Chapter 3

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When Shen Ying returned to her cottage, it was already midnight. She opened her quilt and played in it. She was relieved, and for a long time, it was quiet.

It has been almost four months since she came to this cottage here. She did not know where this is. There are strange trees everywhere. Because she got lost in the forest, she did not see a single person for several days. When she finally met a few people, one of the hunters gave her a few sweet potatoes. That temporarily comforted her stomach.

They originally invited her to go down, but she thought she could make it back herself, so she refused. This thatched cottage, although worn out, was good enough to cover her from the wind and rain, and after a few days of living in the hut, she got used to it and didn’t even want to move anymore.

Who would’ve thought that she would stay there for four months? She did not go back, but the sweet potato given by the villager was all gone. She did not have any more food.

There were lots of trees. She could not tell whether she good eat the food or not. There were many small animals. There were always animals that were bigger than ordinary ones, and she also discovered that these little animals can speak.

As an atheist, she was really shocked at first. But she was hungry and did not care about this bizarre thing. Is it not allowed that animals can evolve to talk?

One day, she discovered that a black rabbit was biting, and hitting a bunch of hunters. She decided to save those hunters. The hunters gave her sweet potatoes.

The hunters thought she was an immortal and thanked her. They did not invite her to go down to the village, but she was greatly appreciated. The hunters encouraged her to kill a few more so they would not eat the humans.

Shen Ying, who originally wanted to go downhill: “…”

Looking at the sweet potato in her hand, she really can’t say that she doesn’t want to do it. So, from then on, she lived her life by hunting demons. At least, the meat is still better than sweet potatoes.


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While hunting these animals, her body began to change. Obviously, she had never hunted animals, but no matter what kind of strange animals she encountered, she could easily catch them. And her strength began to grow over time.

Obviously, there are some small animals that have special abilities. For example, some animals can spit fire from their mouths, and some can break the ground. However, these skills seem to have no effect on her. The fire only burns her clothes at the most. She can rip some of her clothes off and start hunting again. Sometimes, she deliberately lets the little animal bite her, but the little animal lost its fangs after biting her.

Obviously, her skin is the same as before. At first, she thought it was because these small animals were too weak.


At this point, she finally confirmed one thing. She might be in a different world.

Although cooking is difficult, it is often done with a caustic burn. It’s better not to go hungry. The talking little animals were a bit awkward eating, but she became accustomed to eating them!


“Good sleep…” When bedtime came, Shen Ying stretched and pulled the old quilt over her body. She was tired tonight wanted to sleep. She hoped that there will be no more disturbance.

She closed her eyes and suddenly there was a loud bang.

A flash of light fell down, and a large hole was opened directly on the thatched roof. With the crashing sound, the glass shattered, and the hut collapsed in half.

Shen Ying: “…”

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Immediately afterward, a figure fell in the yard and blood splattered across the yard. The original white coat had already been dyed red and covered with various wounds.

“Ha ha ha ha …” The arrogant laughter sounded in mid-air, followed by a black figure slowly falling down, stepping on her half-turned hut in the ruins, “Ding Qing, weren’t you going to kill me? Looks like you can’t now.”

The guy who had fallen in the yard struggled to get up because he had serious injuries. ” You devil, …”

“Hey! Still acting tough huh!” The black man cried coldly. “Yi Qing, you tried to kill me for three days and nights. Today, I will send you to hell.”

As soon as the flag in his hand was lifted, dozens of lightning bolts erupted. Not only did the man get the chance to go back, but there were several pits around him.

Shen Ying frowned …… my yard.


“……you low life!”

“Who told you to meddle with my affairs. I was just killing some mortals you rat”

Yan Qing spat a mouthful of blood.

“Since you are bent on dying, today I will fulfill your wish!” The black man began to wave his flag

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“Hey, who are you…” A gentle female voice came from the right.

“Who said that?” The man was shocked, and he looked back fiercely, but he saw a woman wrapped in a quilt. When was she here? With my cultivation, I should’ve noticed her!

He looked at her from top to bottom and found out that she had no cultivation. The man was relieved. She was just a mortal.

“I did not expect a mortal living in this kind of forest. She will be good material for my flag”

“What do you want to do!” The wounded man said

“You are kindhearted.” The man said while walking towards Shen Ying. “You are wounded and still wants to save this person.”

“Stop! She’s just a mortal.”

“Oh…” he laughed “My Soul Eater will still eat a mortal’s soul.”

“You! Girl, run! He is not a good person!”The man on the ground desperately tried to get up but was not able to.

“Hey, run?”

“You stand!”

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“Can you be quiet, it is very late now.”

He had already reached the edge of the bed and heard the soft voice and laughed.

He raised his flag in his hand and it sparkled in an instant…

Shen Ying stood up and sighed again for a long time. Then she reached out and calmly passed through the lightning and grabbed the man’s collar.


As soon as the man realized what was about to happen, his eyes blurred.

Shen Ying clutched his collar and tossed him to the right. The man hit the floor and shook the ground with a bang, Like dumping bags, she slammed the man from left to right. For a time, the entire forest was shaking. Shen Ying was very unhappy.

“I told you to get up and fight with me!

Qing Qing: “…”

Is this really happening?

He didn’t see what was happening clearly. His eyes were black and he finally fainted.

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