“Using nutritional supplements during missions can save time and quickly replenish the body’s lost water, trace elements, and energy, etc.” Auston sat in front of the campfire and took off the fingerless gloves on his hand to feel the warmth of the flames while talking to Harriet. “Of course, nutritional supplements have many shortcomings in terms of taste and texture, and not everyone can accept the various complex flavors. I will provide more suggestions  to improve them in the future.”

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“You are very interesting when you speak, like a leader giving a report,” Harriet said, discarding the strange familiarity in her mind, supposedly overthinking herself, “How did you meet Ryan? Did he raid you for your badge? Haha, the first time when I met Ryan, I thought he was a shy little logistician who didn’t even dare to look at me any longer and was very shy. Later, I found out that he was a person of great substance who fits my taste.”

 “Ahem1, Harriet.”

Harriet asked without turning her head, “What’s up? I’m talking to…” She still didn’t know the name of the newcomer, “talking to the new partner, Where were we?”

“You think Ryan has a big contrast,” Auston reminded her.

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“Yes, yes, he’s like a mystery, with many faces, always revealing his magical side in front of familiar people without even realizing it,” Harriet said incredulously. “He’s also a great cook. We had a couple of potlucks2, you know, we big rough guys can only take out food from the canteen. Derrick even brought us a can of braised pork once without much thought. Only Ryan would bring his own dishes, and I love his roasted chicken and fish, which taste great, just like my mom’s.”

“Ryan’s cooking is really great,” Auston, as a direct beneficiary, had tasted more.

“Cough, Cough”

Ignoring the cough next to her, Harriet continued, “If only his genetic sequence were X, I would marry him and have him cook for me every day, 365 days a year without repeating the same dish.”

Auston disagreed, “That wouldn’t be good for him to showcase his talent.”

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“That’s true. Ryan shouldn’t be stuck in the kitchen all day long. It’s a shame that when he first came to the Golden Crusade, he was assigned to the kitchen and has been cooking for people every day,” Harriet sneered. “If I find out who buried Ryan’s talent, I will beat them up.”

Auston agreed, and he had already sent someone to investigate the details of Ryan’s transfer to the kitchen. When the Xingtian ship finishes its patrol and returns to Gamma Base, he will handle the matter personally. It’s not just for Ryan, but also because the Golden Crusade can’t afford to bury talented people. When Ryan emerged in the mecha engineering department, the vice-captain contacted the deputy leader to investigate the logistics personnel of the Crusade, especially the kitchen. The investigation found some people with decent skills, but Ryan was the only one who has persisted in his ordinary positions for more than a decade without giving up on himself, which can be said to be one in a million.

“Cough, Cough”

Harriet turned to look at Derrick, with a look of concern. “Is your throat uncomfortable? Constant coughing will bring us trouble during our mission. It’s not conducive to hiding our tracks and setting ambushes. Is it because you still haven’t fully recovered from your severe cold last time? It can’t be that your physical condition deteriorated? You should go to the medical team for a thorough check-up.”

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Derrick: “…” I’ve been reminding you to speak less, ah.

“Derrick is sick?” Ryan’s voice sounded.

Harriet, who was focused on talking to her new companion, just noticed that Ryan was not there just now. He walked over with five or six chopped branches in his hand. Harriet suddenly realized that she had been a bit distracted after seeing Ryan and had forgotten the environment she was in. She was in a competition!

“Derrick, thank you. You must have been reminding me all along that as a soldier, I must always be in a state of battle. I understand now.” Harriet looked serious.

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Derrick: “…” You misunderstood me.

“Is nobody going to answer me?” Ryan smiled helplessly and repeated the question, “Derrick, are you sick?”

Derrick said in a sulky tone, “No.” He stopped coughing.



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