Extra 3: Gifts

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『You lied to them.』 Sidel, the silver dragon, was lying on His Majesty’s gold-coin bed. He glanced at the huge light screen in front of the golden dragon. His two good brothers’ post was clearly displayed in front of the two dragons’ eyes, 『I saw it already.』

『We get dragons to cover our work and keep them out of our sight. They get to avoid your anger. Doesn’t that sound like a good deal?』The Dragon Emperor smiled and waved his claws,『How about we go to the human continent for our honeymoon tomorrow? I would like to see Slair’s school…』

『No.』The temperature around the silver dragon drops dramatically,『I don’t think it’s a good idea to let a dragon that can be ticked off by a human smile go to a Wild Human Conservation.』

『What?! No, I did not.』The Dragon Emperor complained,  『I just prefer humans… And what about you? As the consul of the Air Traffic Bureau, which floating island haven’t you visited? Obviously, the main continent will be more fun! Let’s act like humans and travel around! I am sure it will be interesting! I am sure Sidel’s human form will be so beautiful…』

『Is that what you want?』Sidel felt angry, turned his head, and squeezed the popcorn in his claws,『 I was suspicious about you accepting my confession…It must be because my human form is beautiful!』

He tried to rush out again but was locked by the golden dragon.

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『I felt strange. Why are you so resistant to your human form?』He gently rubbed against Sidel,『Is it because of my human fetish? You thought I would agree to be your lover because of your beautiful human form? Am I nothing but a dragon who only cares about appearance and could be ticked off by any human? Then why did you fall in love with me?  』

Sidel curled himself into a ball. A layer of ice reformed on his surface,『 I am sorry, Your Majesty. It was my… I have been disappointed for so long, and I thought my love would never be answered. What I wished for had come true, but it didn’t feel real. I am afraid… I am not a human, after all. If we are together for a while and you still think humans are better…』

『I am not that kind of dragon. To be honest, it was a first for me too- Do you know, there’s never been a dragon nor a human who confessed their love to me first. I am usually the one who says it first. I have dated many humans, but…in the end, it was love between a dragon and a man. They worshiped me and depended on me.』 The golden dragon wrapped the silver dragon in his wings and tried to spread his body,『I thought you treat me like how you treated Blackie… maybe worse. It was not until recently that I discovered something soft hidden behind that harshness. If you think a human could tick me off with a smile, why don’t you have more confidence in your love?』

The silver dragon slowly poked out his head『I am still worried… I have always been the one to beat you the hardest. I thought about it. If there was a dragon who had frozen me into an ice statue, tossed my pets around, distributed my date, turned my scales transparent…I would hate him very much. 』

『However, if I fight back seriously, you can do none of them.』 The golden dragon said confidently. 『 Alright, let’s talk about our honeymoon on the main continent!』



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Sidel said and flew out again.

This time, the Dragon Emperor did not stop him. He rubbed his head in confusion and began to think about what Sidel was thinking.

The silver dragon went back to his floating island. His floating island was a world of ice and snow. Sidel threw himself into the snow, rolled around a few times, slid around on his belly on a thick layer of ice over a lake, and then hit the lakeside heavily. A large pile of snow fell from the trees and buried his head. He shook his head and let out a joyful roar– he was so happy because His Majesty said to him, 『Let’s try.』 But he was also apprehensive and empty, it all happened so fast, and His Majesty just saw through his secret… It felt like you ground in a game for a long time and fought in dungeons after dungeons, trying to get the legendary item from the Boss at the top of the tower. And the second day, you pulled the thing from the daily log-in pool.

His heart felt empty for no reason.

He felt he was being unreasonable. His Majesty answered his love. Wasn’t that enough? But he was greedy, and he wanted more. He had witnessed His Majesty fall in love many times. They often had an unbelievable beginning and ended quickly without reason. Even though His Majesty and his lover loved each other until his lover died of old age, it was still a very short time for a dragon, and His Majesty could quickly move on to the next one. Would a dragon who was used to the rate of changing lovers settle down for him? If the result of their『try』was『We were not meant for each other,』could he handle it?

Sidel slowly got up and strolled in the snow. He felt he kicked something at a loss – a broken piece of gold. He gently swept the snow with his tail and saw the first gift he had prepared for His Majesty- The ruin of a giant gold-coin bed.

He stared at those gold pieces blankly and recalled what he felt back then. After a while, he laughed– No Matter what happened, he was much happier now, wasn’t he? Why was he walking on eggshells and overthinking? If he couldn’t take the first step, their relationship would never progress. If he confessed his love to His Majesty, they might enjoy a long, long time of happiness.

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The silver dragon rushed into his icy cave, took out a painting, wrapped it up, then hurriedly flew to the mall to start a sweep. He looked at his old notes and decided to make up all the gifts he had destroyed by his own retreat, one by one.

Finally, Sidel grabbed a huge gold coin bed and flew to Longdu. On the gold coin bed, there were many pink twin lotuses, countless jewels, pet supplies, magical furniture, the latest terminal rune stones, etc… and that painting. He anxiously landed at the Dragon Palace’s entrance, just in time to see the Dragon Emperor push out a giant gold-coin bed.

The golden dragon and the silver dragon looked at each other. In front of them were two almost identical piles of items- the same size gold coin bed, the same number of pink twin lotus, countless jewels, a full range of pet supplies, exotic magical furniture, the latest rune stones- and on top of it all was a painting.

『Your…Your Majesty…』


『Call me Clarence.』The Dragon Emperor said. He picked up his painting and handed it to Sidel’s claws – It was a portrait of a beautiful silver dragon. It was him.

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In comparison, Sidel’s painting was hard to watch. Although he used the best paint, sparkled with golden powder, and was enchanted with hundreds of magic, the thing shaped like a yellow duck was still not pleasing to the eye.

However, His Majesty the Dragon Emperor picked it up very happily『Sidel, do you know that the moment I saw it, I knew you were painting me. 』

『Even I can’t recognize what it is, Your Maj… Clarence.』

『But our hearts know each other well.』The Dragon Emperor happily pointed at the pile in front of him,『I asked Balckie many times about what you had prepared for me… Have a look. Did I miss anything?』

Sidel tilted his head and tried not to look at his terrible painting. But his tail quietly moved over and tangled with the golden dragon’s tail. The Dragon Emperor stretched his neck, forced the silver dragon to turn back, and gently rubbed his nose.

『They went too far.』The consul of the Bureau of Finance looked out the window and almost broke the document in his claws when he saw the two of them tangled together,『These two bastards! Give back our vacations!』

『Try to say that to their face.』The lime green dragon, the consul of the Bureau of Security, shook his head and joyfully slammed a new pile of documents on his colleague’s head.

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