Chapter 2

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The originally noisy jungle was so quiet that even the sounds that insects made disappeared.

The woman wearing gray robes had eyes that were emotionless. She sat on the huge tiger corpse. She sat and sighed for a moment and said to herself, “Eyy… … I’m tired, time to go home!”

After this, she slowly climbed down from the tiger’s corpse and touched her flat belly. I’m feeling a bit hungry. She looked around at the demon corpses. Since I’m already out here, why don’t I eat something?

The once dead body of the rabbit king started to move and tried to run away. The woman grabbed the rabbit by his tail.

(⊙ o ⊙)

It bounced up, but it wasn’t fleeing. Instead, it turned toward her.

“Please god, please god, have mercy on me. I was wrong. It was I who didn’t know about Taishan and had taken the immortality.” The rabbit king’s tears and snot covered his face.

“You were just playing dead?” The woman blinked, crouching in front of the rabbit.

The rabbit king shakes even more violently. “I’m just a rabbit king. I am different from them. I’ve only eaten grass and never eaten any people. I have old rabbits and young rabbits to take care of. I still have a nest of rabbits to take care of and without me, they will die. I beg you to let me go.”

The woman was scary. The rabbit king has never seen anyone as powerful as this woman. She obviously looked weaker than the mortals, but in a flash, she destroyed tens of thousands of demons and even the other nine demon kings.

Scary…so scary…

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It’s no wonder that in the past three months, all the demon who came out of the demon world have not come back. With such powerful person, even if they wanted to exterminate all the demons that went out of the boundary, it would only take one or two hours max.

“You have a baby rabbit?” she asked suddenly.

“Yes… Yes.” The rabbit king nodded.

“Oh.” The woman stayed and suddenly nodded at it. “Congratulations!”

“Ah?!” The rabbit king gave a glimpse of the conditional reflex. “Thank you… Thank you?” What does she mean? Does she want to kill my kid?

“You really haven’t eaten people?”

“Really!” the rabbit king nodded furiously. “I am vegetarian.”

“Oh, then you can go!” She waved her hands, and said, “You can go back and eat more grass. And tell your other rabbits to continue being vegetarian.”

“Ah! Ah?” The Rabbit King was completely stunned, his eyes widening fiercely. “You are going to… let me go?”

“Yeah.” She nodded, and she added, half an ignorantly, “Stand up and get fat.”

Rabbit King still can’t believe it. He just came back with a life so easily and looked at the other demon corpses on the floor. “You… really won’t kill me?”

“I haven’t slaughtered small animals. Why do I lie to you?” You didn’t eat anyone.

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“But the most… demon that died was the rabbit demons…” The rabbit king said halfway, and he immediately froze. In the past three months, hundreds of demon have died. One-third of them are rabbit demon.

“Um…” She did not look angry at all but instead recollected it like a serious one. “It seems to be the case.”


“Because … the rabbit is delicious!”

“…What?”What kind of reason is that?

(╯° Д°) ╯ (┻━┻

The woman changed from her lazy sheep face to a more serious face. “You see… The venison meat is too old, and the fox flesh is too savory. After all, the tiger is an animal protector, and I don’t want to eat that. The snake meat has too many bones… …” She counted the number of items in her fingers and concluded at the end. “So, it’s better to eat you rabbits, … yummy!”

Rabbit King felt really sad. I’ don’t want to be delicious!


An almost absurd answer emerged from the Rabbit King’s mind. “So, you kill the demons..”

“to eat!” she replied, of course, “I want to live too.”

“…” So the dead demons, the reason why their bones were gone too was that you ate them

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“Oh, this time it doesn’t count.” She suddenly remembered something, pointing to the demon corpse on the floor and added, “I live in that nearby hut. I don’t know why you guys were not sleeping in the dead of night but you guys woke me up. You know… nobody’s up yet.

“…” So the demon’s death was because the meeting was too loud?

The rabbit king was struck by this cruel fact. After seeing the explanation, the woman turned to go, perhaps because of her arbitrary tone that was completely contrary to the value of force, and it had courage. Rabbit King suddenly did something really bold.

“Goddess, please wait.”

She really stepped forward and turned back. “What do you want?”

“Um… goddess.” If you want some food, I have some. My family has lots of good vegetables. How do you want me to send the ingredients to your house?”

“Oh, can this be?” The woman’s eyes were bright, and then it went dark again. “I don’t have money for these take away.”

What take away?

“Wherever you are goddess, we will honor you in the future. You don’t need to pay for it!”

“I’m embarrassed…” The woman suddenly turned red, and awkwardly scratched her head. “Is it too much trouble for you?”

“No, no, not at all.” The rabbit king was flattered and shook his head.

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“Oh, thank you.”

“Yes, it should be.” The Rabbit King grinned and said “Then … my family usually enters and leaves the demon world. Can you please … not kill them?” ?”

“Okay!” She nodded without thinking. “As long as they don’t eat people.”

“Goddess, rest assured, they are  all vegetarian demons.” Rabbit King cannot believe it, she is actually easy to speak to, and seems to be … very polite, “Then it is set. Tomorrow, I will send ingredients to the village.”

“It  must be hard for you.”

“Not hard at all.”

“If there are no more problems, I will go back to bed first.”



“What is your name?”

“Oh, my name is Shen Ying.”

“Goddess, have a great trip…”

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