My Reality is a Romance Game

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Even that famous idol had a difficulty of B. And it also displayed her affection points. However, not even this woman’s name came up. The hell is this.

Even now, as I kept pondering upon these things, the girl awaited my reply. What should I say? If I wasn’t so stunned at her being ranked A then I’d honestly have turned her down and returned home. I have no interest in these acts of body selling. However, this girl seemed to really be fidgeting to do something like that. Her attire and speech don’t match either, so she must be dealing with some issues.

Was this a chance for some kind of event? Although I’m in the middle of a quest, it’s not like I wouldn’t consider grabbing onto an event as well. But on the flip side, there’s also the possibility of it being a trap. Ah, my head’s gonna go numb. I’d be more at ease if the game’s special characteristics, the choices, came out, but even those aren’t coming. Even though this was a perfect situation for it to come out…

Choice 1 would be to tag along. Choice 2 would be to return home. Something like that.

But absolutely nothing came out. As I kept hesitating having no choices in display, she still continued to stand there, waiting for me.

Guess I’ll try messing around a bit. I’ll give this ‘Difficulty A’ a shot. It’s impossible to capture her at the moment, but someday, it would become possible. No, someday, I’d have no other choice but to capture her. In that case, it shouldn’t be a bad idea to approach her in advance. And of course, I’m not actually thinking of sleeping with her.

It felt so much like the game was leading me on that I didn’t like it. It’s like the trap would be sprung before I could even say no.

“For how much?”

As I considered that, the moment I thought about answering her, I ended up replying with the worst possible answer. Even though it would’ve been more appropriate to agree to her proposal for the time being, I couldn’t just say something like ‘Yosh, let’s go!’ if I were to advance with her, and that’s what ended up slipping out my mouth. It felt so childish, I might’ve hurled.

However, as if she was already used to it, she made no changes in her expression and held out two fingers. Two fingers could mean anything. Common sense would tell me it definitely wasn’t 2,000 ¥.

“20,000 ¥?”

Fanning out her two fingers, she nodded and uttered the amount. Looks like I was right. I’m not quite sure if it’s expensive or cheap. I had no intention of buying her anyway. Although, it’s not like it was a sum I couldn’t pay.

“Got it.”

Once I gave her my consent, she quickly hung her head down.

“Thank you very much.”

She let out a long breath, stroking herself down her chest. She was out to sell her body, so I wonder why she seemed so timid and kind. Just what kind of circumstances was she dealing with?

“There’s a love hotel I really like, so would you please follow me?”

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As I inadvertently replied so, she turned her back towards me and started walking, with me following behind. Before I knew it, we were already in the downtown red light district. There were plenty of clubs and pubs scattered around the region where all the love hotels were concentrated in. The woman entered the hotel around the corner without faltering in the slightest. Getting a good look at it, seemed like it was true that this was her favorite spot.

Following her inside, I found her waiting for me at the reception desk.

“Would you please mind paying the bill? The hotel charge is separate, you see…”

If she makes such a guilty face, even I’d feel like I’m doing a good deed. For the time being, I nodded and checked out their catalogs, followed by paying for the room rent. As I got closer to her after getting the keys, she suddenly thrust her hand out.

“May I please hold on to the keys?”


Her request was so naturally put out that I reflexively presented it to her. After receiving it, she confirmed the room number and carried herself up the stairs. All the room had was a bed and a bathroom. It was my first time coming to a place like this so I couldn’t help but restlessly look here and there.

“Is something the matter?”


I panicked and ended up choking up something really uncool that moment. She sat on the bed and patted her hand beside her, as if ordering me to sit there. I obediently followed through. Putting me aside, I don’t think her mannerisms were all that good. If she ever got into trading with that kind of countenance, I don’t think she’d get that many customers. After all, this was also a service business, wasn’t it.

“Shall we start right away?”

She suddenly started stripping her clothes off. With her parka now taken off, her face and figure now lay in the open. Straight black hair that descended down to her shoulders. Plus, a somewhat cold impression. Moreover, her breasts that were held underneath her bra were surprisingly big. They looked so big, possibly exceeding C-cups, that my gaze naturally affixed itself onto them. Our eyes met, and inadvertently looked away, flustered. And then, my eyes fell onto the traces of a bad scar on her arm.

Noticing my gaze, she hurriedly covered it up. And thanks to that, as she tried to turn away, I also noticed small traces of the scar on her back too. As if they were scars that were leftovers from being beaten, my breath stopped in its place.

As I suspected, she had her circumstances. She was someone who had to sell her body one way or another. Just what kind of secret did she have to be given an A rank, I wonder.

“Did… Did you see it?”

Was it about the scar? If you didn’t want it to be seen, then turn off the lights before you strip yourself. If you take off your clothes in such a brightly lit place, then there’s no way I wouldn’t be able to see something that big. Looks like she was kind of a dunce. After I nodded, she let out a long sigh.

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“It’s really unpleasant, isn’t it?”


While I hesitated to answer her, she stuck out a single finger as if there was no helping it. With my expression telling her that I didn’t understand what she meant, she continued.

“I’ll half the price. Of course there are people who dislike scars like this, but I’m quite skillful with my services. I have plenty of regular customers too.[2]“

I don’t know if this was commonplace, but her price was suddenly dropped to a half. Even though I didn’t even say anything yet. But if I were to answer her question of whether it was unpleasant to me, then no. I also have a scar from my student days. It’s proof that I lived through tough times. There’s no way I’d think it’s unpleasant. That was why… I strongly shook my head. I don’t know if she thought that was a sign of refusing her, but she started to wear her clothes back one after another.

“Ah… I don’t… find that unpleasant, though.”

With her parka pulled down, she stared wide eyed at me as if my reply was something completely unexpected.

“Yes? Just now, what did you…?”

“I said that a burn or a scar was not something unpleasant. It’s just an injury, after all. It also carries the memories of your hard times. One could even go as far as to say that it carries the proof that you’ve lived through those memories, so why would it be unpleasant?[3]“

Unable to find the words to convey back to me, we passed some time in silence. She stared at me without blinking. It was also kind of starting to feel like she was glaring at me.

“That’s… what the other uncles[4] and everyone have said to me as well.”

And so, she started to strip herself once again. ‘I don’t care about what you have to say, so let’s just have sex’ was what I understood from her.

— Rank A
— Choices that weren’t coming out
— A woman who invites people to sleep with her
— An unbefitting act of fidgeting and squirming around, and also the attire that made her look like she was going through something
— Plus, her beauty and figure[5]
— Moreover, her scar

I didn’t have the intention to do her from the get go, so the more I looked at it, the more I’m convinced it’s a trap. There’s only so much good stuff that’s given away for free. It’s possible that if I actually do have sex with her right now, I’d end up in a huge disadvantage. The game’s trap. That’s when I built up my courage and spoke out. From the very beginning, I never liked the idea of buying women. If that hadn’t been the case, I’d have graduated from my virginity a long time ago.

“No, don’t take off your clothes.”

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Saying that, I gently grabbed her arm in the midst of her act. Accordingly, she looked at me as if she was unable to comprehend the meaning behind my conduct.

“Have you changed your mind? Although you said you didn’t find it unpleasant a while ago…”

“That’s not what… Anyways, for the time being, take this…”

I extracted two 10,000 ¥ notes from my wallet and handed them to her palm before starting my explanation.

“I have no intention of doing it with you. But don’t misunderstand because of that. It’s not because of your scar. Rather… I actually think you’ve got a nice figure…”

“Oji-san… Are you… perhaps an… E… D[6]?”

The woman slightly raised her eyebrows and asked. An expression that clearly said she had absolutely no idea why I was acting this way.

Just as I was thinking about what she meant, I panicked and replied.

“No, I don’t have any issues with my sexual functions, alright? On the contrary, my libido is large enough that it’s troublesome.”

“Then, why are you only giving me the money?”

This time, when I handed out the money to her, she stood up from the bed.

“If you’re feeling pity for a woman selling her body, then I don’t need this.”

She was someone who’d even cut the price in half, which would imply she was in need for money. However, she wouldn’t take sympathy money, huh. Was her pride high? The more I talked to her, the more strange she seemed. Once again, I was made to freshly recall Sakurai who wouldn’t hate to kill for the sake of a few million yen.

“That’s not the issue. But in that case… how about we do this?”

“What would it be?”

I don’t know if she thought I’d be making an impossible request, but she frowned at me. She definitely looks like she’s thinking that. And that’s where I made an outrageous proposal that would completely overthrow what she was expecting.

“Would you like to join me for a meal outside now? It’s been a while since I’ve eaten together with someone, and having a meal with a pretty girl like you, I feel even that much would be a good deal for me.”

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I made an excuse for the apparently needy girl and also mixed in some truth along with it. However, with the trace urges to run away tugging at me, I turned around and made my way to the reception. As I waited for her at the exit, she climbed down the stairway.

“To think that you left without even hearing my answer.”

“Did you bring the money I left in the room along with you?”

“Yes, for the time being…”

“Then since you’ve accepted the money, I should be compensating you accordingly, shouldn’t I? Shall we make our way to the eateries, then?”

Saying so, we exited the love hotel. She followed behind me with a ‘it can’t be helped’ look. The situation was the complete opposite from a while ago. Meaning, the scenario where I was the one following her into the love hotel.

Since it was the red light district, there were restaurants scattered here and there. However, I was someone with no history of having a meal alone with a girl. I have no idea which place would be most suitable.

“Do you have anything you want to eat in particular?”

“Yes? In that case… There!”

For some reason, she was even more flustered than I was. She looked around her surroundings and shot out her finger at a signboard.

“The ramen over there! Or as it says…”

It felt like her eyes were sparkling the moment she screamed ‘Ramen!’, but immediately after, her voice simmered down again. No, but really… ramen?

Translator: AngryMidget

[2]Huh, now that’s odd. I think she said she would ‘make Hasegawa’ her regular customer, and not that she already has customers. Hmm, will need to check out the manga raws, I guess.


[4]I’m not a fan of using pluralizing a non-English word in such cases (i.e. oji-sans)

[5]Took a while to realize that the japanese use the english word ‘style’ to mean both the literal thing and also people’s ‘figure’.

[6]Erectile dysfunction

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