonder that the demons had not found this person for a long time.

“I am a human,” the woman replied.

“Human Demon?” Tiger King froze, “What is a human demon? Never heard of them!”

“…” The woman’s face plucked a bit. Hey, don’t behave.

“How dare you decide to join this demon meeting to go against us” The tiger king gave an indignant look at the woman. “You have been talking nonsense here.”

“No, I’m serious.” The woman raised her hand in an unrepentant manner, and she fell unconsciously on her shoulders, appearing weaker. “You really don’t need to go out and find someone to take revenge on.”

“You still saying those words!” The tiger angered and yelled, “I believe I should eat you.”

“You didn’t have to run for me when you ate me?”

“What do you mean?”

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“I mean, the guy you just said that kills the demon class and the animals…” She sighed, patted the gray robe and lifted her head, still looking listless, “Maybe… it’s me!”

Demon: “…”

! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The audience was silent for three seconds and silent.

After three seconds…

“Kill her!”

The demon responded and fluttered towards the woman.

The woman sighed…

Five minutes later.

There were demon corpses of the land, blood flowed into the river…

– The first and last session of the demon meeting, ended!

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