After all the “enemies” were dealt with, Ryan turned around to get his and Auston’s backpacks, unzipped them and threw all the badges he had just obtained into it, a total of 14 badges, a good harvest.

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    “We have been delayed for some time. Let’s try to get to the meeting place before dark at five o’clock.” Ryan used the compass to calibrate the direction. Looking up ahead, in the dense grass that was not high, he didn’t know how many “enemies” were still hidden, so if they further delay, they have to take the risk of traveling at night.

    Auston said: “Let’s go now and run with all our strength, we can do it.”

    Ryan nodded lightly, “Well, let’s go.”

    “Hey!” The brown-eyed man who had been thrown to the ground, was about to die of anger. Being knocked down by the enemy wasn’t terrible, but the terrible thing was being ignored by the enemy.

    He was brought down by Auston and was hit several times at the joints of his legs, unable to move for the time being.

    Ryan and Auston, who were walking side by side, turned their heads and looked over. On the battlefield, we must respect our opponents.

    “Why don’t you take my badge?” Brown eyes flushed and glared at Ryan angrily, “Why don’t you take my badge!”

    Ryan said: “You don’t need to know, the reason cannot be said.” Ryan didn’t take this opportunity to take away the badge of the “enemies” that Auston knocked down. He only took away the part he won with his own ability, “Play well, see you at Moon Bay.”

    The Brown eyes clenched his fists and hit the ground hard, “Bastard, You are contemptuous of me.” He grabbed the lapel badge and was about to take it off and throw it to Ryan, but found that the two guys on the opposite side left after saying “See you in Moon Bay” and galloped away. In a blink of an eye, they became two dots in the sky and then completely disappeared. Their speed is very fast and they can still maintain a good physical fitness after a round of beatings. They are very strong and they1 did not lose unfairly.

    “Hehe, Ryan, just wait and see, for the sake of mecha, many people will chase and intercept you.” The brown eyes laughed out loudly, full of gloating, there will be someone to avenge him.

    buzz buzz —

    A rescue airship appeared in the sky to pick up everyone who had already been eliminated. Someone kicked the grass in disbelief and cursed, “I shouldn’t have gotten hotheaded to surround Ryan, How can Sierra’s mecha be so easy to get!”

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    “Exactly, how did Ryan offend Sierra? He used a small mecha with combat-assist functions as a reward, he must want Ryan to fail.”

    “What a shame, a master mecha engineer using such clumsy methods to deal with a rookie, tsk tsk.”

    “Having capital, being capricious.”

    After the few people left, as the only remaining, the brown eyes did not leave in a hurry. He sat cross-legged on the ground, frowning thickly in contemplation. He heard the conversation of the few people who had their badges removed and he thought in his heart, so what if the method is clumsy, it just works, isn’t it? There are still fools like them who fall for it.

    “Winning the game is the real thing.” The brown eyes figured it out, he wanted to crush Ryan in terms of the results of the competition…See you in Moon Bay, okay, see you in Moon Bay then! “Leon, let’s go!”

     Leon, the soldier who persuaded the brown eyes before the siege began, collapsed and covered his aching chest, “Stop chasing Ryan, let’s have a good game.”

     “Chasing my a**, We are here to win the competition, not to be screwed around by a small mecha.” Brown Eyes stood up, straightening his arms and shouting, “Our goal is Moon Bay.”

       The boss figured it out and Leon immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

       This group of people re-identified their goals and Ryan and Auston, who were on their way, were getting closer and closer to the Yiyi lake at the meeting point.

      There are dense trees growing along the edge of the lake, which is a rare forest on the cold ice grassland. The forest is narrowly distributed, and about one kilometer long. The trees grow along the lake, so Yiyi Lake is just like the name of the lake, a strip-shaped lake, which is only 200 meters long, and the widest part of the surface is 10 meters. It is better to call it a river than a lake.

    The sun had just set when Ryan and Auston arrived at the Yiyi lake, and the intensely colored fire clouds in the sky were only left with thin red. The crimson crescent moon had already lifted into the sky, and the hazy blood moonlight shrouded the earth. In the distance, Ryan saw a small fire next to the Yiyi lake. The flames illuminated two faces, it was Derrick and Harriet. They had surprisingly gotten together and arrived ahead of time.

     Ryan and Auston moved forward without deliberately lowering their footsteps. Soon, the Derrick duo, who were always alert, noticed someone approaching. Their posture seemed to be relaxed, but their muscles had actually been mobilized and they were ready to fight. When Ryan walked into the firelight and got a good look at the faces, the two of them relaxed instantly and the hot Harriet waved, “Hi, bulldozer.”

     The ice grassland is huge, but the news did not spread slowly. Derrick and Harriet went all the way to Yiyi Lake. They had already heard that a man from the south was very terrifying. Wherever he went, he didn’t leave a blade of grass and he was nicknamed Bulldozer. What’s even more unbelievable is that the man turned out to be the short and small Ryan who was ridiculed in the gossip posts, a mysterious man with obvious oriental blood.

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      Ryan: “?” 

     When did he get a nickname like this?

     Harriet laughed when she saw Ryan’s bewildered look, “You don’t know, right? you are now so powerful and famous, and you have become the target of many people on the grassland. By the way, there is Sierra Bromfield who helped you become famous. He didn’t come to participate in the competition. I heard that after he landed, he issued a reward to people in the same area. As long as they defeat you, they can get a small mecha with combat-assist functions from him, which has the latest scientific research. Oh, I’m so excited.”

     Combat assist, you can tell from the name that it’s a very explosive plug-in, a dream weapon for a large number of melee soldiers, and when Sierra’s latest scientific research results exported, it is priceless treasure, so they would be in a hurry to grab this treasure.

     Harriet regretfully announced a fact to Ryan, “Many interested people are looking for you, and you are now a sweet potato2, more tempting than a hundred thousand star coins.”

     Auston frowned slightly as he remembered the meeting with Sierra in his office three days ago.

    That day, he called Sierra to come to him as a matter of routine and told him that, as the ship’s specially hired mecha engineer, he didn’t need to participate in the competition and so Sierra could use the rare vacation to have a good time in B612. He remembered that Sierra invited him to Yuemang Town (located in the northern hemisphere of B612, a human settlement comparable in size to Xingmang Town) during the last cruise.

    Hearing that it was Yuemang town, Sierra, who should have been happy, was not happy. Seeing the moon rose in a simple glass bottle on Auston’s desk, Sierra’s face became very unpleasant and he tentatively asked Auston where the Moon Rose came from.

    Auston didn’t hide it, “My lover sent it.”

    “Who is that person?” Sierra felt that he was about to suffocate, saying out every word as weeping blood.

    Auston looked at the moon rose and spoke with sweetness in his voice, “You should know, Ryan Smith.”

    Sierra staggered back a few steps and he looked at Auston with a pale face, questioning with a low growl: “I have been pursuing you for so many years, but you have always refused, just because you want the empire to match you with an imbecile idiot!”

    Auston frowned, “Sierra, Please watch your words. My lover is very good, he is a gift from God. Sierra, I told you that my gene sequence is X and I cannot be with you.”

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    Sierra smiled bitterly, “We just can’t have children. If you want children, I can apply to the Imperial Gene Research Team to become a test-tube baby experimenter. Technology is advancing and one day we can have children.”

    He looked at Auston, the man he had taken a fancy to at first glance, who appeared in his monotonous life like an angel, with a begging look. He gave up the favorable treatment of the Imperial Research Institute, gave up being a member of the project team of Master McAryan and came to Xingtian Ship under the disappointed eyes of his teacher. All he did was for Auston ah. “Please, look at me, I am a thousand times better than that Ryan, I am much, much better than him and can help you achieve greater achievements. With my help, you can become Imperial Marshal.”

    Auston told Sierra to calm down and relationships could never be forced. Besides, before Ryan appeared, he had clearly refused and not just once. Not to mention that he needed a child, a child who would inherit the blood of the Dalton family. Auston is not someone who uses any means, even the emotions of people in order to succeed. He is open and honest. Even if Sierra can help him rise to the top right away, he will not agree.

    The above memories were only fleeting in his mind. He did not expect that Sierra, who was appeased, was just pretending to be calm, and would participate in the competition and stumble upon Ryan afterwards. Auston immediately decided to go back and find Sierra to make it clear again that forced love is never worth cherishing and they were not suitable!

    Ryan darted a glance at Auston, his mind repeatedly thinking, then he said, “The badges are hard to come by, I’m trying to find a way to collect them, and I’m welcome if they send them to my door.”

    Ryan, who was quite confident in his own strength, was not afraid of hardships. After a brief moment of astonishment, he found an opportunity to take advantage of. He was so happy that he could not wait to thank that Sierra face to face.

     As for why Sierra was targeting him, he remembered the scene where they met in the elevator that day. Perhaps the moon rose exposed his relationship with Auston and aroused the other party’s displeasure? In front of his two friends, Ryan’s actions were not concealed, but he was not overly blunt. He quietly held Auston’s hand and made two strokes in his palm as if he was aggrieved.

     Sierra probably likes Auston, so the excellent mecha engineer is willing to give up the excellent conditions of the Imperial Research Institute to come to the Xingtian Ship because of feelings.

     Auston gave Ryan an apologetic look. It’s all because of him, Ryan’s competition was crossed.

     Holding Auston’s hand tightly, Ryan shook his head and told Auston not to think too much. He also wanted to thank Sierra for his generous help. He would use his strength to tell Sierra that anyone who dared to covet his man would only be crushed.

     This scene happened to be seen by Derrick who was picking up firewood and throwing it into the fire. He rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and moved his gaze from the hands they held to the man standing beside Ryan. The mask on his face covered all the face below his eyes, and it was difficult to guess who the other person was from the rest.

    But Derrick had a target in mind. After checking with references one by one, he was even more surprised. He, he… this man turned out to be General Dalton!

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    God, Oh God! ! !

    The chapter in Harriet’s brain was still on what Ryan said. She laughed out loud and clapped her hands in praise, “Ryan, You and we thought of the same thing. On the way here, Derrick and I met people and told them that Ryan was in Yiyi lake. Just wait, there will be people who will come to our door and give us badges.”

    She looked at the guy who wouldn’t even take off his mask until now, “Who is this, your friend? Do you want to team up? Let’s pit people together.”

    Derrick looked at Harriet speechlessly.

    Harriet narrowed her eyes, “Why are you looking at me like that? It looks like I’m an idiot.”

    Derrick held his forehead and shook his head without knowing what to say. She was more careless than himself. Harriet, ah, Harriet, this man is General Dalton whom you admire!

    “Did the half tube of fish and beef paste at night upset your stomach? I told you not to eat that kind of stuff. I would rather chew on blades of grass than eat odd tasting nutritional supplements.” She looked at the masked man who sat down beside her and very naturally struck up a conversation, “Don’t you think so?”

    Auston also picked up the conversation very naturally, “The taste is indeed bad, but the military supplies sent by the Ministry of Finance cannot be wasted. Using nutrients during missions is the best choice.”

    Why does the voice sound a little bit familiar?

    Harriet always felt that she had heard it somewhere.


Translator has something to say:

   Hahaha…. What would be Harriet’s reaction when she find out the real identity of the Masked man?? 

   The Bulldozer Ryan is ready to charge!!!

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