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Dragon Forums -> Gossip Corner-> No Taboo

【Roast】The wrong ways to pursue a dragon

While His Majesty and Ginko are away, I want to roast that dumb silver dragon. It’s time to expose the silver dragon’s poor love pursuing journey – if it could be called pursue.

When you think about it, His Majesty didn’t even know it.

Previously: [Link] [Link]

№.0 ☆☆☆ CountingMoneyUntilClawCramps  ☆☆☆

Are you sure about this?

But I want to roast them too…Let’s do it

№.1 ☆☆☆ HoorayVacation ☆☆☆


№.2 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

Watching quietly

№.3 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

Mark with proxies.

№.4 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

Ginko and we were brothers from the same cave. If we found a gold coin, we would split it in three. My mom told me that when we were young, we spent some time at His Majesty’s place, causing chaos. We have vague memories about it, and His Majesty was SO BIG, SO STRONG, SO SHINY. (Later, we found out that memory was far from reality.) Anyway, we started with good feelings toward His Majesty. His Majesty was indeed an incredible dragon. If you only read his biography, heard stories about him from other dragons, and did not talk to him directly.

So, with a deep admiration of His Majesty… We became the consuls. His Majesty was lovely to us. He kindly taught us what to do, and after a short adaptation period, he boldly delegated his power and gave us complete trust– that’s what we thought at first.

Then we found out that when we were working tirelessly, His Majesty was drinking tea, chatting about how to raise a human, and occasionally falling in love. When the elder dragons came, we would be responsible for greeting them, and His Majesty would mysteriously disappear. There was work that we shouldn’t do, but His Majesty would watch you with a trustful glance and hand the documents over.

Finally, we figured it out– His Majesty is LAZY.

Ginko was the one who admired His Majesty the most, and he was the one who worked the hardest. Of course, he became the angriest when we found out the truth.  Later, we formed a team to hunt down His Majesty; he was the restless one. Once he froze His Majesty and dragged him back to work when His Majesty was holding his lover’s hand passionately and ready to undress.

One time, two pet humans were seriously injured in a fight, and multiple female pet humans were ready to give birth around the same time. His Majesty cried and rolled on the floor, begging to go home. The Dragon Palace was going to fall because he slapped his tail so hard. However, Ginko sneered and called the vet’s office as he stuffed piles of documents into His Majesty’s mouth.

Ginko was such a cold and ruthless dragon till one day, we found he, a workaholic dragon, was watching ads at work.

That’s right, ads.

№.5 ☆☆☆ CountingMoneyUntilClawCramps  ☆☆☆

Ads? What’s so interesting about ads?

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№.6 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

WAIT. Based on the logic, was he watching ads from a wedding company? It must be something related to love.

№.7 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

That’s right. Ginko took detailed notes and tried to pick a 「Best Gift for Lover」from ads. After comparing all the ads he could find, Ginko picked a super-size gold coin bed.

№.8 ☆☆☆ HoorayVacation ☆☆☆

And?  That’s how you found out he was in love?

№.9 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

Yes. We caught him in action and forced him to tell us who that dragon was. We also told him with great pride that we would help him kidnap the dragon no matter who that was.

Ginko won’t tell us. Right at that moment, His Majesty rushed in with great joy and said, 「Look at this human! He just made a lifelong promise to me! Isn’t he good-looking?」

Then I saw Ginko’s eyes darken, and the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped. After His Majesty made a round and sneaked out again, Ginko smashed that just-arrived, brand-new, still-in-package gold coin bed into pieces.

That was huge… Tsk Tsk.

№.10 ☆☆☆ CountingMoneyUntilClawCramps  ☆☆☆

So wasteful! If you don’t want it, please give it to me.

№.11 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

Gifting a bed as the first confession… isn’t that too direct?

№.12 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

Please send it to me, even if it’s smashed to pieces.

№.13 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

He was furious and asked us to swear that we would never tell His Majesty about it. However, whenever Ginko was in a difficult situation, he would sneak in and ask us the best way to confess.

After countless cycles of 「Tried to confess → Found out His Majesty fell in love with a human → That human passed away and His Majesty was single→… 」, Ginko finally realized that His Majesty has a terminal human fetish.  With my encouragement, Ginko bought a bronze puppet and did some modifications.

That’s right, dragons could use bronze puppets too, but a little harder. Ginko modified the bronze puppet’s appearance into an ordinary human and pretended to be a pet human with health issues. The bronze puppet was his tool to connect with the outside world. So the bronze puppet met with His Majesty.

№.14 ☆☆☆ CountingMoneyUntilClawCramps  ☆☆☆


Wow! This method was so cool! I tried to control a bronze puppet too, but it was designed for humans and felt odd for a dragon. It was like stuffing dragon claws into shoes.

№.15 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

What next? He used this identity to fall in love with His Majesty. Then when his identity was exposed, His Majesty abandoned him?

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№.16 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

Ah, how to put it… In Ginko’s mind, he had an affair with His Majesty… However, His Majesty likes all humans. When he heard the made-up story, he was very sympathetic. He came and 「helped」a couple of times, brought some gifts, and then he fell in love with a wild human and chased his love in the main continent… Poor Ginko, he waited and waited, but His Majesty never came back… He thought, for once, he became His Majesty’s sweetheart… Therefore, when he found His Majesty, he was furious, and the punishment was so cruel…

№.17 ☆☆☆ HoorayVacation ☆☆☆

How cruel?

№.18 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

He shaved His Majesty’s human form hair… No, not just hair, but any hair on the body. When His Majesty transformed back into a dragon, his scales were not damaged, but its color would turn transparent temporarily, and it could only be healed through time. For people who don’t understand the reason behind it, please check out Chapter 130 on Transformation 

His Majesty was devastated. He locked himself at the Dragon Palace for half a year. Ahm the way he looked was soo…

№.19 ☆☆☆ HoorayVacation ☆☆☆

Let me seek for death: [Picture]

I don’t dare to upload the full image, so I screenshot the tail part.

№.20 ☆☆☆ CountingMoneyUntilClawCramps  ☆☆☆


№.21 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

LMAO! Your Majesty, you got what you deserved!

№.22 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

I’ll be damned: [Picture]

After reading the previous post after this one, I can understand why things are the way they are right now… Poor His Majesty! He must think Ginko hates him very much! However, he was so gentle toward Ginko. It must be love.

№.23 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

So, His Majesty didn’t know anything Ginko did to pursue him… And all he knew was how Ginko beat him up and punished him?

№.24 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

Could you really call that pursue [Candles]

№.25 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

If His Majesty doesn’t have a human fetish, we will help Ginko pursue his love. But it is what it is. No one could pound on their chest and promise His Majesty would fall in love with a dragon. One time, I suggested Ginko use his human form to seduce His Majesty, but Ginko rejected my proposal firmly. Later, he found a Love Dictionary from nowhere and decided to learn painting because His Majesty was a master of the art… However, the only thing Ginko could draw is magic circles[Candles]

№.26 ☆☆☆ CountingMoneyUntilClawCramps  ☆☆☆

But! But learning painting was the best decision he ever made! Because of that, he was found by His Majesty.

№.27 ☆☆☆ HoorayVacation ☆☆☆

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I want to ask why the op said 「While His Majesty and Ginko are away」? How could you be so sure?

№.28 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

I read the previous posts, His Majesty and Ginko were hugging… then… were they…

№.29 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

=w=hei hei hei,  we were eavesdropping.

№.30 ☆☆☆ CountingMoneyUntilClawCramps  ☆☆☆

Pls! Share more details!

№.31 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

I knew. They must be 【】!

№.32 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

It went like this. We heard Ginko,「Pa,」 smashed the runestone– They haven’t gotten out, so they won’t be online for a bit. Then His Majesty shouts,「OWW」,  and we guess Ginko might bite him in anger.

№.33 ☆☆☆ HoorayVacation ☆☆☆

And we heard Ginko said 「Laugh all you want; I don’t need your pity.」

His Majesty said, 「I didn’t pity you. I have a human fetish, but no dragon has ever confessed their love for me.」

Ginko seemed surprised, and His Majesty took the opportunity to wrap around him – this was my guess because I could only hear the sound of scales rubbing. Anyway, after a long time, Ginko suddenly made a sound, and then they both chuckled… I wanted to see what was going on in there!

№.34 ☆☆☆ CountingMoneyUntilClawCramps  ☆☆☆

And next, all I could hear was the gold-coin bed vibrating up and down and two male dragons making noises like eh ah ah…

№.35 ☆☆☆ HoorayVacation ☆☆☆

Question: Who’s top?

№.36 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

That must be His Majesty. Just think about their size! His Majesty was so big, he could absolutely wrap around Ginko! How could Ginko possibly be at the top!

№.37 ☆☆☆ CountingMoneyUntilClawCramps  ☆☆☆

No, I think Ginko is the top. Do you recall the experiment we did for Ginko!? We played porn next to His Majesty’s ear when he was asleep. We played Dragon X Dragon porn and Human X Human porn. His Majesty showed no interest in Dragon X Dragon, but when the Human X Human was playing, the thing at the root of his tail flipped out! Therefore, His Majesty could only do 【】to human forms! Dragon form = Bottom!

№.38 ☆☆☆ HoorayVacation ☆☆☆

You couldn’t hear what was going on?

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№.39 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

We dare not stay too long… they would find us.

№.40 ☆☆☆ CountingMoneyUntilClawCramps  ☆☆☆

Vote for His Majesty X Ginko

№.41 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

Vote for Ginko X His Majesty

№.42 ☆☆☆ = = ☆☆☆

What are you two doing? Why are you posting this on forums! Don’t you know His Majesty is a posting fiend!

How could you think His Majesty only has one runestone! If you smash a pile of runestones, His Majesty must have piles more waiting!

№.43 ☆☆☆ Garford ☆☆☆

But ain’t they busy right now… Uh, it is His Majesty we are talking about. He could do things like browsing forums while making love… Elder Gardfor, PLS, DELETE THIS POST! If Ginko sees this, we won’t be able to see tomorrow’s sunrise.

№.44 ☆☆☆ CountingMoneyUntilClawCramps  ☆☆☆

It’s…Too late. Oh, we didn’t make love. What you heard was Ginko giving me a massage out of guilt.

№.45 ☆☆☆ ShinyGoldBlingBling ☆☆☆

Merciful and magnificent Majesty! Please tell me, Ginko didn’t read it!

№.46 ☆☆☆ CountingMoneyUntilClawCramps  ☆☆☆

… I am just an alt acc!

№.47 ☆☆☆ HoorayVacation ☆☆☆

I am much more interested in what happened on floor 38 OwO. Ginko did not see the post, but I have bookmarked it OwO. Perhaps you two will somehow end your vacation early for no reason…

№.48 ☆☆☆ ShinyGoldBlingBling ☆☆☆

Ah, Your Majesty, I suddenly realized how much I love my work!

№.49 ☆☆☆ CountingMoneyUntilClawCramps  ☆☆☆

Your Majesty, how could you do this to us QAQ!!! That’s so mean!!! I! I! I…I will be right back QAQ

№.50 ☆☆☆ HoorayVacation ☆☆☆

=w= Good Bois. Alright, I will hide the post for you. Tomorrow Ginko and I are going to have our honeymoon~~~ (≧▽≦)/~☆

№.51 ☆☆☆ ShinyGoldBlingBling ☆☆☆

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