I want to die.

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Why do I have to suffer all of this?

I got drenched in the toilet.

Without any change of clothes, I could do nothing but cry.

The teacher harshly scolded me for skipping classes.

It hurts so much, I resent it all!

Just what the hell should I do?

If I didn’t give her the money by tomorrow, she said she’d sell me over to men.

She is too scary.

That was the contents in the last page. And slipped into this portion was a picture, something that I had been searching throughout the entire house for. It was a picture of Akemine lying down on a sofa, posing together with a bunch of girls that looked like her friends. It’s just, her facial features were a bit odd. You could even say she had a frightened look on her face.

However, although the diary made it look like she was in a very serious situation, she seemed to be living a relatively fine life now. Would it be alright to assume she ran away after she faced her suffering while living alone?

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And to think that such a woman was now someone who managed suspicious social parties… Was it because her body was sold like she mentioned at the end of the diary that she woke up on that side of the bed? And that would be why her personality took a turn.

I still had my issues with this, but now that I was done seeing what I had to, I put the diary back where it was and withdrew myself.

Returning back to the living room, my eyes fell on the bag atop the table. Now that I think about it, the stuff that she exchanged with the highschoolers should be in here, right? And so, in order to confirm what the items were, I opened it. And there it was, several rolls of cash bound by rubber bands.

All of them were 10,000¥ notes, so of course they’d collectively be an appropriately hefty amount. Damn, this woman just keeps getting more incomprehensible to me. Her purse was also inside the bag. And once I opened it up, rather than finding any money, I found her ID, alongside several business cards stuffed in together with it. Just how many of these cards did she carry, to have them even pile up over the space occupied by her ID?! Just buy a card case already!

While fiddling around with the cards in there, I found something very interesting. A card related to the social parties.

Please join our party.
For membership inquiries, contact 080-1111-2222

It had no other contents, just these two lines. But to the current me, wasn’t this the information I needed the most? She had plenty of other such business cards in her purse. Seems like these would give me huge leads. I wasn’t even carrying money, so I stuffed it into my pocket.

However, I didn’t lay a hand on the bundles of cash. Unlike the purse that had nothing but business cards, if it was money, then the game would probably take legal action like it did for Sakurai’s case. Even if that wasn’t the case, I had no need to go out of my way to take something that had no relation to my captures. My current object was the capture, not money. No matter how I saw it, this was a trap.

With this, I seemed to have gotten everything I needed, so I decided to ‘Load’. And thus, the blindingly white world enveloped me.

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However it was then that I thought I made a blunder. It was about the cards and her purse.

In particular, the business cards were the most crucial aspect of capturing her. I casually rummaged through my pocket.

And strangely enough, the purse, along with the cards, came out.

Unlike the unrealistic items or my savings, it seemed that it was possible to keep anything I take into my possession after I load back. I wonder if this was the strange power trying to preserve my future state when returning to the past.

This was some seriously complicated stuff, but either way, it had nothing to do with the cards. Let us go home, analyse all of this and try contacting the listed number right away then, shall we?

I’m satisfied that I got to know that membership was a prerequisite to follow the social parties approachment route. With this I’m one step closer. However, the capture conditions were still in the dark. Well, I should be fine if I just probe around in the parties. After all, it was a hint that the game itself provided.

I returned to downtown once again, and waited for the bus. There, behind the stop, I found a woman sitting down, absentmindedly.[1] She bore shabby clothes. Nevertheless, she didn’t seem like she was homeless or anything, having no dirt or grime on her. Rather, for some reason, she seemed like she was sparkling. She looked quite young. At most, she was in her early twenties. She had a hood over her head, so I couldn’t really catch her face properly. Moreover, since she was squatting down, I couldn’t grasp her figure either. She also gave off the feeling of being a beauty hiding herself in shabby attire. I bet she’d indeed be a beauty if she wore ordinary clothes. But it was dark, so I had no confidence in that claim, though.

However, since I had already begun Akemine’s capture, I had absolutely no interest in her at the moment. That’s why I averted my gaze. And at that moment, as if she was aware of my gaze this whole time, she stood up on the ground and approached me.

Seemed like she had something to say, but she seemed to be squirming around quite a lot.

“Um, Oji-san.”[2]

From saying absolutely nothing, once I looked back over my shoulders, words had finally escaped her mouth. However, among all things, what’s with the first thing you say being ‘Oji-san’?! No matter how much my Charm was at a mere 22 points, this was just rude! I immediately turned a question back at her.

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“Which oji-san are you talking about?”

Hearing me, she slightly squirmed her body. Following my angry voice, I thought I’d also end up using violence, so I immediately withdrew myself.[3] But then, seeing her, who looked like a little rabbit, the anger that welled up inside me died down before I even realized it. However, whether it was because of my angry tone or her calling out to me first, I didn’t drop my guard.

“Fine, I get it. So, what do you want?”

I don’t know if it was because she called me Oji-san at first, but I ended up speaking to her casually. I guess it should be fine, since we wouldn’t be encountering each other again afterwards.

“You were staring at me just a while ago weren’t you?”

Was she going to accuse me of sexual harassment even though all I did was look at her? Remembering the unfair treatment I received in the past, my vigilance naturally sprouted.

“Won’t you come sleep with me? I’ll make it cheap for you.”

However, what followed were some unexpected words. Understanding her intentions, I used my scouter that instant to gather information. This must also be some kind of trap.

(Name Unknown)
Age: 19 years
Relationship Status: Inaccessible at current level

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Occupation: Inaccessible at current level
Capture Difficulty: A
Residence: Inaccessible at current level
Phone Number: Inaccessible at current level
Capture Information: Inaccessible at current level
Affection Points: Inaccessible at current level

Capture difficulty of A?!

I sincerely doubted the information that appeared before me for a second. Even though she’s the one who came approaching me, her capture difficulty was actually this high. Besides her age and difficulty, literally everything else was protected.

Translator: AngryMidget

[1] AND SHE IS HERE! WOO! ✊?✊?✊?

[2] For a moment, I was about to type ‘Mister’ like how the manga did it, but I feel the next sentences wouldn’t make sense for some readers. Although oji-san can be read as mister, in japanese it also means ‘uncle’, meaning, a way to address a middle aged person. Similarly, some people can also address young people with ‘onii-san’, and this would also translate to ‘Mister’ in this context.

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